changeset 397:dd3fa0680897

inconsistent distribution law on nil x arrow-g
author Shinji KONO <>
date Wed, 16 Mar 2016 15:44:46 +0900
parents 45ecb7b6c396
children 64aa49a18469
files limit-to.agda
diffstat 1 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/limit-to.agda	Wed Mar 16 13:02:51 2016 +0900
+++ b/limit-to.agda	Wed Mar 16 15:44:46 2016 +0900
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
    id-t0 : Arrow  
    arrow-f :  Arrow
    arrow-g :  Arrow
+   nil :  Arrow
 record RawHom {c₁ ℓ : Level}  (a : TwoObject {c₁}  ) (b : TwoObject {c₁}  ) : Set  (c₁  ⊔ ℓ) where
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
 twocomp :  {ℓ : Level } -> Arrow {ℓ } -> Arrow {ℓ } -> Arrow {ℓ } 
 twocomp id-t0  f  = f
 twocomp f id-t0 = f
-twocomp _ _ = arrow-f
+twocomp _ _ = nil
 twocmp-associative :  {ℓ : Level } -> ( f : Arrow {ℓ } ) -> ( g : Arrow {ℓ } ) -> ( h : Arrow {ℓ } ) →  twocomp f  (twocomp g  h)  ≡  twocomp (twocomp f  g)  h 
 twocmp-associative id-t0 _ _ = refl
@@ -62,16 +63,41 @@
 twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-f id-t0  = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-f arrow-f  = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-f arrow-g  = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-f nil  = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-g id-t0 _  = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-g nil = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-g id-t0 = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-g arrow-f = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-f arrow-g arrow-g = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-f nil nil = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-f nil id-t0 = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-f nil arrow-f = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-f nil arrow-g = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-f nil = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-f id-t0 = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-f arrow-f = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-f arrow-g = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-g nil = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-g id-t0 = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-g arrow-f = refl
 twocmp-associative arrow-g arrow-g arrow-g = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-g nil nil = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-g nil id-t0 = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-g nil  arrow-f = refl
+twocmp-associative arrow-g nil  arrow-g = refl
+twocmp-associative nil id-t0 _ = refl
+twocmp-associative nil nil nil  = refl
+twocmp-associative nil nil id-t0  = refl
+twocmp-associative nil nil arrow-f  = refl
+twocmp-associative nil nil arrow-g  = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-f nil  = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-f id-t0 = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-f arrow-f = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-f arrow-g = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-g nil  = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-g id-t0 = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-g arrow-f = refl
+twocmp-associative nil arrow-g arrow-g = refl
 _×_ :  { c₁  ℓ : Level }  -> {A B C : TwoObject { c₁} } →  Two-Hom { c₁}  {ℓ}  B C →  Two-Hom { c₁}  {ℓ}  A B  →  Two-Hom { c₁}  {ℓ}  A C 
@@ -84,6 +110,7 @@
       arrow-iso   id-t0 = refl
       arrow-iso  arrow-f = refl
       arrow-iso  arrow-g = refl
+      arrow-iso  nil = refl
 open Two-Hom
@@ -110,11 +137,13 @@
         identityL {_} {_} {f}  | id-t0 =  refl
         identityL {_} {_} {f}  | arrow-f =  refl
         identityL {_} {_} {f}  | arrow-g =  refl
+        identityL {_} {_} {f}  | nil =  refl
         identityR : {A B : TwoObject} {f : Two-Hom A B} →  Map ( f × Two-id A  ) ≡ Map f
         identityR {a} {b} {f} with Map f
         identityR {_} {_} {f}  | id-t0 =  refl
         identityR {_} {_} {f}  | arrow-f =  refl
         identityR {_} {_} {f}  | arrow-g =  refl
+        identityR {_} {_} {f}  | nil =  refl
         o-resp-≈ : {A B C : TwoObject} {f g :  Two-Hom A B} {h i : Two-Hom B C} →
             Map f ≡ Map g → Map h ≡ Map i → Map ( h × f ) ≡ Map ( i × g )
         o-resp-≈  {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} {h} {i}  f≡g h≡i  = let open ≡-Reasoning in
@@ -137,27 +166,15 @@
                  Map ( (f × g) × h )

---                  f'              
---             <-----------
---             ----------->
---             |    f     ^         g  o fg = f
---         fg  |          | gf      gf o g  = f 
---             v          |         f  o gf'= g
---             ----------->         gf'o f =  g 
---                  g     
 indexFunctor :  {c₁ c₂ ℓ : Level}  (A : Category c₁ c₂ ℓ) 
-        ( a b : Obj A ) ( f g : Hom A a b )   ( f' : Hom A b a )  ( fg fg' : Hom A a a ) ( gf gf' : Hom A b b )
+        ( a b : Obj A ) ( f g : Hom A a b )   ( f' : Hom A b a )  
