view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 34:49be04cc6389 default tip java9-try

cyclic dependency ...
author Shinji KONO <>
date Tue, 19 Dec 2017 11:21:23 +0900
parents 6774e2e08d37
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.bytecode.ReturnInstruction;
import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.SystemAttribute;
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.EXECUTENATIVE;
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.INVOKESTATIC;
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.JVMInvokeInstruction;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.HashData;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.IntVector;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.JPFLogger;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Predicate;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.StringSetMatcher;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.BreakGenerator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.logging.Level;

 * Represents a thread. It contains the state of the thread, static
 * information about the thread, and the stack frames.
 * Race detection and lock order also store some information
 * in this data structure.
 * Note that we preserve identities according to their associated java.lang.Thread object
 * (oref). This esp. means along the same path, a ThreadInfo reference
 * is kept invariant
 * <2do> remove EXECUTENATIVE,INVOKESTATIC .bytecode dependencies
public class ThreadInfo extends InfoObject
     implements Iterable<StackFrame>, Comparable<ThreadInfo>, Restorable<ThreadInfo> {

  static JPFLogger log = JPF.getLogger("gov.nasa.jpf.vm.ThreadInfo");
  static int[] emptyLockRefs = new int[0];

  //--- our internal thread states
  public enum State {
    NEW,  // means created but not yet started
    BLOCKED,  // waiting to acquire a lock
    UNBLOCKED,  // was BLOCKED but can acquire the lock now
    WAITING,  // waiting to be notified
    NOTIFIED,  // was WAITING and got notified, but is still blocked
    INTERRUPTED,  // was WAITING and got interrupted
    TIMEDOUT,  // was TIMEOUT_WAITING and timed out

  static final int[] emptyRefArray = new int[0];
  static final String MAIN_NAME = "main";
  static ThreadInfo currentThread;

  protected class StackIterator implements Iterator<StackFrame> {
    StackFrame frame = top;

	public boolean hasNext() {
      return frame != null;

	public StackFrame next() {
      if (frame != null){
        StackFrame ret = frame;
        frame = frame.getPrevious();
        return ret;

      } else {
        throw new NoSuchElementException();

	public void remove() {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't remove StackFrames");

  protected class InvokedStackIterator extends StackIterator implements Iterator<StackFrame> {
    InvokedStackIterator() {
      frame = getLastInvokedStackFrame();

	public StackFrame next() {
      if (frame != null){
        StackFrame ret = frame;
        frame = null;
        for (StackFrame f=ret.getPrevious(); f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
          if (!f.isDirectCallFrame()){
            frame = f;
        return ret;

      } else {
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
  //--- instance fields
  // transient, not state stored. This is reset when backtracking or starting a new transition
  protected ExceptionInfo pendingException;

  // state managed data that is copy-on-first-write
  protected ThreadData threadData;

  //<2do> Hmm, why are these not in ThreadData?
  // the top stack frame
  protected StackFrame top = null;

  // the current stack depth (number of frames)
  protected int stackDepth;

  // something that tells the ThreadList how to look this up efficiently (e.g. index)
  // note - this is for internal purposes only, there is no public accessor
  // (we don't want to expose/hardwire ThreadList implementation)
  // note also that the ThreadList is allowed to move this thread around, in which
  // case update is the ThreadLists responsibility
  protected int tlIdx;

  //--- the invariants

  // we need this mostly for getting our SystemClassLoader
  protected ApplicationContext appCtx;
  // search global id, which is the basis for canonical order of threads
  protected int id;
  protected int objRef; // the java.lang.Thread object reference
  protected ClassInfo ci; // the classinfo associated with the thread object
  protected int targetRef; // the associated java.lang.Runnable
  // which attributes are stored/restored
  static final int   ATTR_STORE_MASK = 0x0000ffff;

  //--- the transient (un(re)stored) attributes
  static final int ATTR_DATA_CHANGED       = 0x10000;
  static final int ATTR_STACK_CHANGED      = 0x20000;
 // allow CG in next re-exec
  static final int ATTR_ENABLE_EMPTY_TRANSITION = 0x4000;
  // don't call insn.execute()
  static final int ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC      = 0x100000;
  // don't store insn execution as transition step
  static final int ATTR_SKIP_INSN_LOG       = 0x200000;
  static final int ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED  = 0x80000000;

