view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 28:7be90179bb3b

Provided support for double colon operator used for lamabda expressions. Fixed a bug related to generating names for funcation object classes (by supporting double colon operator, a new stragety needed to generate unique names for function objects. To achive that the bootstrap ids are incorporated into names). Finally modified the method that retrieves the SAM from functional interfaces.
author nastaran <>
date Thu, 25 Jun 2015 13:20:50 -0700
parents 6774e2e08d37
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.bytecode.ReturnInstruction;
import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.SystemAttribute;
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.EXECUTENATIVE;
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.INVOKESTATIC;
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.JVMInvokeInstruction;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.HashData;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.IntVector;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.JPFLogger;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Predicate;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.StringSetMatcher;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.BreakGenerator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.logging.Level;

 * Represents a thread. It contains the state of the thread, static
 * information about the thread, and the stack frames.
 * Race detection and lock order also store some information
 * in this data structure.
 * Note that we preserve identities according to their associated java.lang.Thread object
 * (oref). This esp. means along the same path, a ThreadInfo reference
 * is kept invariant
 * <2do> remove EXECUTENATIVE,INVOKESTATIC .bytecode dependencies
public class ThreadInfo extends InfoObject
     implements Iterable<StackFrame>, Comparable<ThreadInfo>, Restorable<ThreadInfo> {

  static JPFLogger log = JPF.getLogger("gov.nasa.jpf.vm.ThreadInfo");
  static int[] emptyLockRefs = new int[0];

  //--- our internal thread states
  public enum State {
    NEW,  // means created but not yet started
    BLOCKED,  // waiting to acquire a lock
    UNBLOCKED,  // was BLOCKED but can acquire the lock now
    WAITING,  // waiting to be notified
    NOTIFIED,  // was WAITING and got notified, but is still blocked
    INTERRUPTED,  // was WAITING and got interrupted
    TIMEDOUT,  // was TIMEOUT_WAITING and timed out

  static final int[] emptyRefArray = new int[0];
  static final String MAIN_NAME = "main";
  static ThreadInfo currentThread;

  protected class StackIterator implements Iterator<StackFrame> {
    StackFrame frame = top;

	public boolean hasNext() {
      return frame != null;

	public StackFrame next() {
      if (frame != null){
        StackFrame ret = frame;
        frame = frame.getPrevious();
        return ret;

      } else {
        throw new NoSuchElementException();

	public void remove() {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't remove StackFrames");

  protected class InvokedStackIterator extends StackIterator implements Iterator<StackFrame> {
    InvokedStackIterator() {
      frame = getLastInvokedStackFrame();

	public StackFrame next() {
      if (frame != null){
        StackFrame ret = frame;
        frame = null;
        for (StackFrame f=ret.getPrevious(); f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
          if (!f.isDirectCallFrame()){
            frame = f;
        return ret;

      } else {
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
  //--- instance fields
  // transient, not state stored. This is reset when backtracking or starting a new transition
  protected ExceptionInfo pendingException;

  // state managed data that is copy-on-first-write
  protected ThreadData threadData;

  //<2do> Hmm, why are these not in ThreadData?
  // the top stack frame
  protected StackFrame top = null;

  // the current stack depth (number of frames)
  protected int stackDepth;

  // something that tells the ThreadList how to look this up efficiently (e.g. index)
  // note - this is for internal purposes only, there is no public accessor
  // (we don't want to expose/hardwire ThreadList implementation)
  // note also that the ThreadList is allowed to move this thread around, in which
  // case update is the ThreadLists responsibility
  protected int tlIdx;

  //--- the invariants

  // we need this mostly for getting our SystemClassLoader
  protected ApplicationContext appCtx;
  // search global id, which is the basis for canonical order of threads
  protected int id;
  protected int objRef; // the java.lang.Thread object reference
  protected ClassInfo ci; // the classinfo associated with the thread object
  protected int targetRef; // the associated java.lang.Runnable
  // which attributes are stored/restored
  static final int   ATTR_STORE_MASK = 0x0000ffff;

  //--- the transient (un(re)stored) attributes
  static final int ATTR_DATA_CHANGED       = 0x10000;
  static final int ATTR_STACK_CHANGED      = 0x20000;
 // allow CG in next re-exec
  static final int ATTR_ENABLE_EMPTY_TRANSITION = 0x4000;
  // don't call insn.execute()
  static final int ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC      = 0x100000;
  // don't store insn execution as transition step
  static final int ATTR_SKIP_INSN_LOG       = 0x200000;
  static final int ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED  = 0x80000000;

  //--- state stored/restored attributes  
  // this is a typical "orthogonal" thread state we have to remember, but
  // that should not affect any locking, blocking, notifying or such
  static final int ATTR_STOPPED = 0x0001;

  //--- change sets

  protected int attributes;

  /** counter for executed instructions along current transition */
  protected int executedInstructions;

  /** a listener or peer request for throwing an exception into the SUT, to be processed in executeInstruction */
  protected SUTExceptionRequest pendingSUTExceptionRequest;
  /** the last returned direct call frame */
  protected DirectCallStackFrame returnedDirectCall;

  /** the next insn to enter (null prior to execution) */
  protected Instruction nextPc;

   * not so nice we cross-couple the NativePeers with ThreadInfo,
   * but to carry on with the JNI analogy, a MJIEnv is clearly
   * owned by a thread (even though we don't have much ThreadInfo
   * state dependency in here (yet), hence the simplistic init)
  MJIEnv env;

   * the VM we are running on. Bad backlink, but then again, we can't really
   * test a ThreadInfo outside a VM context anyways.
   * <2do> If we keep 'list' as a field, 'vm' might be moved over there
   * (all threads in the list share the same VM)
  VM vm;

   * !! this is a volatile object, i.e. it has to be re-computed explicitly
   * !! after each backtrack (we don't want to duplicate state storage)
   * list of lock objects currently held by this thread.
   * unfortunately, we cannot organize this as a stack, since it might get
   * restored (from the heap) in random order
  int[] lockedObjectReferences;

   * !! this is also volatile -> has to be reset after backtrack
   * the reference of the object if this thread is blocked or waiting for
  int lockRef = MJIEnv.NULL;

  Memento<ThreadInfo> cachedMemento; // cache for unchanged ThreadInfos

  static class TiMemento implements Memento<ThreadInfo> {
    // note that we don't have to store the invariants (id, oref, runnableRef, ciException)
    ThreadInfo ti;

    ThreadData threadData;
    StackFrame top;
    int stackDepth;
    int attributes;

    TiMemento (ThreadInfo ti){
      this.ti = ti;
      threadData = ti.threadData;  // no need to clone - it's copy on first write
      top =; // likewise
      stackDepth = ti.stackDepth; // we just copy this for efficiency reasons
      attributes = (ti.attributes & ATTR_STORE_MASK);


	public ThreadInfo restore(ThreadInfo ignored) {

      ti.threadData = threadData; = top;
      ti.stackDepth = stackDepth;
      ti.attributes = attributes;


      return ti;

  // the following parameters are configurable. Would be nice if we could keep
  // them on a per-instance basis, but there are a few locations
  // (e.g. ThreadList) where we loose the init context, and it's questionable
  // if we want to change this at runtime, or POR might make sense on a per-thread
  // basis

  /** do we halt on each throw, i.e. don't look for an exception handler?
   * Useful to find empty handler blocks, or misusd exceptionHandlers
  static StringSetMatcher haltOnThrow;

   * do we delegate to Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandlers (in case there is any
   * other than the standard ThreadGroup)
  static boolean ignoreUncaughtHandlers;
   * do we go on if we return from an UncaughtExceptionHandler, or do we still
   * regard this as a NoUncaughtExceptionProperty violation
  static boolean passUncaughtHandler;

   * break the current transition after this number of instructions.
   * This is a safeguard against paths that won't break because potentially
   * shared fields are not yet accessed by a second thread (existence of such
   * paths is the downside of our access tracking). Note that we only break on
   * backjumps once this count gets exceeded, to give state matching a better
   * chance and avoid interference with the IdleLoop listener
  static int maxTransitionLength;

   * reset ThreadInfo statics (e.g. to reinitialize JPF) 
  static boolean init (Config config) {
    currentThread = null;
    globalTids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    String[] haltOnThrowSpecs = config.getStringArray("vm.halt_on_throw");
    if (haltOnThrowSpecs != null){
      haltOnThrow = new StringSetMatcher(haltOnThrowSpecs);
    ignoreUncaughtHandlers = config.getBoolean( "vm.ignore_uncaught_handler", true);
    passUncaughtHandler = config.getBoolean( "vm.pass_uncaught_handler", true);

    maxTransitionLength = config.getInt("vm.max_transition_length", 5000);

    return true;
  //--- factory methods
  // <2do> this is going to be a configurable factory method  
   * search global cache for dense ThreadInfo ids. We could just use oref since those are
   * guaranteed to be global, but not dense. The ids are search global, i.e. there is no
   * need to store/restore, but it needs to be (re)set during init()  
  static Map<Integer, Integer> globalTids;  // initialized by init
  protected int computeId (int objRef) {
    Integer id = globalTids.get(objRef);
    if(id == null) {
      id = globalTids.size();
      addId(objRef, id);

    return id;

  static void addId(int objRef, int id) {
    globalTids.put(objRef, id);
   * mainThread ctor called by the VM. Note we don't have a thread object yet (hen-and-egg problem
   * since we can't allocate objects without a ThreadInfo)
  protected ThreadInfo (VM vm, int id, ApplicationContext appCtx) { = id;
    this.appCtx = appCtx;
    // we don't have the group yet, no Runnable or parent, and the name is fixed
    // the thread is also not yet in the ThreadList
    ci = appCtx.getSystemClassLoader().getThreadClassInfo();
    targetRef = MJIEnv.NULL; = MAIN_NAME;

