view Orchestland/Assets/LeapMotion/Scripts/Utils/GrabbingHand.cs @ 3:0030a1b971fb default tip

author Yuta ANSE <>
date Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:23:43 +0900
parents f7675884f2a1
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* Copyright (C) Leap Motion, Inc. 2011-2014.                                   *
* Leap Motion proprietary. Licensed under Apache 2.0                           *
* Available at                 *

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Leap;

// Leap Motion hand script that detects pinches and grabs the closest rigidbody.
public class GrabbingHand : MonoBehaviour {

  public enum PinchState {

  // Layers that we can grab.
  public LayerMask grabbableLayers = ~0;

  // Ratio of the length of the proximal bone of the thumb that will trigger a pinch.
  public float grabTriggerDistance = 0.7f;

  // Ratio of the length of the proximal bone of the thumb that will trigger a release.
  public float releaseTriggerDistance = 1.2f;

  // Maximum distance of an object that we can grab when pinching.
  public float grabObjectDistance = 2.0f;

  // If the object gets far from the pinch we'll break the bond.
  public float releaseBreakDistance = 0.3f;

  // Curve of the trailing off of strength as you release the object.
  public AnimationCurve releaseStrengthCurve;

  // Filtering the rotation of grabbed object.
  public float rotationFiltering = 0.4f;

  // Filtering the movement of grabbed object.
  public float positionFiltering = 0.4f;

  // Minimum tracking confidence of the hand that will cause a change of state.
  public float minConfidence = 0.1f;

  // Clamps the movement of the grabbed object.
  public Vector3 maxMovement = new Vector3(Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity);
  public Vector3 minMovement = new Vector3(-Mathf.Infinity, -Mathf.Infinity, -Mathf.Infinity);

  protected PinchState pinch_state_;
  protected Collider active_object_;

  protected float last_max_angular_velocity_;
  protected Quaternion rotation_from_palm_;

  protected Vector3 current_pinch_position_;
  protected Vector3 filtered_pinch_position_;
  protected Vector3 object_pinch_offset_;
  protected Quaternion palm_rotation_;

  void Start() {
    pinch_state_ = PinchState.kReleased;
    active_object_ = null;
    last_max_angular_velocity_ = 0.0f;
    rotation_from_palm_ = Quaternion.identity;
    current_pinch_position_ =;
    filtered_pinch_position_ =;
    object_pinch_offset_ =;
    palm_rotation_ = Quaternion.identity;

  void OnDestroy() {

  // Finds the closest grabbable object within range of the pinch.
  protected Collider FindClosestGrabbableObject(Vector3 pinch_position) {
    Collider closest = null;
    float closest_sqr_distance = grabObjectDistance * grabObjectDistance;
    Collider[] close_things =
        Physics.OverlapSphere(pinch_position, grabObjectDistance, grabbableLayers);

    for (int j = 0; j < close_things.Length; ++j) {
      float sqr_distance = (pinch_position - close_things[j].transform.position).sqrMagnitude;

      if (close_things[j].GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null && sqr_distance < closest_sqr_distance &&
          !close_things[j].transform.IsChildOf(transform) &&
          close_things[j].tag != "NotGrabbable") {

        GrabbableObject grabbable = close_things[j].GetComponent<GrabbableObject>();
        if (grabbable == null || !grabbable.IsGrabbed()) {
          closest = close_things[j];
          closest_sqr_distance = sqr_distance;

    return closest;

  // Notify grabbable objects when they are ready to grab :)
  protected void Hover() {
    Collider hover = FindClosestGrabbableObject(current_pinch_position_);

    if (hover != active_object_ && active_object_ != null) {
      GrabbableObject old_grabbable = active_object_.GetComponent<GrabbableObject>();

      if (old_grabbable != null)

    if (hover != null) {
      GrabbableObject new_grabbable = hover.GetComponent<GrabbableObject>();

      if (new_grabbable != null)

    active_object_ = hover;

  protected void StartPinch() {
    // Only pinch if we're hovering over an object.
    if (active_object_ == null)