  //--- state stored/restored attributes  
  // this is a typical "orthogonal" thread state we have to remember, but
  // that should not affect any locking, blocking, notifying or such
  static final int ATTR_STOPPED = 0x0001;

  //--- change sets

  protected int attributes;

  /** counter for executed instructions along current transition */
  protected int executedInstructions;

  /** a listener or peer request for throwing an exception into the SUT, to be processed in executeInstruction */
  protected SUTExceptionRequest pendingSUTExceptionRequest;
  /** the last returned direct call frame */
  protected DirectCallStackFrame returnedDirectCall;

  /** the next insn to enter (null prior to execution) */
  protected Instruction nextPc;

   * not so nice we cross-couple the NativePeers with ThreadInfo,
   * but to carry on with the JNI analogy, a MJIEnv is clearly
   * owned by a thread (even though we don't have much ThreadInfo
   * state dependency in here (yet), hence the simplistic init)
  MJIEnv env;

   * the VM we are running on. Bad backlink, but then again, we can't really
   * test a ThreadInfo outside a VM context anyways.
   * <2do> If we keep 'list' as a field, 'vm' might be moved over there
   * (all threads in the list share the same VM)
  VM vm;

   * !! this is a volatile object, i.e. it has to be re-computed explicitly
   * !! after each backtrack (we don't want to duplicate state storage)
   * list of lock objects currently held by this thread.
   * unfortunately, we cannot organize this as a stack, since it might get
   * restored (from the heap) in random order
  int[] lockedObjectReferences;

   * !! this is also volatile -> has to be reset after backtrack
   * the reference of the object if this thread is blocked or waiting for
  int lockRef = MJIEnv.NULL;

  Memento<ThreadInfo> cachedMemento; // cache for unchanged ThreadInfos

  static class TiMemento implements Memento<ThreadInfo> {
    // note that we don't have to store the invariants (id, oref, runnableRef, ciException)
    ThreadInfo ti;

    ThreadData threadData;
    StackFrame top;
    int stackDepth;
    int attributes;

    TiMemento (ThreadInfo ti){
      this.ti = ti;
      threadData = ti.threadData;  // no need to clone - it's copy on first write
      top =; // likewise
      stackDepth = ti.stackDepth; // we just copy this for efficiency reasons
      attributes = (ti.attributes & ATTR_STORE_MASK);


	public ThreadInfo restore(ThreadInfo ignored) {

      ti.threadData = threadData; = top;
      ti.stackDepth = stackDepth;
      ti.attributes = attributes;


      return ti;

  // the following parameters are configurable. Would be nice if we could keep
  // them on a per-instance basis, but there are a few locations
  // (e.g. ThreadList) where we loose the init context, and it's questionable
  // if we want to change this at runtime, or POR might make sense on a per-thread
  // basis

  /** do we halt on each throw, i.e. don't look for an exception handler?
   * Useful to find empty handler blocks, or misusd exceptionHandlers
  static StringSetMatcher haltOnThrow;

   * do we delegate to Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandlers (in case there is any
   * other than the standard ThreadGroup)
  static boolean ignoreUncaughtHandlers;
   * do we go on if we return from an UncaughtExceptionHandler, or do we still
   * regard this as a NoUncaughtExceptionProperty violation
  static boolean passUncaughtHandler;

   * break the current transition after this number of instructions.
   * This is a safeguard against paths that won't break because potentially
   * shared fields are not yet accessed by a second thread (existence of such
   * paths is the downside of our access tracking). Note that we only break on
   * backjumps once this count gets exceeded, to give state matching a better
   * chance and avoid interference with the IdleLoop listener
  static int maxTransitionLength;

   * reset ThreadInfo statics (e.g. to reinitialize JPF) 
  static boolean init (Config config) {
    currentThread = null;
    globalTids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    String[] haltOnThrowSpecs = config.getStringArray("vm.halt_on_throw");
    if (haltOnThrowSpecs != null){
      haltOnThrow = new StringSetMatcher(haltOnThrowSpecs);
    ignoreUncaughtHandlers = config.getBoolean( "vm.ignore_uncaught_handler", true);
    passUncaughtHandler = config.getBoolean( "vm.pass_uncaught_handler", true);

    maxTransitionLength = config.getInt("vm.max_transition_length", 5000);