   * the ctor for all explicitly (bytecode) created threads. At this point, there is at least
   * a mainThread and we have a corresponding java.lang.Thread object
  protected ThreadInfo (VM vm, int objRef, int groupRef, int runnableRef, int nameRef, ThreadInfo parent) {
    id = computeId(objRef);
    this.appCtx = parent.getApplicationContext();
    init(vm); // this is only partial, we still have to link/set the references
    ElementInfo ei = vm.getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);  
    ei.setExposed(parent, null);        // all explicitly creatd threads are per se exposed = ei.getClassInfo();    
    this.objRef = objRef;
    this.targetRef = runnableRef; = vm.getElementInfo(nameRef).asString();
    vm.getScheduler().initializeThreadSync(parent, this);
    // note the thread is not yet in the ThreadList, we have to register from the caller
  protected void init(VM vm){
    // 'gid' is set by the factory method
    // we can't set the 'id' field of the corresponding java.lang.Thread object until we have one
    this.vm = vm;

    threadData = new ThreadData();
    threadData.state = State.NEW;
    threadData.priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;
    threadData.isDaemon = false;
    threadData.lockCount = 0;
    threadData.suspendCount = 0;
    // not yet known
    // 'priority', 'name', 'target' and 'group' are not taken
    // from the object, but set within the java.lang.Thread ctors

    top = null;
    stackDepth = 0;

    lockedObjectReferences = emptyLockRefs;

    attributes |= ATTR_DATA_CHANGED; 
    env = new MJIEnv(this);
  public Memento<ThreadInfo> getMemento(MementoFactory factory) {
    return factory.getMemento(this);

  public Memento<ThreadInfo> getMemento(){
    return new TiMemento(this);
  void freeze() {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {

  //--- cached mementos are only supposed to be accessed from the Restorer

  public Memento<ThreadInfo> getCachedMemento(){
    return cachedMemento;

  public void setCachedMemento(Memento<ThreadInfo> memento){
    cachedMemento = memento;

  public static ThreadInfo getCurrentThread() {
    return currentThread;

  public boolean isExecutingAtomically () {
    return vm.getSystemState().isAtomic();

  public boolean holdsLock (ElementInfo ei) {
    int objRef = ei.getObjectRef();
    for (int i=0; i<lockedObjectReferences.length; i++) {
      if (lockedObjectReferences[i] == objRef) {
        return true;
    return false;

  public VM getVM () {
    return vm;

   * is *this* transition allowed to be empty (i.e. allowed to set a CG
   * during re-execution of the current insn)
   * reset before each instruction.execute()
  public boolean isEmptyTransitionEnabled (){
    return (attributes & ATTR_ENABLE_EMPTY_TRANSITION) != 0;
  public void enableEmptyTransition (){
  public void resetEmptyTransition(){
   * answers if is this the first instruction within the current transition.
   * This is mostly used to tell the top- from the bottom-half of a native method
   * or Instruction.enter(), so that only one (the top half) registers the CG
   * (top = register CG and reschedule insn, bottom = re-enter insn and process choice
   * at beginning of new transition)
   * This can be used in both pre- and post-exec notification listeners, 
   * the executedInstructions number is incremented before notifying
   * instructionExecuted()
   * this method depends on the sequence of operations in ThreadInfo.executeInstruction,
   * which is:
   *   nextPc = null
   *   notify executeInstruction
   *   nextPc = insn.execute
   *   increment executedInstructions
   *   notify instructionExecuted
  public boolean isFirstStepInsn() {
    int nInsn = executedInstructions;
    if (nInsn == 0) {
      // that would be a break in execute() or instructionExecuted()
      return true;
    } else if (nInsn == 1 && nextPc != null) {
      // that is for setting the CG in executeInsn and then testing in
      // instructionExecuted. Note that nextPc is reset before pre-exec notification
      // and hence should only be non-null from insn.execute() up to the next
      // ThreadInfo.executeInstruction()
      return true;
    return false;
   * get the number of instructions executed in the current transition. This
   * gets incremented after calling Instruction.enter(), i.e. before
   * notifying instructionExecuted() listeners
  public int getExecutedInstructions(){
    return executedInstructions;
   * to be used from methods called from listeners, to find out if we are in a
   * pre- or post-exec notification
  public boolean isPreExec() {
    return (nextPc == null);

  //--- various thread state related methods

   * Updates the status of the thread.
  public void setState (State newStatus) {
    State oldStatus = threadData.state;

    if (oldStatus != newStatus) {

      assert (oldStatus != State.TERMINATED) : "can't resurrect thread " + this + " to " +;

      threadDataClone().state = newStatus;

      switch (newStatus) {
      case NEW:
        break; // Hmm, shall we report a thread object creation?
      case RUNNING:
        // nothing. the notifyThreadStarted has to happen from
        // Thread.start(), since the thread could have been blocked
        // at the time with a sync run() method
       // assert lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL;
      case TERMINATED:
      case BLOCKED:
        assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL;
      case UNBLOCKED:
        assert lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL;
        break; // nothing to notify
      case WAITING:
        assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL;
      case INTERRUPTED:
      case NOTIFIED:
        assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL;

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
        log.fine("setStatus of " + getName() + " from "
                 + + " to " +;

  void setBlockedState (int objref) {
    State currentState = threadData.state;
    switch (currentState){
      case NEW:
      case RUNNING:
      case UNBLOCKED:
        lockRef = objref;

        assert false : "thread " + this + "can't be blocked in state: " +;

  void setNotifiedState() {
    State currentState = threadData.state;
    switch (currentState){
      case BLOCKED:
      case INTERRUPTED: // too late, we are already interrupted
      case NOTIFIED:
        // can happen in a Thread.join()
      case WAITING:

        assert false : "thread " + this + "can't be notified in state: " +;

   * Returns the current status of the thread.
  public State getState () {
    return threadData.state;

   * Returns true if this thread is either RUNNING or UNBLOCKED
  public boolean isRunnable () {
    if (threadData.suspendCount != 0)
      return false;

    switch (threadData.state) {
    case RUNNING:
    case UNBLOCKED:
      return true;
    case SLEEPING:
      return true;    // that's arguable, but since we don't model time we treat it like runnable
    case TIMEDOUT:
      return true;    // would have been set to blocked if it couldn't reacquire the lock
      return false;

  public boolean willBeRunnable () {
    if (threadData.suspendCount != 0)
      return false;

    switch (threadData.state) {
    case RUNNING:
    case UNBLOCKED:
      return true;
    case TIMEOUT_WAITING: // it's not yet, but it will be at the time it gets scheduled
    case SLEEPING:
      return true;
      return false;

  public boolean isNew () {
    return (threadData.state == State.NEW);

  public boolean isTimeoutRunnable () {
    if (threadData.suspendCount != 0)
      return false;

    switch (threadData.state) {

    case RUNNING:
    case UNBLOCKED:
    case SLEEPING:
      return true;

      // depends on if we can re-acquire the lock
      //assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL : "timeout waiting but no blocked object";
      if (lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
        ElementInfo ei = vm.getElementInfo(lockRef);
        return ei.canLock(this);
      } else {
        return true;

      return false;

  public boolean isTimedOut() {
    return (threadData.state == State.TIMEDOUT);

  public boolean isTimeoutWaiting() {
    return (threadData.state == State.TIMEOUT_WAITING);

  public void setTimedOut() {

  public void setTerminated() {

  public void resetTimedOut() {
    // should probably check for TIMEDOUT

  public void setSleeping() {

  public boolean isSleeping(){
    return (threadData.state == State.SLEEPING);

  public void setRunning() {

  public void setStopped(int throwableRef){
    if (isTerminated()){
      // no need to kill twice

    attributes |= ATTR_SET_STOPPED;

    if (!hasBeenStarted()){
      // that one is easy - just remember the state so that a subsequent start()
      // does nothing

    // for all other cases, we need to have a proper stopping Throwable that does not
    // fall victim to GC, and that does not cause NoUncaughtExcceptionsProperty violations
    if (throwableRef == MJIEnv.NULL){
      // if no throwable was provided (the normal case), throw a java.lang.ThreadDeath Error
      ClassInfo cix = ClassInfo.getInitializedSystemClassInfo("java.lang.ThreadDeath", this);
      throwableRef = createException(cix, null, MJIEnv.NULL);

    // now the tricky part - this thread is alive but might be blocked, notified
    // or waiting. In any case, exception action should not take place before
    // the thread becomes scheduled again, which
    // means we are not allowed to fiddle with its state in any way that changes
    // scheduling/locking behavior. On the other hand, if this is the currently
    // executing thread, take immediate action

    if (isCurrentThread()){ // we are suicidal
      if (isInNativeMethod()){
        // remember the exception to be thrown when we return from the native method
      } else {
        Instruction nextPc = throwException(throwableRef);

    } else { // this thread is not currently running, this is an external kill

      // remember there was a pending exception that has to be thrown the next
      // time this gets scheduled, and make sure the exception object does
      // not get GCed prematurely
      ElementInfo eit = getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);
      eit.setReferenceField("stopException", throwableRef);

  public boolean isCurrentThread(){
    return this == currentThread;

  public boolean isInCurrentThreadList(){
    return vm.getThreadList().contains(this);
   * An alive thread is anything but TERMINATED or NEW
  public boolean isAlive () {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state != State.TERMINATED && state != State.NEW);

  public boolean isWaiting () {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.WAITING) || (state == State.TIMEOUT_WAITING);

  public boolean isWaitingOrTimedOut (){
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.WAITING) || (state == State.TIMEOUT_WAITING) || (state == State.TIMEDOUT);

  public boolean isNotified () {
    return (threadData.state == State.NOTIFIED);

  public boolean isUnblocked () {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.UNBLOCKED) || (state == State.TIMEDOUT);

  public boolean isBlocked () {
    return (threadData.state == State.BLOCKED);

  public boolean isTerminated () {
    return (threadData.state == State.TERMINATED);

  public boolean isAtomic (){
    return vm.getSystemState().isAtomic();
  public void setBlockedInAtomicSection (){
  MethodInfo getExitMethod() {
    MethodInfo mi = getClassInfo().getMethod("exit()V", true);
    return mi;

  public boolean isBlockedOrNotified() {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.BLOCKED) || (state == State.NOTIFIED);

  // this is just a state attribute
  public boolean isStopped() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_STOPPED) != 0;

  public boolean isInNativeMethod(){
    return top != null && top.isNative();

  public boolean hasBeenStarted(){
    return (threadData.state != State.NEW);

  public String getStateName () {
    return threadData.getState().name();

  public Iterator<StackFrame> iterator () {
    return new StackIterator();

  public Iterable<StackFrame> invokedStackFrames () {
    return new Iterable<StackFrame>() {
	public Iterator<StackFrame> iterator() {
        return new InvokedStackIterator();

   * this returns a copy of the StackFrames in reverse order. Note this is
   * redundant because the frames are linked explicitly
   * @deprecated - use Iterable<StackFrame>
  public List<StackFrame> getStack() {
    ArrayList<StackFrame> list = new ArrayList<StackFrame>(stackDepth);

    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){


    return list;