    HandModel hand_model = GetComponent<HandModel>();
    Leap.Utils.IgnoreCollisions(gameObject, active_object_.gameObject, true);
    GrabbableObject grabbable = active_object_.GetComponent<GrabbableObject>();

    // Setup initial position and rotation conditions.
    palm_rotation_ = hand_model.GetPalmRotation();
    object_pinch_offset_ =;

    // If we don't center the object, find the closest point in the collider for our grab point.
    if (grabbable == null || !grabbable.centerGrabbedObject) {
      Vector3 delta_position = active_object_.transform.position - current_pinch_position_;

      Ray pinch_ray = new Ray(current_pinch_position_, delta_position);
      RaycastHit pinch_hit;

      // If we raycast hits the object, we're outside the collider so grab the hit point.
      // If not, we're inside the collider so just use the pinch position.
      if (active_object_.Raycast(pinch_ray, out pinch_hit, grabObjectDistance))
        object_pinch_offset_ = active_object_.transform.position - pinch_hit.point;
        object_pinch_offset_ = active_object_.transform.position - current_pinch_position_;

    filtered_pinch_position_ = active_object_.transform.position - object_pinch_offset_;
    object_pinch_offset_ = Quaternion.Inverse(active_object_.transform.rotation) *
    rotation_from_palm_ = Quaternion.Inverse(palm_rotation_) * active_object_.transform.rotation;

    // If we can rotate the object quickly, increase max angular velocity for now.
    if (grabbable == null || grabbable.rotateQuickly) {
      last_max_angular_velocity_ = active_object_.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().maxAngularVelocity;
      active_object_.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().maxAngularVelocity = Mathf.Infinity;

    if (grabbable != null) {
      // Notify grabbable object that it was grabbed.

      if (grabbable.useAxisAlignment) {
        // If this option is enabled we only want to align the object axis with the palm axis
        // so we'll cancel out any rotation about the aligned axis.
        Vector3 palm_vector = grabbable.rightHandAxis;
        if (hand_model.GetLeapHand().IsLeft)
          palm_vector = Vector3.Scale(palm_vector, new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));

        Vector3 axis_in_palm = rotation_from_palm_ * grabbable.objectAxis;
        Quaternion axis_correction = Quaternion.FromToRotation(axis_in_palm, palm_vector);
        if (Vector3.Dot(axis_in_palm, palm_vector) < 0)
          axis_correction = Quaternion.FromToRotation(axis_in_palm, -palm_vector);
        rotation_from_palm_ = axis_correction * rotation_from_palm_;

  protected void OnRelease() {
    if (active_object_ != null) {
      // Notify the grabbable object that is was released.
      GrabbableObject grabbable = active_object_.GetComponent<GrabbableObject>();
      if (grabbable != null)

      if (grabbable == null || grabbable.rotateQuickly)
        active_object_.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().maxAngularVelocity = last_max_angular_velocity_;

      Leap.Utils.IgnoreCollisions(gameObject, active_object_.gameObject, false);
    active_object_ = null;


  protected PinchState GetNewPinchState() {
    HandModel hand_model = GetComponent<HandModel>();
    Hand leap_hand = hand_model.GetLeapHand();

    Vector leap_thumb_tip = leap_hand.Fingers[0].TipPosition;
    float closest_distance = Mathf.Infinity;

    // Check thumb tip distance to joints on all other fingers.
    // If it's close enough, you're pinching.
    for (int i = 1; i < HandModel.NUM_FINGERS; ++i) {
      Finger finger = leap_hand.Fingers[i];

      for (int j = 0; j < FingerModel.NUM_BONES; ++j) {
        Vector leap_joint_position = finger.Bone((Bone.BoneType)j).NextJoint;

        float thumb_tip_distance = leap_joint_position.DistanceTo(leap_thumb_tip);
        closest_distance = Mathf.Min(closest_distance, thumb_tip_distance);