    return true;
  //--- factory methods
  // <2do> this is going to be a configurable factory method  
   * search global cache for dense ThreadInfo ids. We could just use oref since those are
   * guaranteed to be global, but not dense. The ids are search global, i.e. there is no
   * need to store/restore, but it needs to be (re)set during init()  
  static Map<Integer, Integer> globalTids;  // initialized by init
  protected int computeId (int objRef) {
    Integer id = globalTids.get(objRef);
    if(id == null) {
      id = globalTids.size();
      addId(objRef, id);

    return id;

  static void addId(int objRef, int id) {
    globalTids.put(objRef, id);
   * mainThread ctor called by the VM. Note we don't have a thread object yet (hen-and-egg problem
   * since we can't allocate objects without a ThreadInfo)
  protected ThreadInfo (VM vm, int id, ApplicationContext appCtx) { = id;
    this.appCtx = appCtx;
    // we don't have the group yet, no Runnable or parent, and the name is fixed
    // the thread is also not yet in the ThreadList
    ci = appCtx.getSystemClassLoader().getThreadClassInfo();
    targetRef = MJIEnv.NULL; = MAIN_NAME;

   * the ctor for all explicitly (bytecode) created threads. At this point, there is at least
   * a mainThread and we have a corresponding java.lang.Thread object
  protected ThreadInfo (VM vm, int objRef, int groupRef, int runnableRef, int nameRef, ThreadInfo parent) {
    id = computeId(objRef);
    this.appCtx = parent.getApplicationContext();
    init(vm); // this is only partial, we still have to link/set the references
    ElementInfo ei = vm.getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);  
    ei.setExposed(parent, null);        // all explicitly creatd threads are per se exposed = ei.getClassInfo();    
    this.objRef = objRef;
    this.targetRef = runnableRef; = vm.getElementInfo(nameRef).asString();
    vm.getScheduler().initializeThreadSync(parent, this);
    // note the thread is not yet in the ThreadList, we have to register from the caller
  protected void init(VM vm){
    // 'gid' is set by the factory method
    // we can't set the 'id' field of the corresponding java.lang.Thread object until we have one
    this.vm = vm;

    threadData = new ThreadData();
    threadData.state = State.NEW;
    threadData.priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;
    threadData.isDaemon = false;
    threadData.lockCount = 0;
    threadData.suspendCount = 0;
    // not yet known
    // 'priority', 'name', 'target' and 'group' are not taken
    // from the object, but set within the java.lang.Thread ctors

    top = null;
    stackDepth = 0;

    lockedObjectReferences = emptyLockRefs;

    attributes |= ATTR_DATA_CHANGED; 
    env = new MJIEnv(this);
  public Memento<ThreadInfo> getMemento(MementoFactory factory) {
    return factory.getMemento(this);

  public Memento<ThreadInfo> getMemento(){
    return new TiMemento(this);
  void freeze() {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {

  //--- cached mementos are only supposed to be accessed from the Restorer

  public Memento<ThreadInfo> getCachedMemento(){
    return cachedMemento;

  public void setCachedMemento(Memento<ThreadInfo> memento){
    cachedMemento = memento;

  public static ThreadInfo getCurrentThread() {
    return currentThread;

  public boolean isExecutingAtomically () {
    return vm.getSystemState().isAtomic();

  public boolean holdsLock (ElementInfo ei) {
    int objRef = ei.getObjectRef();
    for (int i=0; i<lockedObjectReferences.length; i++) {
      if (lockedObjectReferences[i] == objRef) {
        return true;
    return false;

  public VM getVM () {
    return vm;