   * returns StackFrames which have been entered through a corresponding
   * invoke instruction (in top first order)
  public List<StackFrame> getInvokedStackFrames() {
    ArrayList<StackFrame> list = new ArrayList<StackFrame>(stackDepth);

    int i = stackDepth-1;
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isDirectCallFrame()){
        list.add( frame);

    return list;

  public Scheduler getScheduler(){
    return vm.getScheduler();
  public int getStackDepth() {
    return stackDepth;
  public MethodInfo getEntryMethod(){    
    return appCtx.getEntryMethod();

  public StackFrame getCallerStackFrame (int offset){
    int n = offset;
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (n < 0){
      } else if (n == 0){
        return frame;
    return null;

  public StackFrame getLastInvokedStackFrame() {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isDirectCallFrame()){
        return frame;

    return null;

  public StackFrame getLastNonSyntheticStackFrame (){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isSynthetic()){
        return frame;

    return null;
  // this is ugly - it can modify deeper stack frames
  public StackFrame getModifiableLastNonSyntheticStackFrame (){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isSynthetic()){
        if (frame.isFrozen()) {
          StackFrame newFrame = frame.clone();
          if (frame == top) {
            frame = newFrame;
            top = newFrame;
          } else {
            // Ughh, now we have to clone all frozen frames above
            StackFrame fLast = null;
            for (StackFrame f = getModifiableTopFrame(); f != frame; f = f
                .getPrevious()) {
              if (f.isFrozen()) {
                f = f.clone();
                if (fLast != null) {
              fLast = f;
            if (fLast != null) {

            frame = newFrame;
        return frame;

    return null;

   * Returns the this pointer of the callee from the stack.
  public int getCalleeThis (MethodInfo mi) {
    return top.getCalleeThis(mi);

   * Returns the this pointer of the callee from the stack.
  public int getCalleeThis (int size) {
    return top.getCalleeThis(size);

  public ClassInfo getClassInfo (int objref) {
    return env.getClassInfo(objref);

  public boolean isCalleeThis (ElementInfo r) {
    if (top == null || r == null) {
      return false;

    Instruction pc = getPC();

    if (pc == null ||
        !(pc instanceof JVMInvokeInstruction) ||
        pc instanceof INVOKESTATIC) {
      return false;

    JVMInvokeInstruction call = (JVMInvokeInstruction) pc;

    return getCalleeThis(Types.getArgumentsSize(call.getInvokedMethodSignature()) + 1) == r.getObjectRef();

  public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext(){
    return appCtx;
  public SystemClassLoaderInfo getSystemClassLoaderInfo(){
    return appCtx.sysCl;
   * Returns the class information.
  public ClassInfo getClassInfo () {
    return ci;

  public MJIEnv getEnv() {
    return env;

  public boolean isInterrupted (boolean resetStatus) {
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(getThreadObjectRef());
    boolean status =  ei.getBooleanField("interrupted");

    if (resetStatus && status) {
      ei = ei.getModifiableInstance();
      ei.setBooleanField("interrupted", false);

    return status;

   * path local unique id for live threads. This is what we use for the
   * public java.lang.Thread.getId() that can be called from SUT code. It is
   * NOT what we use for our canonical root set
  public int getId () {
    return id;

   * this is our internal, search global id that is used for the
   * canonical root set
  public int getGlobalId(){
    return id;
   * record what this thread is being blocked on.
  void setLockRef (int objref) {
    assert ((lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL) || (lockRef == objref)) :
      "attempt to overwrite lockRef: " + vm.getHeap().get(lockRef) +
      " with: " + vm.getHeap().get(objref);
    lockRef = objref;

   * thread is not blocked anymore
   * needs to be public since we have to use it from INVOKECLINIT (during call skipping)
  public void resetLockRef () {
    lockRef = MJIEnv.NULL;

  public int getLockRef() {
    return lockRef;

  public ElementInfo getLockObject () {
    if (lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return vm.getElementInfo(lockRef);

   * Returns the line number of the program counter of the top stack frame.
  public int getLine () {
    if (top == null) {
      return -1;
    } else {
      return top.getLine();
  //--- suspend/resume modeling
  // modeling this with a count is an approximation. In reality it behaves
  // rather like a race that /sometimes/ causes the resume to fail, but its
  // Ok if we overapproximate on the safe side, since suspend/resume is such
  // an inherently unsafe thing. What we *do* want to preserve faithfully is 
  // that locks held by the suspended thread are not released
   * set suspension status
   * @return true if thread was not suspended
  public boolean suspend() {
    return threadDataClone().suspendCount++ == 0;

   * unset suspension status
   * @return true if thread was suspended
  public boolean resume() {
    return (threadData.suspendCount > 0) && (--threadDataClone().suspendCount == 0);
  public boolean isSuspended() {
    return threadData.suspendCount > 0;

  //--- locks
   * Sets the number of locks held at the time of a wait.
  public void setLockCount (int l) {
    if (threadData.lockCount != l) {
      threadDataClone().lockCount = l;

   * Returns the number of locks in the last wait.
  public int getLockCount () {
    return threadData.lockCount;

  // avoid use in performance critical code
  public List<ElementInfo> getLockedObjects () {
    List<ElementInfo> lockedObjects = new LinkedList<ElementInfo>();
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    for (int i=0; i<lockedObjectReferences.length; i++) {
      ElementInfo ei = heap.get(lockedObjectReferences[i]);
    return lockedObjects;

  public boolean hasLockedObjects() {
    return lockedObjectReferences.length > 0;
  public int[] getLockedObjectReferences () {
    return lockedObjectReferences;

  public boolean isLockOwner (ElementInfo ei){
    return ei.getLockingThread() == this;
   * returns the current method in the top stack frame, which is always a
   * bytecode method (executed by JPF)
  public MethodInfo getTopFrameMethodInfo () {
    if (top != null) {
      return top.getMethodInfo();
    } else {
      return null;

   * return the ClassInfo of the topmost stackframe that is not a direct call 
  public ClassInfo getExecutingClassInfo(){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      MethodInfo miExecuting = frame.getMethodInfo();
      ClassInfo ciExecuting = miExecuting.getClassInfo();
      if (ciExecuting != null){
        return ciExecuting;
    return null;
  public ClassInfo resolveReferencedClass (String clsName){
    ClassInfo ciTop = top.getClassInfo();
    return ciTop.resolveReferencedClass(clsName);
    //return ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentClassLoader(this).getResolvedClassInfo(clsName);
  public boolean isInCtor () {
    // <2do> - hmm, if we don't do this the whole stack, we miss factored
    // init funcs
    MethodInfo mi = getTopFrameMethodInfo();
    if (mi != null) {
      return mi.isCtor();
    } else {
      return false;

  public boolean isCtorOnStack (int objRef){
    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
      if (f.getThis() == objRef && f.getMethodInfo().isCtor()){
        return true;

    return false;

  public boolean isClinitOnStack (ClassInfo ci){
    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
      MethodInfo mi = f.getMethodInfo();
      if (mi.isClinit(ci)){
        return true;

    return false;

  public String getName () {

   * Returns the object reference.
  public int getThreadObjectRef () {
    return objRef;

  public ElementInfo getThreadObject(){
    return getElementInfo(objRef);

  public ElementInfo getModifiableThreadObject() {
    return getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);

   * Sets the program counter of the top stack frame.
  public void setPC (Instruction pc) {

  public void advancePC () {

   * Returns the program counter of the top stack frame.
  public Instruction getPC () {
    if (top != null) {
      return top.getPC();
    } else {
      return null;

  public Instruction getNextPC () {
    return nextPc;

   * get the current stack trace of this thread
   * this is called during creation of a Throwable, hence we should skip
   * all throwable ctors in here
   * <2do> this is only a partial solution,since we don't catch exceptionHandlers
   * in Throwable ctors yet
  public String getStackTrace () {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);

    for (StackFrame sf = top; sf != null; sf = sf.getPrevious()){
      MethodInfo mi = sf.getMethodInfo();

      if (mi.isCtor()){
        ClassInfo ci = mi.getClassInfo();
        if (ci.isInstanceOf("java.lang.Throwable")) {

      sb.append("\tat ");

    return sb.toString();

   * Returns the information necessary to store.
   * <2do> pcm - not clear to me how lower stack frames can contribute to
   * a different threadinfo state hash - only the current one can be changed
   * by the executing method
  public void dumpStoringData (IntVector v) {
    v = null;  // Get rid of IDE warnings

   * Returns the object reference of the target.
  public int getRunnableRef () {
    return targetRef;

   * Returns the pointer to the object reference of the executing method
  public int getThis () {
    return top.getThis();

  public ElementInfo getThisElementInfo(){
    return getElementInfo(getThis());

  public boolean isThis (ElementInfo ei) {
    if (ei == null) {
      return false;

    if (top == null) {
      return false;

    if (getTopFrameMethodInfo().isStatic()) {
      return false;
    } else {
      int thisRef = top.getThis();
      return ei.getObjectRef() == thisRef;

  public boolean atMethod (String mname) {
    return top != null && getTopFrameMethodInfo().getFullName().equals(mname);

  public boolean atPosition (int position) {
    if (top == null) {
      return false;
    } else {
      Instruction pc = getPC();
      return pc != null && pc.getPosition() == position;

  public boolean atReturn () {
    if (top == null) {
      return false;
    } else {
      Instruction pc = getPC();
      return pc instanceof ReturnInstruction;

   * reset any information that has to be re-computed in a backtrack
   * (i.e. hasn't been stored explicitly)
  void resetVolatiles () {
    // resetting lock sets goes here
    lockedObjectReferences = emptyLockRefs;

    // the ref of the object we are blocked on or waiting for
    lockRef = MJIEnv.NULL;

    pendingException = null;
   * this is used when restoring states
  void updateLockedObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    int n = lockedObjectReferences.length;    
    int[] a = new int[n+1];
    System.arraycopy(lockedObjectReferences, 0, a, 0, n);
    a[n] = ei.getObjectRef();
    lockedObjectReferences = a;
    // don't notify here, it's just a restore

  void addLockedObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    int n = lockedObjectReferences.length;    
    int[] a = new int[n+1];
    System.arraycopy(lockedObjectReferences, 0, a, 0, n);
    a[n] = ei.getObjectRef();
    lockedObjectReferences = a;
    vm.notifyObjectLocked(this, ei);

  void removeLockedObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    int objRef = ei.getObjectRef();
    int n = lockedObjectReferences.length;
    if (n == 1) {
      assert lockedObjectReferences[0] == objRef;
      lockedObjectReferences = emptyLockRefs;
    } else {
      int[] a = new int[n - 1];

      for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (lockedObjectReferences[i] != objRef) {
          a[j++] = lockedObjectReferences[i];
      lockedObjectReferences = a;
    vm.notifyObjectUnlocked(this, ei);

  public Object clone() {
    try {
      // threadData and top StackFrame are copy-on-write, so we should not have to clone them
      // lockedObjects are state-volatile and restored explicitly after a backtrack
      return super.clone();