    // Scale trigger distance by thumb proximal bone length.
    float proximal_length = leap_hand.Fingers[0].Bone(Bone.BoneType.TYPE_PROXIMAL).Length;
    float trigger_distance = proximal_length * grabTriggerDistance;
    float release_distance = proximal_length * releaseTriggerDistance;

    if (closest_distance <= trigger_distance)
      return PinchState.kPinched;
    if (closest_distance <= release_distance && pinch_state_ != PinchState.kReleased &&
      return PinchState.kReleasing;
    return PinchState.kReleased;

  protected void UpdatePinchPosition() {
    HandModel hand_model = GetComponent<HandModel>();
    current_pinch_position_ = 0.5f * (hand_model.fingers[0].GetTipPosition() + 

    Vector3 delta_pinch = current_pinch_position_ - filtered_pinch_position_;
    filtered_pinch_position_ += (1.0f - positionFiltering) * delta_pinch;

  protected void UpdatePalmRotation() {
    HandModel hand_model = GetComponent<HandModel>();
    palm_rotation_ = Quaternion.Slerp(palm_rotation_, hand_model.GetPalmRotation(),
                                      1.0f - rotationFiltering);

  protected bool ObjectReleaseBreak(Vector3 pinch_position) {
    if (active_object_ == null)
      return true;

    Vector3 delta_position = pinch_position - active_object_.transform.position;
    return delta_position.magnitude > releaseBreakDistance;

  // If we're in a pinch state, just move the object to the right spot using velocities.
  protected void ContinueHardPinch() {
    Quaternion target_rotation = palm_rotation_ * rotation_from_palm_;

    Vector3 target_position = filtered_pinch_position_ + target_rotation * object_pinch_offset_;
    target_position.x = Mathf.Clamp(target_position.x, minMovement.x, maxMovement.x);
    target_position.y = Mathf.Clamp(target_position.y, minMovement.y, maxMovement.y);
    target_position.z = Mathf.Clamp(target_position.z, minMovement.z, maxMovement.z);
    Vector3 velocity = (target_position - active_object_.transform.position) / Time.deltaTime;
    active_object_.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = velocity;

    Quaternion delta_rotation = target_rotation *

    float angle = 0.0f;
    Vector3 axis =;
    delta_rotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);

    if (angle >= 180) {
      angle = 360 - angle;
      axis = -axis;
    if (angle != 0)
      active_object_.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity = angle * axis;

  // If we are releasing the object only apply a weaker force to the object
  // like it's sliding through your fingers.
  protected void ContinueSoftPinch() {
    Quaternion target_rotation = palm_rotation_ * rotation_from_palm_;

    Vector3 target_position = filtered_pinch_position_ + target_rotation * object_pinch_offset_;
    Vector3 delta_position = target_position - active_object_.transform.position;

    float strength = (releaseBreakDistance - delta_position.magnitude) / releaseBreakDistance;
    strength = releaseStrengthCurve.Evaluate(strength);
    active_object_.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(delta_position.normalized * strength * positionFiltering,

    Quaternion delta_rotation = target_rotation *

    float angle = 0.0f;
    Vector3 axis =;
    delta_rotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis);

    active_object_.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddTorque(strength * rotationFiltering * angle * axis,

  void FixedUpdate() {
    HandModel hand_model = GetComponent<HandModel>();
    Hand leap_hand = hand_model.GetLeapHand();

    if (leap_hand == null)

    PinchState new_pinch_state = GetNewPinchState();
    if (pinch_state_ == PinchState.kPinched) {
      if (new_pinch_state == PinchState.kReleased)
      else if (active_object_ != null)
    else if (pinch_state_ == PinchState.kReleasing) {
      if (new_pinch_state == PinchState.kReleased)
      else if (new_pinch_state == PinchState.kPinched)
      else if (active_object_ != null)
    else {
      if (new_pinch_state == PinchState.kPinched)
    pinch_state_ = new_pinch_state;