   * is *this* transition allowed to be empty (i.e. allowed to set a CG
   * during re-execution of the current insn)
   * reset before each instruction.execute()
  public boolean isEmptyTransitionEnabled (){
    return (attributes & ATTR_ENABLE_EMPTY_TRANSITION) != 0;
  public void enableEmptyTransition (){
  public void resetEmptyTransition(){
   * answers if is this the first instruction within the current transition.
   * This is mostly used to tell the top- from the bottom-half of a native method
   * or Instruction.enter(), so that only one (the top half) registers the CG
   * (top = register CG and reschedule insn, bottom = re-enter insn and process choice
   * at beginning of new transition)
   * This can be used in both pre- and post-exec notification listeners, 
   * the executedInstructions number is incremented before notifying
   * instructionExecuted()
   * this method depends on the sequence of operations in ThreadInfo.executeInstruction,
   * which is:
   *   nextPc = null
   *   notify executeInstruction
   *   nextPc = insn.execute
   *   increment executedInstructions
   *   notify instructionExecuted
  public boolean isFirstStepInsn() {
    int nInsn = executedInstructions;
    if (nInsn == 0) {
      // that would be a break in execute() or instructionExecuted()
      return true;
    } else if (nInsn == 1 && nextPc != null) {
      // that is for setting the CG in executeInsn and then testing in
      // instructionExecuted. Note that nextPc is reset before pre-exec notification
      // and hence should only be non-null from insn.execute() up to the next
      // ThreadInfo.executeInstruction()
      return true;
    return false;
   * get the number of instructions executed in the current transition. This
   * gets incremented after calling Instruction.enter(), i.e. before
   * notifying instructionExecuted() listeners
  public int getExecutedInstructions(){
    return executedInstructions;
   * to be used from methods called from listeners, to find out if we are in a
   * pre- or post-exec notification
  public boolean isPreExec() {
    return (nextPc == null);

  //--- various thread state related methods

   * Updates the status of the thread.
  public void setState (State newStatus) {
    State oldStatus = threadData.state;

    if (oldStatus != newStatus) {

      assert (oldStatus != State.TERMINATED) : "can't resurrect thread " + this + " to " +;

      threadDataClone().state = newStatus;

      switch (newStatus) {
      case NEW:
        break; // Hmm, shall we report a thread object creation?
      case RUNNING:
        // nothing. the notifyThreadStarted has to happen from
        // Thread.start(), since the thread could have been blocked
        // at the time with a sync run() method
       // assert lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL;
      case TERMINATED:
      case BLOCKED:
        assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL;
      case UNBLOCKED:
        assert lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL;
        break; // nothing to notify
      case WAITING:
        assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL;
      case INTERRUPTED:
      case NOTIFIED:
        assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL;

      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
        log.fine("setStatus of " + getName() + " from "
                 + + " to " +;

  void setBlockedState (int objref) {
    State currentState = threadData.state;
    switch (currentState){
      case NEW:
      case RUNNING:
      case UNBLOCKED:
        lockRef = objref;

        assert false : "thread " + this + "can't be blocked in state: " +;

  void setNotifiedState() {
    State currentState = threadData.state;
    switch (currentState){
      case BLOCKED:
      case INTERRUPTED: // too late, we are already interrupted
      case NOTIFIED:
        // can happen in a Thread.join()
      case WAITING:

        assert false : "thread " + this + "can't be notified in state: " +;

   * Returns the current status of the thread.
  public State getState () {
    return threadData.state;

   * Returns true if this thread is either RUNNING or UNBLOCKED
  public boolean isRunnable () {
    if (threadData.suspendCount != 0)
      return false;

    switch (threadData.state) {
    case RUNNING:
    case UNBLOCKED:
      return true;
    case SLEEPING:
      return true;    // that's arguable, but since we don't model time we treat it like runnable
    case TIMEDOUT:
      return true;    // would have been set to blocked if it couldn't reacquire the lock
      return false;

  public boolean willBeRunnable () {
    if (threadData.suspendCount != 0)
      return false;

    switch (threadData.state) {
    case RUNNING:
    case UNBLOCKED:
      return true;
    case TIMEOUT_WAITING: // it's not yet, but it will be at the time it gets scheduled
    case SLEEPING:
      return true;
      return false;

  public boolean isNew () {
    return (threadData.state == State.NEW);

  public boolean isTimeoutRunnable () {
    if (threadData.suspendCount != 0)
      return false;

    switch (threadData.state) {

    case RUNNING:
    case UNBLOCKED:
    case SLEEPING:
      return true;

      // depends on if we can re-acquire the lock
      //assert lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL : "timeout waiting but no blocked object";
      if (lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
        ElementInfo ei = vm.getElementInfo(lockRef);
        return ei.canLock(this);
      } else {
        return true;

      return false;

  public boolean isTimedOut() {
    return (threadData.state == State.TIMEDOUT);

  public boolean isTimeoutWaiting() {
    return (threadData.state == State.TIMEOUT_WAITING);

  public void setTimedOut() {

  public void setTerminated() {

  public void resetTimedOut() {
    // should probably check for TIMEDOUT

  public void setSleeping() {

  public boolean isSleeping(){
    return (threadData.state == State.SLEEPING);

  public void setRunning() {

  public void setStopped(int throwableRef){
    if (isTerminated()){
      // no need to kill twice

    attributes |= ATTR_SET_STOPPED;

    if (!hasBeenStarted()){
      // that one is easy - just remember the state so that a subsequent start()
      // does nothing