    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnsx) {
      return null;

   * Returns the number of stack frames.
  public int countStackFrames () {
    return stackDepth;

   * get a stack snapshot that consists of an array of {mthId,pc} pairs.
   * strip stackframes that enter instance methods of the exception object
  public int[] getSnapshot (int xObjRef) {
    StackFrame frame = top;
    int n = stackDepth;
    if (xObjRef != MJIEnv.NULL){ // filter out exception method frames
      for (;frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
        if (frame.getThis() != xObjRef){

    int j=0;
    int[] snap = new int[n*2];

    for (; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      snap[j++] = frame.getMethodInfo().getGlobalId();
      snap[j++] = frame.getPC().getInstructionIndex();

    return snap;

   * turn a snapshot into an JPF array of StackTraceElements, which means
   * a lot of objects. Do this only on demand
  public int createStackTraceElements (int[] snapshot) {
    int n = snapshot.length/2;
    int nVisible=0;
    StackTraceElement[] list = new StackTraceElement[n];
    for (int i=0, j=0; i<n; i++){
      int methodId = snapshot[j++];
      int pcOffset = snapshot[j++];
      StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement( methodId, pcOffset);
      if (!ste.ignore){
        list[nVisible++] = ste;

    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    ElementInfo eiArray = heap.newArray("Ljava/lang/StackTraceElement;", nVisible, this);
    for (int i=0; i<nVisible; i++){
      int eref = list[i].createJPFStackTraceElement();
      eiArray.setReferenceElement( i, eref);

    return eiArray.getObjectRef();

  void print (PrintWriter pw, String s) {
    if (pw != null){
    } else {

  public void printStackTrace (int objRef) {
    printStackTrace(null, objRef);

  public void printPendingExceptionOn (PrintWriter pw) {
    if (pendingException != null) {
      printStackTrace( pw, pendingException.getExceptionReference());

   * the reason why this is kind of duplicated (there is also a StackFrame.getPositionInfo)
   * is that this might be working off a StackTraceElement[] that is created when the exception
   * is created. At the time printStackTrace() is called, the StackFrames in question
   * are most likely already be unwinded
  public void printStackTrace (PrintWriter pw, int objRef) {
    // 'env' usage is not ideal, since we don't know from what context we are called, and
    // hence the MJIEnv calling context might not be set (no Method or ClassInfo)
    // on the other hand, we don't want to re-implement all the MJIEnv accessor methods

    print(pw, env.getClassInfo(objRef).getName());
    int msgRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef,"detailMessage");
    if (msgRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
      print(pw, ": ");
      print(pw, env.getStringObject(msgRef));
    print(pw, "\n");

    // try the 'stackTrace' field first, it might have been set explicitly
    int aRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef, "stackTrace"); // StackTrace[]
    if (aRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
      int len = env.getArrayLength(aRef);
      for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        int steRef = env.getReferenceArrayElement(aRef, i);
        if (steRef != MJIEnv.NULL){  // might be ignored (e.g. direct call)
          StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement(steRef);
          ste.printOn( pw);

    } else { // fall back to use the snapshot stored in the exception object
      aRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef, "snapshot");
      int[] snapshot = env.getIntArrayObject(aRef);
      int len = snapshot.length/2;

      for (int i=0, j=0; i<len; i++){
        int methodId = snapshot[j++];
        int pcOffset = snapshot[j++];
        StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement( methodId, pcOffset);
        ste.printOn( pw);

    int causeRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef, "cause");
    if ((causeRef != objRef) && (causeRef != MJIEnv.NULL)){
      print(pw, "Caused by: ");
      printStackTrace(pw, causeRef);

  class StackTraceElement {
    String clsName, mthName, fileName;
    int line;
    boolean ignore;

    StackTraceElement (int methodId, int pcOffset) {
      if (methodId == MethodInfo.DIRECT_CALL) {
        ignore = true;

      } else {
        MethodInfo mi = MethodInfo.getMethodInfo(methodId);
        if (mi != null) {
          clsName = mi.getClassName();
          mthName = mi.getName();

          fileName = mi.getStackTraceSource();          
          if (pcOffset < 0){
            // See ThreadStopTest.threadDeathWhileRunstart
            // <2do> remove when RUNSTART is gone
            pcOffset = 0;
          line = mi.getLineNumber(mi.getInstruction(pcOffset));

        } else { // this sounds like a bug
          clsName = "?";
          mthName = "?";
          fileName = "?";
          line = -1;

    StackTraceElement (int sRef){
      clsName = env.getStringObject(env.getReferenceField(sRef, "clsName"));
      mthName = env.getStringObject(env.getReferenceField(sRef, "mthName"));
      fileName = env.getStringObject(env.getReferenceField(sRef, "fileName"));
      line = env.getIntField(sRef, "line");

    int createJPFStackTraceElement() {
      if (ignore) {
        return MJIEnv.NULL;
      } else {
        Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
        ClassInfo ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getSystemResolvedClassInfo("java.lang.StackTraceElement");
        ElementInfo ei = heap.newObject(ci, ThreadInfo.this);

        ei.setReferenceField("clsName", heap.newString(clsName, ThreadInfo.this).getObjectRef());
        ei.setReferenceField("mthName", heap.newString(mthName, ThreadInfo.this).getObjectRef());

        String fname = fileName != null ? fileName : "Unknown Source";
        ei.setReferenceField("fileName", heap.newString(fname, ThreadInfo.this).getObjectRef());
        ei.setIntField("line", line);

        return ei.getObjectRef();

    void printOn (PrintWriter pw){
      if (!ignore){
        // the usual behavior is to print only the filename, strip the path
        if (fileName != null){
          int idx = fileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
          if (idx >=0) {
            fileName = fileName.substring(idx+1);

        print(pw, "\tat ");
        if (clsName != null){
          print(pw, clsName);
          print(pw, ".");
        } else { // some synthetic methods don't belong to classes
          print(pw, "[no class] ");
        print(pw, mthName);

        if (fileName != null){
          print(pw, "(");
          print(pw, fileName);
          if (line >= 0){
            print(pw, ":");
            print(pw, Integer.toString(line));
          print(pw, ")");
        } else {
          //print(pw, "<no source>");

        print(pw, "\n");

   * this is a helper class to store listener generated exception requests that are checked before and after
   * calling Instruction.execute(). This is a safe way to raise SUT exceptions from listener code without compromising
   * consistency of executes() that are not prepared to cut short by means of re-execution or host VM exceptions
  static class SUTExceptionRequest {
    String xClsName;
    String details;
    SUTExceptionRequest (String xClsName, String details){
      this.xClsName = xClsName;
      this.details = details;
    public String getExceptionClassName(){
      return xClsName;
    public String getDetails(){
      return details;
  public void requestSUTException (String exceptionClsName, String details){
    pendingSUTExceptionRequest = new SUTExceptionRequest( exceptionClsName, details);
    if (nextPc == null){ // this is pre-exec, skip the execute()
      attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC;
  protected void processPendingSUTExceptionRequest (){
    if (pendingSUTExceptionRequest != null){
      // <2do> we could do more specific checks for ClassNotFoundExceptions here
      nextPc = createAndThrowException( pendingSUTExceptionRequest.getExceptionClassName(), pendingSUTExceptionRequest.getDetails());
      pendingSUTExceptionRequest = null;
   * <2do> pcm - this is only valid for java.* and our own Throwables that don't
   * need ctor execution since we only initializeSharednessPolicy the Throwable fields. This method
   * is here to avoid round trips in case of exceptions
  int createException (ClassInfo ci, String details, int causeRef){
    int[] snap = getSnapshot(MJIEnv.NULL);
    return vm.getHeap().newSystemThrowable(ci, details, snap, causeRef, this, 0).getObjectRef();

   * Creates and throws an exception. This is what is used if the exception is
   * thrown by the VM (or a listener)
  public Instruction createAndThrowException (ClassInfo ci, String details) {
    //if (ci.initializeClass(this)) {
    //  return getPC();

    int objref = createException(ci,details, MJIEnv.NULL);
    return throwException(objref);

   * Creates an exception and throws it.
  public Instruction createAndThrowException (String cname) {
    return createAndThrowException(cname, null);

  public Instruction createAndThrowException (String cname, String details) {
    try {
      ClassInfo ci = null;
      try {
        ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentResolvedClassInfo(cname);
      } catch(ClassInfoException cie) {
        // the non-system class loader couldn't find the class, 
        if(cie.getExceptionClass().equals("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException") &&
                        !ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentClassLoader().isSystemClassLoader()) {
          ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getSystemResolvedClassInfo(cname);
        } else {
          throw cie;
      return createAndThrowException(ci, details);
    } catch (ClassInfoException cie){
      if(!cname.equals(cie.getExceptionClass())) {
        ClassInfo ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentResolvedClassInfo(cie.getExceptionClass());
        return createAndThrowException(ci, cie.getMessage());
      } else {
        throw cie;

   * can be used by instructions to break long transitions (preferably on 
   * backjumps so that state matching could terminate the search)
  public boolean maxTransitionLengthExceeded(){
    return executedInstructions >= maxTransitionLength;
   * enter instructions until there is none left or somebody breaks
   * the transition (e.g. by registering a CG)
   * this is the inner interpreter loop of JPF
  protected void executeTransition (SystemState ss) throws JPFException {
    Instruction pc;
    while ((pc = getPC()) != null){
      Instruction nextPc = null;

      currentThread = this;
      executedInstructions = 0;
      pendingException = null;

      if (isStopped()){
        pc = throwStopException();

      // this constitutes the main transition loop. It gobbles up
      // insns until someone registered a ChoiceGenerator, there are no insns left,
      // the transition was explicitly marked as ignored, or we have reached a
      // max insn count and preempt the thread upon the next available backjump
      while (pc != null) {
        nextPc = executeInstruction();

        if (ss.breakTransition()) {
          if (ss.extendTransition()){
            continue outer;
          } else {
            if (executedInstructions == 0){ // a CG from a re-executed insn
              if (isEmptyTransitionEnabled()){ // treat as a new state if empty transitions are enabled