              ( f-iso :  A [ A [ f   o f' ]  ≈ id1 A b ])  
              ( f'-iso : A [ A [ f'  o f  ]  ≈ id1 A a ])  
              ( g-iso :  A [ A [ g   o f' ]  ≈ id1 A b ])  
              ( g'-iso : A [ A [ f'  o g  ]  ≈ id1 A a ])  
              ->  Functor (TwoCat {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} ) A
-indexFunctor  {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} A a b f g f' fg fg' gf gf' f-iso f'-iso g-iso g'-iso = record {
+indexFunctor  {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ} A a b f g f'  f-iso f'-iso g-iso g'-iso = record {
          FObj = λ a → fobj a
        ; FMap = λ f → fmap f
        ; isFunctor = record {
@@ -175,12 +192,10 @@
           fmap1 {t0} {t1}   arrow-g = g
           fmap1 {t0} {t0}   id-t0  = id1 A a
           fmap1 {t1} {t1}   id-t0  = id1 A b
-          fmap1 {t0} {t0}   arrow-f = fg
-          fmap1 {t0} {t0}   arrow-g = fg'
+          fmap1 {t0} {t0}   _ = id1 A a
           fmap1 {t0} {t1}   _ = f
           fmap1 {t1} {t0}   _ = f'
-          fmap1 {t1} {t1}   arrow-f = gf
-          fmap1 {t1} {t1}   arrow-g = gf'
+          fmap1 {t1} {t1}   _ = id1 A b
           fmap :  {x y : Obj I } -> Hom I x y -> Hom A (fobj x) (fobj y)
           fmap {x} {y} f  = fmap1 {x} {y} ( Map f)
           open ≈-Reasoning (A) 
@@ -189,47 +204,111 @@
           identity {t1}  =  refl-hom
           distr1 : {a₁ : Obj I} {b₁ : Obj I} {c : Obj I} {f₁ : Hom I a₁ b₁} {g₁ : Hom I b₁ c} → A [ fmap (I [ g₁ o f₁ ]) ≈ A [ fmap g₁ o fmap f₁ ] ]
           distr1 {a1} {b1} {c} {f1} {g1}  with  Map f1  |   Map g1 
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-f  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-g  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | id-t0  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-f  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-g  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | id-t0  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-f  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-g  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | id-t0 | id-t0  =   sym f'-iso
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-f  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-g  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | id-t0  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-f  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-g  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | id-t0  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-f  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-g  =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | id-t0  =   sym f-iso
-          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | fa  | id-t0 = sym idL
-          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | id-t0 = {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | id-t0 = begin
-                  fmap1 {t0} {t1} arrow-g
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-f  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-g  =    sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | id-t0  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | nil  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | id-t0  =   sym g'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-f  =   sym g'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-g  =   sym g'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | nil  =   sym g'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-f  =   sym f'-iso   
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-g  =   sym f'-iso   
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | id-t0 | id-t0  =   sym f'-iso   
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | id-t0 | nil  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | nil | arrow-f  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | nil | arrow-g  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | nil | id-t0  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t0} {_} {_} | nil | nil  =   sym f'-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | id-t0 =   sym f-iso   
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-f =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | arrow-g =   sym g-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | nil =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | id-t0 =   sym f-iso   
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-f =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | arrow-g =   sym g-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | nil =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | nil =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-f =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | arrow-g =   sym g-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | id-t0 =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | nil | nil =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | nil | arrow-f =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | nil | arrow-g =   sym g-iso