    // for all other cases, we need to have a proper stopping Throwable that does not
    // fall victim to GC, and that does not cause NoUncaughtExcceptionsProperty violations
    if (throwableRef == MJIEnv.NULL){
      // if no throwable was provided (the normal case), throw a java.lang.ThreadDeath Error
      ClassInfo cix = ClassInfo.getInitializedSystemClassInfo("java.lang.ThreadDeath", this);
      throwableRef = createException(cix, null, MJIEnv.NULL);

    // now the tricky part - this thread is alive but might be blocked, notified
    // or waiting. In any case, exception action should not take place before
    // the thread becomes scheduled again, which
    // means we are not allowed to fiddle with its state in any way that changes
    // scheduling/locking behavior. On the other hand, if this is the currently
    // executing thread, take immediate action

    if (isCurrentThread()){ // we are suicidal
      if (isInNativeMethod()){
        // remember the exception to be thrown when we return from the native method
      } else {
        Instruction nextPc = throwException(throwableRef);

    } else { // this thread is not currently running, this is an external kill

      // remember there was a pending exception that has to be thrown the next
      // time this gets scheduled, and make sure the exception object does
      // not get GCed prematurely
      ElementInfo eit = getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);
      eit.setReferenceField("stopException", throwableRef);

  public boolean isCurrentThread(){
    return this == currentThread;

  public boolean isInCurrentThreadList(){
    return vm.getThreadList().contains(this);
   * An alive thread is anything but TERMINATED or NEW
  public boolean isAlive () {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state != State.TERMINATED && state != State.NEW);

  public boolean isWaiting () {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.WAITING) || (state == State.TIMEOUT_WAITING);

  public boolean isWaitingOrTimedOut (){
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.WAITING) || (state == State.TIMEOUT_WAITING) || (state == State.TIMEDOUT);

  public boolean isNotified () {
    return (threadData.state == State.NOTIFIED);

  public boolean isUnblocked () {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.UNBLOCKED) || (state == State.TIMEDOUT);

  public boolean isBlocked () {
    return (threadData.state == State.BLOCKED);

  public boolean isTerminated () {
    return (threadData.state == State.TERMINATED);

  public boolean isAtomic (){
    return vm.getSystemState().isAtomic();
  public void setBlockedInAtomicSection (){
  MethodInfo getExitMethod() {
    MethodInfo mi = getClassInfo().getMethod("exit()V", true);
    return mi;

  public boolean isBlockedOrNotified() {
    State state = threadData.state;
    return (state == State.BLOCKED) || (state == State.NOTIFIED);

  // this is just a state attribute
  public boolean isStopped() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_STOPPED) != 0;

  public boolean isInNativeMethod(){
    return top != null && top.isNative();

  public boolean hasBeenStarted(){
    return (threadData.state != State.NEW);

  public String getStateName () {
    return threadData.getState().name();

  public Iterator<StackFrame> iterator () {
    return new StackIterator();

  public Iterable<StackFrame> invokedStackFrames () {
    return new Iterable<StackFrame>() {
	public Iterator<StackFrame> iterator() {
        return new InvokedStackIterator();

   * this returns a copy of the StackFrames in reverse order. Note this is
   * redundant because the frames are linked explicitly
   * @deprecated - use Iterable<StackFrame>
  public List<StackFrame> getStack() {
    ArrayList<StackFrame> list = new ArrayList<StackFrame>(stackDepth);

    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){


    return list;

   * returns StackFrames which have been entered through a corresponding
   * invoke instruction (in top first order)
  public List<StackFrame> getInvokedStackFrames() {
    ArrayList<StackFrame> list = new ArrayList<StackFrame>(stackDepth);

    int i = stackDepth-1;
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isDirectCallFrame()){
        list.add( frame);

    return list;

  public Scheduler getScheduler(){
    return vm.getScheduler();
  public int getStackDepth() {
    return stackDepth;
  public MethodInfo getEntryMethod(){    
    return appCtx.getEntryMethod();

  public StackFrame getCallerStackFrame (int offset){
    int n = offset;
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (n < 0){
      } else if (n == 0){
        return frame;
    return null;