        } else {        
          pc = nextPc;

  protected void resetTransientAttributes(){
   * Execute next instruction.
  public Instruction executeInstruction () {
    Instruction pc = getPC();
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    nextPc = null;
    // note that we don't reset pendingSUTExceptionRequest since it could be set outside executeInstruction()
    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
      log.fine( pc.getMethodInfo().getFullName() + " " + pc.getPosition() + " : " + pc);

    // this is the pre-execution notification, during which a listener can perform
    // on-the-fly instrumentation or even replace the instruction alltogether
    vm.notifyExecuteInstruction(this, pc);

    if ((pendingSUTExceptionRequest == null) && ((attributes & ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC) == 0)){
        try {
          nextPc = pc.execute(this);
        } catch (ClassInfoException cie) {
          nextPc = this.createAndThrowException(cie.getExceptionClass(), cie.getMessage());

    // we also count the skipped ones
    if ((attributes & ATTR_SKIP_INSN_LOG) == 0) {

    // here we have our post exec bytecode exec observation point
    vm.notifyInstructionExecuted(this, pc, nextPc);
    // since this is part of the inner execution loop, it is a convenient place to check for probes
    // clean up whatever might have been stored by enter

    if (pendingSUTExceptionRequest != null){
    // set+return the next insn to enter if we did not return from the last stack frame.
    // Note that 'nextPc' might have been set by a listener, and/or 'top' might have
    // been changed by executing an invoke, return or throw (handler), or by
    // pushing overlay calls on the stack
    if (top != null) {
      // <2do> this is where we would have to handle general insn repeat
      return nextPc;
    } else {
      return null;

   * enter instruction hidden from any listeners, and do not
   * record it in the path
  public Instruction executeInstructionHidden () {
    Instruction pc = getPC();
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();
    KernelState ks = vm.getKernelState();

    nextPc = null; // reset in case pc.execute() blows (this could be behind an exception firewall)

    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      log.fine( pc.getMethodInfo().getFullName() + " " + pc.getPosition() + " : " + pc);

    try {
        nextPc = pc.execute(this);
      } catch (ClassInfoException cie) {
        nextPc = this.createAndThrowException(cie.getExceptionClass(), cie.getMessage());

    // we also count the hidden ones since isFirstStepInsn depends on it
    // since this is part of the inner execution loop, it is a convenient place  to check probe notifications
    // we did not return from the last frame stack
    if (top != null) { // <2do> should probably bomb otherwise

    return nextPc;

   * is this after calling Instruction.enter()
   * used by instructions and listeners
  public boolean isPostExec() {
    return (nextPc != null);

  public void reExecuteInstruction() {
    nextPc = getPC();

  public boolean willReExecuteInstruction() {
    return (getPC() == nextPc);
   * skip the next bytecode. To be used by listeners to on-the-fly replace
   * instructions
  public void skipInstruction (Instruction nextInsn) {
    attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC;
    //assert nextInsn != null;
    nextPc = nextInsn;

   * skip and continue with the following instruction. This is deprecated because
   * callers should explicitly provide the next instruction (depending on the
   * skipped insn)
  public void skipInstruction(){

  public boolean isInstructionSkipped() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC) != 0;

  public void skipInstructionLogging () {
    attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_LOG;

   * explicitly set the next insn to enter. To be used by listeners that
   * replace bytecode exec (during 'executeInstruction' notification
   * Note this is dangerous because you have to make sure the operand stack is
   * in a consistent state. This also will fail if someone already ordered
   * reexecution of the current instruction
  public boolean setNextPC (Instruction insn) {
    if (nextPc == null){
      // this is pre-execution, if we don't skip then the next insn.execute() is going
      // to override what we set here
      attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC;
      nextPc = insn;
      return true;
    } else {
      if (top != null && nextPc != top.getPC()){ // this needs to be re-executed
        nextPc = insn;   
        return true;
    return false;

   * Executes a method call. Be aware that it executes the whole method as one atomic
   * step. Arguments have to be already on the provided stack
   * This only works for non-native methods, and does not allow any choice points,
   * so you have to know very well what you are doing.
   * Instructions executed by this method are still fully observable and stored in
   * the path
  public void executeMethodAtomic (StackFrame frame) {

    int    depth = countStackFrames();
    Instruction pc = frame.getPC();
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    ss.incAtomic(); // to shut off avoidable context switches (MONITOR_ENTER and wait() can still block)

    while (depth <= countStackFrames()) {
      Instruction nextPC = executeInstruction();

      if (ss.getNextChoiceGenerator() != null) {
        // BANG - we can't have CG's here
        // should be rather an ordinary exception
        // createAndThrowException("java.lang.AssertionError", "choice point in sync executed method: " + frame);
        throw new JPFException("choice point in atomic method execution: " + frame);
      } else {
        pc = nextPC;


    nextPc = null;

    // the frame was already removed by the RETURN insn of the frame's method

   * enter method atomically, but also hide it from listeners and do NOT add
   * executed instructions to the path.
   * this can be even more confusing than executeMethodAtomic(), since
   * nothing prevents such a method from changing the program state, and we
   * wouldn't know for what reason by looking at the trace
   * this method should only be used if we have to enter test application code
   * like hashCode() or equals() from native code, e.g. to silently check property
   * violations
   * executeMethodHidden also acts as an exception firewall, since we don't want
   * any silently executed code fall back into the visible path (for
   * no observable reason)
  public void executeMethodHidden (StackFrame frame) {

    int depth = countStackFrames(); // this includes the DirectCallStackFrame
    Instruction pc = frame.getPC();

    vm.getSystemState().incAtomic(); // to shut off avoidable context switches (MONITOR_ENTER and wait() can still block)

    while (depth <= countStackFrames()) {
      Instruction nextPC = executeInstructionHidden();

      if (pendingException != null) {

      } else {
        if (nextPC == pc) {
          // BANG - we can't have CG's here
          // should be rather an ordinary exception
          // createAndThrowException("java.lang.AssertionError", "choice point in sync executed method: " + frame);
          throw new JPFException("choice point in hidden method execution: " + frame);
        } else {
          pc = nextPC;


    nextPc = null;

    // the frame was already removed by the RETURN insn of the frame's method

  public Heap getHeap () {
    return vm.getHeap();

  public ElementInfo getElementInfo (int objRef) {
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    return heap.get(objRef);
  public ElementInfo getModifiableElementInfo (int ref) {
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    return heap.getModifiable(ref);
  public ElementInfo getBlockedObject (MethodInfo mi, boolean isBeforeCall, boolean isModifiable) {
    int         objref;
    ElementInfo ei = null;

    if (mi.isSynchronized()) {
      if (mi.isStatic()) {
        objref = mi.getClassInfo().getClassObjectRef();
      } else {
        // NOTE 'inMethod' doesn't work for natives, because getThis() pulls 'this' from the stack frame, 
        // which we don't have (and don't need) for natives
        objref = isBeforeCall ? getCalleeThis(mi) : getThis();

      ei = (isModifiable) ? getModifiableElementInfo(objref) : getElementInfo(objref);

      assert (ei != null) : ("inconsistent stack, no object or class ref: " +
                               mi.getFullName() + " (" + objref +")");

    return ei;

  //--- convenience methods for call sites that don't have direct access to the VM
  public boolean setNextChoiceGenerator (ChoiceGenerator<?> cg){
    return vm.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg);
  public boolean hasNextChoiceGenerator(){
    return vm.hasNextChoiceGenerator();

  public void checkNextChoiceGeneratorSet (String msg){
    if (!vm.hasNextChoiceGenerator()){
      throw new JPFException(msg);
  //--- call processing
   * note - this assumes the stackframe of the method to enter is already initialized and on top (pushed)
  public void enter (){
    MethodInfo mi = top.getMethodInfo();

    if (!mi.isJPFExecutable()){
      throw new JPFException("method is not JPF executable: " + mi);

    if (mi.isSynchronized()){
      int oref = mi.isStatic() ?  mi.getClassInfo().getClassObjectRef() : top.getThis();
      ElementInfo ei = getModifiableElementInfo( oref);

    vm.notifyMethodEntered(this, mi);

   * note - this assumes the stackframe is still on top (not yet popped)
   * return true if any threads became unblocked due to a return from a sync method
  public boolean leave(){
    boolean didUnblock = false;
    MethodInfo mi = top.getMethodInfo();
    // <2do> - that's not really enough, we might have suspicious bytecode that fails
    // to release locks acquired by monitor_enter (e.g. by not having a handler that
    // monitor_exits & re-throws). That's probably shifted into the bytecode verifier
    // in the future (i.e. outside JPF), but maybe we should add an explicit test here
    // and report an error if the code does asymmetric locking (according to the specs,
    // VMs are allowed to silently fix this, so it might run on some and fail on others)
    if (mi.isSynchronized()) {
      int oref = mi.isStatic() ?  mi.getClassInfo().getClassObjectRef() : top.getThis();
      ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo( oref);
      if (ei.isLocked()){
        ei = ei.getModifiableInstance();
        didUnblock = ei.unlock(this);

    vm.notifyMethodExited(this, mi);
    return didUnblock;

   * this should only be called from the top half of the last DIRECTCALLRETURN of
   * a thread.
   * @return true - if the thread is done, false - if instruction has to be re-executed
  public boolean exit(){
    int objref = getThreadObjectRef();
    ElementInfo ei = getModifiableElementInfo(objref); // we are going to modify it no matter what
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();
    Scheduler scheduler = getScheduler();

    // if this is the last non-daemon and there are only daemons left (which
    // would be killed by our termination) we have to give them a chance to
    // run BEFORE we terminate, to catch errors in those daemons we might have
    // triggered in our last transition. Even if a daemon has a proper CG
    // on the trigger that would expose the error subsequently, it would not be
    // scheduled anymore but hard terminated. This is even true if the trigger
    // is the last operation in the daemon since a host VM might preempt
    // on every instruction, not just CG insns (see
    if (vm.getThreadList().hasOnlyMatchingOtherThan(this, vm.getDaemonRunnablePredicate())) {
      if (scheduler.setsRescheduleCG(this, "daemonTermination")) {
        return false;
    // beware - this notifies all waiters for this thread (e.g. in a join())
    // hence it has to be able to acquire the lock
    if (!ei.canLock(this)) {
      // if we can't acquire the lock, it means there needs to be another live thread,
      // but it might not be runnable (deadlock) and we don't want to mask that error
      // block first, so that we don't get this thread in the list of CGs
      if (!scheduler.setsBlockedThreadCG(this, ei)){
        throw new JPFException("blocking thread termination without transition break");            
      return false; // come back once we can obtain the lock to notify our waiters
    // we have to be able to acquire the group lock since we are going to remove
    // the thread from the group
    int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
    ElementInfo eiGrp = getModifiableElementInfo(grpRef);
    if (eiGrp != null){
      if (!eiGrp.canLock(this)){
        if (!scheduler.setsBlockedThreadCG(this, eiGrp)){
          throw new JPFException("blocking thread termination on group without transition break");            
        return false; // come back once we can obtain the lock to update the group