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t1} {_} {_} | nil | id-t0 =   sym f-iso
+          distr1 {_} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | fa  | id-t0 = sym idL   -- *
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | ga = sym idR   -- *
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | id-t0 = sym idR   -- *
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | arrow-f = sym idR -- *
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | arrow-g = sym idR -- *
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | nil | ga = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | ga = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | ga = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | fa | nil = sym idL
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | fa | arrow-f = sym idL
+          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | fa | arrow-g = sym idL
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | arrow-g = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-g = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | nil | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | arrow-g = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | arrow-g = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | id-t0 = sym idR  -- *
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | arrow-g = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | id-t0 = sym idR  -- *
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | arrow-g = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | id-t0 = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | nil = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-g = sym idR
+          distr1 {t1} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | arrow-f = sym idR
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | arrow-f = sym idR -- *
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | arrow-g = {!!}
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | arrow-g = {!!}
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | arrow-g = sym idR -- *
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-g = begin
+                 f
+              ≈⟨ {!!} ⟩
+                  g  o  id1 A a
-                  g 
-              ≈⟨ {!!} ⟩
-                  {!!}
+                  g  o  fmap1 {t0} {t0}  nil
+              ≈⟨⟩
+                  fmap1 {t0} {t1}  arrow-g  o  fmap1 {t0} {t0} nil

-          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0 | id-t0 = {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t0} {_} {f1} {g1}  | fa  | arrow-f = {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t0} {_} {f1} {g1}  | fa  | arrow-g = {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t1} {_} {f1} {g1}  | id-t0  | ga = {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t1} {_} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f  | ga = {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t1} {_} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g  | ga = {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t0} {f1} {g1} | id-t0 | ga =  {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-f | ga =  {!!}
-          distr1 {t1} {t0} {t0} {_} {_} | arrow-g | ga =  {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {_} {_} | id-t0 | ga =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-f | ga =   {!!}
-          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {_} {_} | arrow-g | ga =   {!!}
+          distr1 {t0} {t0} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | fa | ga-g = {!!}
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-f = sym idL
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | nil | arrow-g = sym idL
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-f | id-t0 = sym idL   -- *
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | id-t0 = sym idL   -- *
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | arrow-g | arrow-g = {!!}
+          distr1 {t0} {t1} {t1} {f1} {g1}  | fa | ga = begin
+                  {!!}
+              ≈⟨ {!!} ⟩
+                  fmap1 {t1} {t1}  ga  o  fmap1 {t0} {t1}  fa
+              ∎
           ≈-cong :   {a : Obj I} {b : Obj I} {f g : Hom I a b}  → I [ f ≈ g ] → A [ fmap f ≈ fmap g ]
-          ≈-cong   {a} {b} {f1} {g1} f≈g  = ≡-cong    {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} f≈g (\x -> fmap1 {a} {b} x)     
+          ≈-cong   {_} {_} {f1} {g1} f≈g = ≡-cong f≈g (\x -> fmap1 x)     
 ---  Equalizer
@@ -257,7 +336,7 @@
         ; uniqueness = λ {d} {h} {fh=gh} {k'} → uniquness d h fh=gh k'
      } where
          I = TwoCat {c₁} {c₂} {ℓ }
-         Γ = indexFunctor A a b f g nf-rev {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
+         Γ = indexFunctor A a b f g {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
          nmap :  (x : Obj I) ( d : Obj A ) (h : Hom A d a ) -> Hom A (FObj (K A I d) x) (FObj Γ x)
          nmap x d h = {!!}
          commute1 : {x y : Obj I}  {f' : Hom I x y} (d : Obj A) (h : Hom A d a ) ->  A [ A [ f  o  h ] ≈ A [ g  o h ] ]