  public StackFrame getLastInvokedStackFrame() {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isDirectCallFrame()){
        return frame;

    return null;

  public StackFrame getLastNonSyntheticStackFrame (){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isSynthetic()){
        return frame;

    return null;
  // this is ugly - it can modify deeper stack frames
  public StackFrame getModifiableLastNonSyntheticStackFrame (){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (!frame.isSynthetic()){
        if (frame.isFrozen()) {
          StackFrame newFrame = frame.clone();
          if (frame == top) {
            frame = newFrame;
            top = newFrame;
          } else {
            // Ughh, now we have to clone all frozen frames above
            StackFrame fLast = null;
            for (StackFrame f = getModifiableTopFrame(); f != frame; f = f
                .getPrevious()) {
              if (f.isFrozen()) {
                f = f.clone();
                if (fLast != null) {
              fLast = f;
            if (fLast != null) {

            frame = newFrame;
        return frame;

    return null;

   * Returns the this pointer of the callee from the stack.
  public int getCalleeThis (MethodInfo mi) {
    return top.getCalleeThis(mi);

   * Returns the this pointer of the callee from the stack.
  public int getCalleeThis (int size) {
    return top.getCalleeThis(size);

  public ClassInfo getClassInfo (int objref) {
    return env.getClassInfo(objref);

  public boolean isCalleeThis (ElementInfo r) {
    if (top == null || r == null) {
      return false;

    Instruction pc = getPC();

    if (pc == null ||
        !(pc instanceof JVMInvokeInstruction) ||
        pc instanceof INVOKESTATIC) {
      return false;

    JVMInvokeInstruction call = (JVMInvokeInstruction) pc;

    return getCalleeThis(Types.getArgumentsSize(call.getInvokedMethodSignature()) + 1) == r.getObjectRef();

  public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext(){
    return appCtx;
  public SystemClassLoaderInfo getSystemClassLoaderInfo(){
    return appCtx.sysCl;
   * Returns the class information.
  public ClassInfo getClassInfo () {
    return ci;

  public MJIEnv getEnv() {
    return env;

  public boolean isInterrupted (boolean resetStatus) {
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(getThreadObjectRef());
    boolean status =  ei.getBooleanField("interrupted");

    if (resetStatus && status) {
      ei = ei.getModifiableInstance();
      ei.setBooleanField("interrupted", false);

    return status;

   * path local unique id for live threads. This is what we use for the
   * public java.lang.Thread.getId() that can be called from SUT code. It is
   * NOT what we use for our canonical root set
  public int getId () {
    return id;

   * this is our internal, search global id that is used for the
   * canonical root set
  public int getGlobalId(){
    return id;
   * record what this thread is being blocked on.
  void setLockRef (int objref) {
    assert ((lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL) || (lockRef == objref)) :
      "attempt to overwrite lockRef: " + vm.getHeap().get(lockRef) +
      " with: " + vm.getHeap().get(objref);
    lockRef = objref;

   * thread is not blocked anymore
   * needs to be public since we have to use it from INVOKECLINIT (during call skipping)
  public void resetLockRef () {
    lockRef = MJIEnv.NULL;

  public int getLockRef() {
    return lockRef;

  public ElementInfo getLockObject () {
    if (lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return vm.getElementInfo(lockRef);

   * Returns the line number of the program counter of the top stack frame.
  public int getLine () {
    if (top == null) {
      return -1;
    } else {
      return top.getLine();
  //--- suspend/resume modeling
  // modeling this with a count is an approximation. In reality it behaves
  // rather like a race that /sometimes/ causes the resume to fail, but its
  // Ok if we overapproximate on the safe side, since suspend/resume is such
  // an inherently unsafe thing. What we *do* want to preserve faithfully is 
  // that locks held by the suspended thread are not released
   * set suspension status
   * @return true if thread was not suspended
  public boolean suspend() {
    return threadDataClone().suspendCount++ == 0;

   * unset suspension status
   * @return true if thread was suspended
  public boolean resume() {
    return (threadData.suspendCount > 0) && (--threadDataClone().suspendCount == 0);
  public boolean isSuspended() {
    return threadData.suspendCount > 0;

  //--- locks
   * Sets the number of locks held at the time of a wait.
  public void setLockCount (int l) {
    if (threadData.lockCount != l) {
      threadDataClone().lockCount = l;