    // Ok, we can get the lock, time to die
    // this simulates the ThreadGroup.remove(), which would cause a lot
    // of states if done in bytecode. Since we don't have a ThreadGroup peer
    // we keep all this code in ThreadInfo.
    // This might cause the ThreadGroup to notify waiters, which has to
    // happen before the notification on the thread object
    cleanupThreadGroup(grpRef, objref);
    // notify waiters on thread termination
    if (!holdsLock(ei)) {
      // we only need to increase the lockcount if we don't own the lock yet,
      // as is the case for synchronized run() in anonymous threads (otherwise
      // we have a lockcount > 1 and hence do not unlock upon return)

    ei.notifiesAll(); // watch out, this might change the runnable count


    // we don't unregister this thread yet, this happens when the corresponding
    // thread object is collected
    vm.activateGC();  // stack is gone, so reachability might change

    // give the thread tracking policy a chance to remove this thread from
    // object/class thread sets

    if (vm.getThreadList().hasAnyMatchingOtherThan(this, getRunnableNonDaemonPredicate())) {
      if (!scheduler.setsTerminationCG(this)){
        throw new JPFException("thread termination without transition break");

    popFrame(); // we need to do this *after* setting the CG (so that we still have a CG insn)

    return true;

  Predicate<ThreadInfo> getRunnableNonDaemonPredicate() {
    return new Predicate<ThreadInfo>() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo ti) {
        return (ti.isRunnable() && !ti.isDaemon());
   * this is called upon ThreadInfo.exit() and corresponds to the private Thread.exit()
  void cleanupThreadObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    // ideally, this should be done by calling Thread.exit(), but this
    // does a ThreadGroup.remove(), which does a lot of sync stuff on the shared
    // ThreadGroup object, which might create lots of states. So we just nullify
    // the Thread fields and remove it from the ThreadGroup from here
    int grpRef = ei.getReferenceField("group");
    cleanupThreadGroup(grpRef, ei.getObjectRef());

    ei.setReferenceField("group", MJIEnv.NULL);    
    ei.setReferenceField("threadLocals", MJIEnv.NULL);
    ei.setReferenceField("uncaughtExceptionHandler", MJIEnv.NULL);

   * this is called upon ThreadInfo.exit() and corresponds to ThreadGroup.remove(t), which is called from Thread.exit()
   * ideally this should be in the ThreadGroup peer, but we don't want to reference concrete peers from core (which is the
   * lowest layer).
   * Since we already depend on ThreadGroup fields during VM initialization we just keep all Thread/ThreadGroup
   * related methods here
  void cleanupThreadGroup (int grpRef, int threadRef) {
    if (grpRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
      ElementInfo eiGrp = getModifiableElementInfo(grpRef);
      int threadsRef = eiGrp.getReferenceField("threads");
      if (threadsRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        ElementInfo eiThreads = getModifiableElementInfo(threadsRef);
        if (eiThreads.isArray()) {
          int nthreads = eiGrp.getIntField("nthreads");

          for (int i=0; i<nthreads; i++) {
            int tref = eiThreads.getReferenceElement(i);

            if (tref == threadRef) { // compact the threads array
              int n1 = nthreads-1;
              for (int j=i; j<n1; j++) {
                eiThreads.setReferenceElement(j, eiThreads.getReferenceElement(j+1));
              eiThreads.setReferenceElement(n1, MJIEnv.NULL);

              eiGrp.setIntField("nthreads", n1);
              if (n1 == 0) {

              // <2do> we should probably also check if we have to set it destroyed

   * this is called by the VM upon initialization of the main thread. At this point, we have a tiMain and a java.lang.Thread
   * object, but there is no ThreadGroup yet
   * This method is here to keep all Thread/ThreadGroup field dependencies in one place. The downside of not keeping this in
   * VM is that we can't override in order to have specialized ThreadInfos, but there is no factory for them anyways
  protected void createMainThreadObject (SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCl){
    //--- now create & initializeSharednessPolicy all the related JPF objects
    Heap heap = getHeap();

    ClassInfo ciThread = sysCl.threadClassInfo;
    ElementInfo eiThread = heap.newObject( ciThread, this);
    objRef = eiThread.getObjectRef();
    ElementInfo eiName = heap.newString(MAIN_NAME, this);
    int nameRef = eiName.getObjectRef();
    eiThread.setReferenceField("name", nameRef);
    ElementInfo eiGroup = createMainThreadGroup(sysCl);
    eiThread.setReferenceField("group", eiGroup.getObjectRef());
    eiThread.setIntField("priority", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);

    ClassInfo ciPermit = sysCl.getResolvedClassInfo("java.lang.Thread$Permit");
    ElementInfo eiPermit = heap.newObject( ciPermit, this);
    eiPermit.setBooleanField("blockPark", true);
    eiThread.setReferenceField("permit", eiPermit.getObjectRef());

    addId( objRef, id);

    //--- set the thread running

   * this creates and inits the main ThreadGroup object, which we have to do explicitly since
   * we can't execute bytecode yet
  protected ElementInfo createMainThreadGroup (SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCl) {
    Heap heap = getHeap();
    ClassInfo ciGroup = sysCl.getResolvedClassInfo("java.lang.ThreadGroup");
    ElementInfo eiThreadGrp = heap.newObject( ciGroup, this);

    ElementInfo eiGrpName = heap.newString("main", this);
    eiThreadGrp.setReferenceField("name", eiGrpName.getObjectRef());

    eiThreadGrp.setIntField("maxPriority", java.lang.Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);

    // 'threads' and 'nthreads' will be set later from createMainThreadObject

    return eiThreadGrp;

   * this is used for all thread objects, not just main 
  protected void addToThreadGroup (ElementInfo eiGroup){
    FieldInfo finThreads = eiGroup.getFieldInfo("nthreads");
    int nThreads = eiGroup.getIntField(finThreads);
    if (eiGroup.getBooleanField("destroyed")){
    } else {
      FieldInfo fiThreads = eiGroup.getFieldInfo("threads");
      int threadsRef = eiGroup.getReferenceField(fiThreads);
      if (threadsRef == MJIEnv.NULL){
        threadsRef = env.newObjectArray("Ljava/lang/Thread;", 1);
        env.setReferenceArrayElement(threadsRef, 0, objRef);
        eiGroup.setReferenceField(fiThreads, threadsRef);
      } else {
        int newThreadsRef = env.newObjectArray("Ljava/lang/Thread;", nThreads+1);
        ElementInfo eiNewThreads = env.getElementInfo(newThreadsRef);        
        ElementInfo eiThreads = env.getElementInfo(threadsRef);
        for (int i=0; i<nThreads; i++){
          int tr = eiThreads.getReferenceElement(i);
          eiNewThreads.setReferenceElement(i, tr);
        eiNewThreads.setReferenceElement(nThreads, objRef);
        eiGroup.setReferenceField(fiThreads, newThreadsRef);
      eiGroup.setIntField(finThreads, nThreads+1);
      /** <2do> we don't model this yet
      FieldInfo finUnstartedThreads = eiGroup.getFieldInfo("nUnstartedThreads");
      int nUnstarted = eiGroup.getIntField(finUnstartedThreads);
      eiGroup.setIntField(finUnstartedThreads, nUnstarted-1);
  public void hash (HashData hd) {

    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){

  public void interrupt () {
    ElementInfo eiThread = getModifiableElementInfo(getThreadObjectRef());

    State status = getState();

    switch (status) {
    case RUNNING:
    case BLOCKED:
    case UNBLOCKED:
    case NOTIFIED:
    case TIMEDOUT:
      // just set interrupt flag
      eiThread.setBooleanField("interrupted", true);

    case WAITING:
      eiThread.setBooleanField("interrupted", true);

      // since this is potentially called w/o owning the wait lock, we
      // have to check if the waiter goes directly to UNBLOCKED
      ElementInfo eiLock = getElementInfo(lockRef);
      if (eiLock.canLock(this)) {
        // we cannot yet remove this thread from the Monitor lock contender list
        // since it still has to re-acquire the lock before becoming runnable again
        // NOTE: this can lead to attempts to reenter the same thread to the 
        // lock contender list if the interrupt handler of the interrupted thread
        // tries to wait/block/park again

    case NEW:
    case TERMINATED:
      // ignore


   * mark all objects during gc phase1 which are reachable from this threads
   * root set (Thread object, Runnable, stack)
   * @aspects: gc
  void markRoots (Heap heap) {
    // 1. mark the Thread object itself
    heap.markThreadRoot(objRef, id);

    // 2. and its runnable
    if (targetRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {

    // 3. if we have a pending exception that wasn't handled, make sure the exception object is not collected before we match states
    if (pendingException != null){
      heap.markThreadRoot(pendingException.getExceptionReference(), id);
    // 4. now all references on the stack
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      frame.markThreadRoots(heap, id);

   * replace the top frame - this is a dangerous method that should only
   * be used from Restoreres and to restore operators and locals in post-execution notifications
   * to their pre-execution contents
  public void setTopFrame (StackFrame frame) {
    top = frame;

    // since we have swapped the top frame, the stackDepth might have changed
    int n = 0;
    for (StackFrame f = frame; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
    stackDepth = n;

   * Adds a new stack frame for a new called method.
  public void pushFrame (StackFrame frame) {


    top = frame;

    // a new frame cannot have been stored yet, so we don't need to clone on the next mod
    // note this depends on not pushing a frame in the top half of a CG method

    returnedDirectCall = null;

   * Removes a stack frame
  public void popFrame() {
    StackFrame frame = top;

    //--- do our housekeeping
    if (frame.hasAnyRef()) {

    // there always is one since we start all threads through directcalls
    top = frame.getPrevious();

  public StackFrame popAndGetModifiableTopFrame() {

    if (top.isFrozen()) {
      top = top.clone();
    return top;
  public StackFrame popAndGetTopFrame(){
    return top;
   * removing DirectCallStackFrames is a bit different (only happens from
  public StackFrame popDirectCallFrame() {
    //assert top instanceof DirectCallStackFrame;

    returnedDirectCall = (DirectCallStackFrame) top;

    if (top.hasFrameAttr( UncaughtHandlerAttr.class)){
      return popUncaughtHandlerFrame();
    top = top.getPrevious();
    return top;

  public boolean hasReturnedFromDirectCall () {
    // this is reset each time we push a new frame
    return (returnedDirectCall != null);

  public boolean hasReturnedFromDirectCall(String directCallId){
    return (returnedDirectCall != null &&

  public DirectCallStackFrame getReturnedDirectCall () {
    return returnedDirectCall;

  public String getStateDescription () {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("thread ");
    return sb.toString();

  public ClassInfo getThreadObjectClassInfo() {
    return getThreadObject().getClassInfo();
   * Prints the content of the stack
  public void printStackContent () {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){

   * Prints current stacktrace information
  public void printStackTrace () {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){

  protected boolean haltOnThrow (String exceptionClassName){
    if ((haltOnThrow != null) && (haltOnThrow.matchesAny(exceptionClassName))){
      return true;

    return false;

  protected Instruction throwStopException (){
    // <2do> maybe we should do a little sanity check first
    ElementInfo ei = getModifiableThreadObject();

    int xRef = ei.getReferenceField("stopException");
    ei.setReferenceField("stopException", MJIEnv.NULL);
    attributes &= ~ATTR_SET_STOPPED;  // otherwise we would throw again if thread gets still executed

    Instruction insn = getPC();
    if (insn instanceof EXECUTENATIVE){
      // we only get here if there was a CG in a native method and we might
      // have to reacquire a lock to go on

      // <2do> it would be better if we could avoid to enter the native method
      // since it might have side effects like overwriting the exception or
      // doing roundtrips in its bottom half, but we don't know which lock that
      // is (lockRef might be already reset)

      return insn;

    return throwException(xRef);
   * this is basically a side-effect free version of throwException to determine if a given
   * exception will be handled.
  public HandlerContext getHandlerContextFor (ClassInfo ciException){
    ExceptionHandler matchingHandler = null; // the matching handler we found (if any)
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      // that means we have to turn the exception into an InvocationTargetException
      if (frame.isReflection()) {
        ciException = ClassInfo.getInitializedSystemClassInfo("java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", this);

      matchingHandler = frame.getHandlerFor( ciException);
      if (matchingHandler != null){
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, frame, matchingHandler);
    if (!ignoreUncaughtHandlers && !isUncaughtHandlerOnStack()) {
      int uchRef;
      if ((uchRef = getInstanceUncaughtHandler()) != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, HandlerContext.UncaughtHandlerType.INSTANCE, uchRef);

      int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
      if ((uchRef = getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler(grpRef)) != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, HandlerContext.UncaughtHandlerType.GROUP, uchRef);

      if ((uchRef = getGlobalUncaughtHandler()) != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, HandlerContext.UncaughtHandlerType.GLOBAL, uchRef);
    return null;
   * unwind stack frames until we find a matching handler for the exception object
  public Instruction throwException (int exceptionObjRef) {
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    ElementInfo eiException = heap.get(exceptionObjRef);
    ClassInfo ciException = eiException.getClassInfo();
    String exceptionName = ciException.getName();
    StackFrame handlerFrame = null; // the stackframe that has a matching handler (if any)
    ExceptionHandler matchingHandler = null; // the matching handler we found (if any)

    // first, give the VM a chance to intercept (we do this before changing anything)
    Instruction insn = vm.handleException(this, exceptionObjRef);
    if (insn != null){
      return insn;

    // we don't have to store the stacktrace explicitly anymore, since that is now
    // done in the Throwable ctor (more specifically the native fillInStackTrace)
    pendingException = new ExceptionInfo(this, eiException);

    vm.notifyExceptionThrown(this, eiException);

    if (haltOnThrow(exceptionName)) {
      // shortcut - we don't try to find a handler for this one but bail immediately
      throw new UncaughtException(this, exceptionObjRef);

    // check if we find a matching handler, and if we do store it. Leave the
    // stack untouched so that listeners can still inspect it
    for (StackFrame frame = top; (frame != null) && (handlerFrame == null); frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      // that means we have to turn the exception into an InvocationTargetException
      if (frame.isReflection()) {
        // make sure it's in the startup class set since we are not able to re-execute here
        ciException = ClassInfo.getInitializedSystemClassInfo("java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", this);
        exceptionObjRef  = createException(ciException, exceptionName, exceptionObjRef);
        exceptionName = ciException.getName();
        eiException = heap.get(exceptionObjRef);
        pendingException = new ExceptionInfo(this, eiException);

      matchingHandler = frame.getHandlerFor( ciException);
      if (matchingHandler != null){
        handlerFrame = frame;

      if ((handlerFrame == null) && frame.isFirewall()) {
        // this method should not let exceptionHandlers pass into lower level stack frames
        // (e.g. for <clinit>, or hidden direct calls)
        // <2do> if this is a <clinit>, we should probably turn into an
        // ExceptionInInitializerError first
        throw new UncaughtException(this, exceptionObjRef);

    if (handlerFrame == null) {
      // we still have to check if there is a Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler in effect,
      // and if we already enter within one, in which case we don't reenter it
      if (!ignoreUncaughtHandlers && !isUncaughtHandlerOnStack()) {
        // we use a direct call instead of exception handlers within the run()/main()
        // direct call methods because we want to preserve the whole stack in case
        // we treat returned (report-only) handlers as NoUncaughtExceptionProperty
        // violations (passUncaughtHandler=false)
        insn = callUncaughtHandler(pendingException);
        if (insn != null) {
          // we only do this if there is a UncaughtHandler other than the standard
          // ThreadGroup, hence we have to check for the return value. If there is
          // only ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(), we put the system out of its misery
          return insn;

      // there was no overridden uncaughtHandler, or we already executed it
      if ("java.lang.ThreadDeath".equals(exceptionName)) { // gracefully shut down
        pendingException = null;
        return top.getPC().getNext(); // the final DIRECTCALLRETURN

      } else { // we have a NoUncaughtPropertyViolation
        throw new UncaughtException(this, exceptionObjRef);

    } else { // we found a matching handler

      // according to the VM spec, before transferring control to the handler we have
      // to reset the operand stack to contain only the exception reference
      // (4.9.2 - "4. merge the state of the operand stack..")
      handlerFrame = getModifiableTopFrame();

      // jump to the exception handler and set pc so that listeners can see it
      int handlerOffset = matchingHandler.getHandler();
      insn = handlerFrame.getMethodInfo().getInstructionAt(handlerOffset);

      // notify before we reset the pendingException

      pendingException = null; // handled, no need to keep it

      return insn;

   * is there any UncaughHandler in effect for this thread?
   * NOTE - this doesn't check if we are already executing one (i.e. it would still handle an exception)
   * or if uncaughtHandlers are enabled within JPF
  public boolean hasUncaughtHandler (){
    if (getInstanceUncaughtHandler() != MJIEnv.NULL){
      return true;
    int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
    if (getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler(grpRef) != MJIEnv.NULL){
      return true;
    if (getGlobalUncaughtHandler() != MJIEnv.NULL){
      return true;
    return false;
   * this explicitly models the standard ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(), but we want
   * to save us a roundtrip if that's the only handler we got. If we would use
   * a handler block in the run()/main() direct call stubs that just delegate to
   * the standard ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(), we would have trouble mapping
   * this to NoUncaughtExceptionProperty violations (which is just a normal
   * printStackTrace() in there).
  protected Instruction callUncaughtHandler (ExceptionInfo xi){
    Instruction insn = null;
    // 1. check if this thread has its own uncaughtExceptionHandler set. If not,
    // hand it over to ThreadGroup.uncaughtException()
    int  hRef = getInstanceUncaughtHandler();
    if (hRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      insn = callUncaughtHandler(xi, hRef, "[threadUncaughtHandler]");
    } else {
      // 2. check if any of the ThreadGroup chain has an overridden uncaughtException
      int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
      hRef = getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler(grpRef);
      if (hRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
        insn = callUncaughtHandler(xi, hRef, "[threadGroupUncaughtHandler]");
      } else {
        // 3. as a last measure, check if there is a global handler 
        hRef = getGlobalUncaughtHandler();
        if (hRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
          insn = callUncaughtHandler(xi, hRef, "[globalUncaughtHandler]");
    return insn;
  protected boolean isUncaughtHandlerOnStack(){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      if (frame.hasFrameAttr(UncaughtHandlerAttr.class)){
        return true;
    return false;
  protected int getInstanceUncaughtHandler (){
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(objRef);
    int handlerRef = ei.getReferenceField("uncaughtExceptionHandler");
    return handlerRef;
  protected int getThreadGroupRef() {
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(objRef);
    int groupRef = ei.getReferenceField("group");
    return groupRef;
  protected int getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler (int grpRef){

    // get the first overridden uncaughtException() implementation in the group chain
    while (grpRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo eiGrp = getElementInfo(grpRef);
      ClassInfo ciGrp = eiGrp.getClassInfo();
      MethodInfo miHandler = ciGrp.getMethod("uncaughtException(Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V", true);
      ClassInfo ciHandler = miHandler.getClassInfo();
      if (!ciHandler.getName().equals("java.lang.ThreadGroup")) {
        return eiGrp.getObjectRef();

      grpRef = eiGrp.getReferenceField("parent");
    // no overridden uncaughtHandler found
    return MJIEnv.NULL;
  protected int getGlobalUncaughtHandler(){
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(objRef);
    ClassInfo ci = ei.getClassInfo();
    FieldInfo fi = ci.getStaticField("defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler");
    // the field is in our java.lang.Thread, but the concrete thread object class might differ
    ClassInfo fci = fi.getClassInfo();
    return fci.getStaticElementInfo().getReferenceField(fi);
   * using an attribute to mark DirectCallStackFrames executing uncaughtHandlers is not
   * ideal, but the case is so exotic that we don't want another concrete StackFrame subclass that
   * would have to be created through the ClassInfo factory. Apart from retrieving the 
   * ExceptionInfo this is just a normal DirectCallStackFrame.
   * We could directly use ExceptionInfo, but it seems more advisable to have a dedicated,
   * private type. This could also store execution state
  class UncaughtHandlerAttr implements SystemAttribute {
    ExceptionInfo xInfo;
    UncaughtHandlerAttr (ExceptionInfo xInfo){
      this.xInfo = xInfo;
    ExceptionInfo getExceptionInfo(){
      return xInfo;
  protected Instruction callUncaughtHandler (ExceptionInfo xi, int handlerRef, String id){
    ElementInfo eiHandler = getElementInfo(handlerRef);
    ClassInfo ciHandler = eiHandler.getClassInfo();
    MethodInfo miHandler = ciHandler.getMethod("uncaughtException(Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V", true);

    // we have to clear this here in case there is a CG while executing the uncaughtHandler
    pendingException = null;
    DirectCallStackFrame frame = miHandler.createDirectCallStackFrame(this, 0);
    int argOffset = frame.setReferenceArgument( 0, handlerRef, null);
    argOffset = frame.setReferenceArgument( argOffset, objRef, null);
    frame.setReferenceArgument( argOffset, xi.getExceptionReference(), null);
    UncaughtHandlerAttr uchContext = new UncaughtHandlerAttr( xi);
    frame.setFrameAttr( uchContext);
    return frame.getPC();
  protected StackFrame popUncaughtHandlerFrame(){    
    // we return from an overridden uncaughtException() direct call, but
    // its debatable if this counts as 'handled'. For handlers that just do
    // reporting this is probably false and we want JPF to report the defect.
    // If this is a fail-safe handler that tries to clean up so that other threads can
    // take over, we want to be able to go on and properly shut down the 
    // thread without property violation
    if (passUncaughtHandler) {
      // gracefully shutdown this thread
      unwindToFirstFrame(); // this will take care of notifying
      assert top.getPC() instanceof ReturnInstruction : "topframe PC not a ReturnInstruction: " + top.getPC();
      return top;

    } else {
      // treat this still as an NoUncaughtExceptionProperty violation
      UncaughtHandlerAttr ctx = returnedDirectCall.getFrameAttr(UncaughtHandlerAttr.class);
      pendingException = ctx.getExceptionInfo();
      throw new UncaughtException(this, pendingException.getExceptionReference());

  protected void unwindTo (StackFrame newTopFrame){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; (frame != null) && (frame != newTopFrame); frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      leave(); // that takes care of releasing locks
      vm.notifyExceptionBailout(this); // notify before we pop the frame

  protected StackFrame unwindToFirstFrame(){
    StackFrame frame;

    for (frame = top; frame.getPrevious() != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      leave(); // that takes care of releasing locks
      vm.notifyExceptionBailout(this); // notify before we pop the frame

    return frame;

  public ExceptionInfo getPendingException () {
    return pendingException;

   * watch out - just clearing it might cause an infinite loop
   * if we don't drop frames and/or advance the pc
  public void clearPendingException () {
    pendingException = null;

   * Returns a clone of the thread data. To be called every time we change some ThreadData field
   * (which unfortunately includes lock counts, hence this should be changed)
  protected ThreadData threadDataClone () {
    if ((attributes & ATTR_DATA_CHANGED) != 0) {
      // already cloned, so we don't have to clone
    } else {
      // reset, so that next storage request would recompute tdIndex

      threadData = threadData.clone();

    return threadData;

  public void restoreThreadData(ThreadData td) {
    threadData = td;

   * this is a generic request to reschedule that is not based on instruction type
   * Note that we check for a mandatory CG, i.e. the policy has to return a CG to make sure
   * there is a transition break. We still go through the policy object for selection
   * of scheduling choices though
  public boolean reschedule (String reason){
    return getScheduler().setsRescheduleCG(this, reason);
   * this is a version that unconditionally breaks the current transition
   * without really adding choices. It only goes on with the same thread
   * (to avoid state explosion). Since we require a break, and there is no
   * choice (current thread is supposed to continue), there is no point 
   * going through the SyncPolicy
   * if the current transition is already marked as ignored, this method does nothing
  public boolean breakTransition(String reason) {
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    // no need to set a CG if this transition is already marked as ignored
    // (which will also break executeTransition)
    BreakGenerator cg = new BreakGenerator(reason, this, false);
    return ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg); // this breaks the transition
   * this breaks the current transition with a CG that forces an end state (i.e.
   * has no choices)
   * this only takes effect if the current transition is not already marked
   * as ignored
  public boolean breakTransition(boolean isTerminator) {
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    if (!ss.isIgnored()){
      BreakGenerator cg = new BreakGenerator( "breakTransition", this, isTerminator);
      return ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg); // this breaks the transition
    return false;

  public boolean hasOtherRunnables () {
    return vm.getThreadList().hasAnyMatchingOtherThan(this, vm.getRunnablePredicate());
  protected void markUnchanged() {
    attributes &= ~ATTR_ANY_CHANGED;

  protected void markTfChanged(StackFrame frame) {
    attributes |= ATTR_STACK_CHANGED;

  protected void markTdChanged() {
    attributes |= ATTR_DATA_CHANGED;

  public StackFrame getCallerStackFrame() {
    if (top != null){
      return top.getPrevious();
    } else {
      return null;

  public int mixinExecutionStateHash(int h) {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.prev) {
      if (!frame.isNative()) {
        h = frame.mixinExecutionStateHash(h);
    return h;
  public boolean hasDataChanged() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_DATA_CHANGED) != 0;

  public boolean hasStackChanged() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_STACK_CHANGED) != 0;

  public boolean hasChanged() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_ANY_CHANGED) != 0;

   * Returns a clone of the top stack frame.
  public StackFrame getModifiableTopFrame () {
    if (top.isFrozen()) {
      top = top.clone();
    return top;

   * Returns the top stack frame.
  public StackFrame getTopFrame () {
    return top;

   * this replaces all frames up from 'frame' to 'top' with modifiable ones.
   * NOTE - you can't use this AFTER getModifiableTopFrame() since it changes top. Because
   * it is inherently unsafe, it should be used with care and you have to make sure nothing
   * else has stored top references, or respective references are updated after this call.
   * NOTE also that we assume there is no frozen frame on top of an unfrozen one
   * <2do> that should probably be reported as an error since it is a stack consistency violation
  public StackFrame getModifiableFrame (StackFrame frame){
    StackFrame newTop = null;
    StackFrame last = null;
    boolean done = false;
    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
      done = (f == frame);
      if (f.isFrozen()){
        f = f.clone();
        if (newTop == null){
          newTop = f;
        } else {
        last = f;
      if (done){ // done
        if (newTop != null){
          top = newTop;
        return f;
    return null; // it wasn't on the callstack
   * note that we don't provide a modifiable version of this. All modifications
   * should only happen in the executing (top) frame
  public StackFrame getStackFrameExecuting (Instruction insn, int offset){
    int n = offset;
    StackFrame frame = top;

    for (; (n > 0) && frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){

    for(; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (frame.getPC() == insn){
        return frame;

    return null;

  public String toString() {
    return "ThreadInfo [name=" + getName() +
            ",id=" + id +
            ",state=" + getStateName() +
            // ",obj=" + Integer.toHexString(getThreadObjectRef()) +

  void setDaemon (boolean isDaemon) {
    threadDataClone().isDaemon = isDaemon;

  public boolean isDaemon () {
    return threadData.isDaemon;

  public MJIEnv getMJIEnv () {
    return env;
  void setName (String newName) {
    threadDataClone().name = newName;

    // see 'setPriority()', only that it's more serious here, because the
    // java.lang.Thread name is stored as a char[]

  public void setPriority (int newPrio) {
    if (threadData.priority != newPrio) {
      threadDataClone().priority = newPrio;

      // note that we don't update the java.lang.Thread object, but
      // use our threadData value (which works because the object
      // values are just used directly from the Thread ctors (from where we pull
      // it out in our ThreadInfo ctor), and henceforth only via our intercepted
      // native getters

  public int getPriority () {
    return threadData.priority;

   * Comparison for sorting based on index.
  public int compareTo (ThreadInfo that) {
    return -;
   * only for debugging purposes
  public void checkConsistency(boolean isStore){
    checkAssertion(threadData != null, "no thread data");
    // if the thread is runnable, it can't be blocked
    if (isRunnable()){
      checkAssertion(lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL, "runnable thread with non-null lockRef: " + lockRef) ;
    // every thread that has been started and is not terminated has to have a stackframe with a next pc
    if (!isTerminated() && !isNew()){
      checkAssertion( stackDepth > 0, "empty stack " + getState());
      checkAssertion( top != null, "no top frame");
      checkAssertion( top.getPC() != null, "no top PC");
    // if we are timedout, the top pc has to be either on a native Object.wait() or Unsafe.park()
    if (isTimedOut()){
      Instruction insn = top.getPC();
      checkAssertion( insn instanceof EXECUTENATIVE, "thread timedout outside of native method");
      // this is a bit dangerous in case we introduce new timeout points
      MethodInfo mi = ((EXECUTENATIVE)insn).getExecutedMethod();
      String mname = mi.getUniqueName();
      checkAssertion( mname.equals("wait(J") || mname.equals("park(ZJ"), "timedout thread outside timeout method: " + mi.getFullName());
    List<ElementInfo> lockedObjects = getLockedObjects();
    if (lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      // object we are blocked on has to exist
      ElementInfo ei = this.getElementInfo(lockRef);
      checkAssertion( ei != null, "thread locked on non-existing object: " + lockRef);
      // we have to be in the lockedThreads list of that objects monitor
      checkAssertion( ei.isLocking(this), "thread blocked on non-locking object: " + ei);
      // can't be blocked on a lock we own (but could be in waiting before giving it up)
      if (!isWaiting() && lockedObjectReferences.length > 0){
        for (ElementInfo lei : lockedObjects){
            checkAssertion( lei.getObjectRef() != lockRef, "non-waiting thread blocked on owned lock: " + lei);
      // the state has to be BLOCKED, NOTIFIED, WAITING or TIMEOUT_WAITING
      checkAssertion( isWaiting() || isBlockedOrNotified(), "locked thread not waiting, blocked or notified");
    } else { // no lockRef set
      checkAssertion( !isWaiting() && !isBlockedOrNotified(), "non-locked thread is waiting, blocked or notified");
    // if we have locked objects, we have to be the locking thread of each of them
    if (lockedObjects != null && !lockedObjects.isEmpty()){
      for (ElementInfo ei : lockedObjects){
        ThreadInfo lti = ei.getLockingThread();
        if (lti != null){
          checkAssertion(lti == this, "not the locking thread for locked object: " + ei + " owned by " + lti);
        } else {
          // can happen for a nested monitor lockout

  protected void checkAssertion(boolean cond, String failMsg){
    if (!cond){
      System.out.println("!!!!!! failed thread consistency: "  + this + ": " + failMsg);
      assert false;
  public boolean isSystemThread() {
    return false;