   * Returns the number of locks in the last wait.
  public int getLockCount () {
    return threadData.lockCount;

  // avoid use in performance critical code
  public List<ElementInfo> getLockedObjects () {
    List<ElementInfo> lockedObjects = new LinkedList<ElementInfo>();
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    for (int i=0; i<lockedObjectReferences.length; i++) {
      ElementInfo ei = heap.get(lockedObjectReferences[i]);
    return lockedObjects;

  public boolean hasLockedObjects() {
    return lockedObjectReferences.length > 0;
  public int[] getLockedObjectReferences () {
    return lockedObjectReferences;

  public boolean isLockOwner (ElementInfo ei){
    return ei.getLockingThread() == this;
   * returns the current method in the top stack frame, which is always a
   * bytecode method (executed by JPF)
  public MethodInfo getTopFrameMethodInfo () {
    if (top != null) {
      return top.getMethodInfo();
    } else {
      return null;

   * return the ClassInfo of the topmost stackframe that is not a direct call 
  public ClassInfo getExecutingClassInfo(){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      MethodInfo miExecuting = frame.getMethodInfo();
      ClassInfo ciExecuting = miExecuting.getClassInfo();
      if (ciExecuting != null){
        return ciExecuting;
    return null;
  public ClassInfo resolveReferencedClass (String clsName){
    ClassInfo ciTop = top.getClassInfo();
    return ciTop.resolveReferencedClass(clsName);
    //return ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentClassLoader(this).getResolvedClassInfo(clsName);
  public boolean isInCtor () {
    // <2do> - hmm, if we don't do this the whole stack, we miss factored
    // init funcs
    MethodInfo mi = getTopFrameMethodInfo();
    if (mi != null) {
      return mi.isCtor();
    } else {
      return false;

  public boolean isCtorOnStack (int objRef){
    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
      if (f.getThis() == objRef && f.getMethodInfo().isCtor()){
        return true;

    return false;

  public boolean isClinitOnStack (ClassInfo ci){
    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
      MethodInfo mi = f.getMethodInfo();
      if (mi.isClinit(ci)){
        return true;

    return false;

  public String getName () {

   * Returns the object reference.
  public int getThreadObjectRef () {
    return objRef;

  public ElementInfo getThreadObject(){
    return getElementInfo(objRef);

  public ElementInfo getModifiableThreadObject() {
    return getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);

   * Sets the program counter of the top stack frame.
  public void setPC (Instruction pc) {

  public void advancePC () {

   * Returns the program counter of the top stack frame.
  public Instruction getPC () {
    if (top != null) {
      return top.getPC();
    } else {
      return null;

  public Instruction getNextPC () {
    return nextPc;

   * get the current stack trace of this thread
   * this is called during creation of a Throwable, hence we should skip
   * all throwable ctors in here
   * <2do> this is only a partial solution,since we don't catch exceptionHandlers
   * in Throwable ctors yet
  public String getStackTrace () {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);

    for (StackFrame sf = top; sf != null; sf = sf.getPrevious()){
      MethodInfo mi = sf.getMethodInfo();

      if (mi.isCtor()){
        ClassInfo ci = mi.getClassInfo();
        if (ci.isInstanceOf("java.lang.Throwable")) {

      sb.append("\tat ");

    return sb.toString();

   * Returns the information necessary to store.
   * <2do> pcm - not clear to me how lower stack frames can contribute to
   * a different threadinfo state hash - only the current one can be changed
   * by the executing method
  public void dumpStoringData (IntVector v) {
    v = null;  // Get rid of IDE warnings

   * Returns the object reference of the target.
  public int getRunnableRef () {
    return targetRef;

   * Returns the pointer to the object reference of the executing method
  public int getThis () {
    return top.getThis();

  public ElementInfo getThisElementInfo(){
    return getElementInfo(getThis());

  public boolean isThis (ElementInfo ei) {
    if (ei == null) {
      return false;

    if (top == null) {
      return false;

    if (getTopFrameMethodInfo().isStatic()) {
      return false;
    } else {
      int thisRef = top.getThis();
      return ei.getObjectRef() == thisRef;

  public boolean atMethod (String mname) {
    return top != null && getTopFrameMethodInfo().getFullName().equals(mname);

  public boolean atPosition (int position) {
    if (top == null) {
      return false;
    } else {
      Instruction pc = getPC();
      return pc != null && pc.getPosition() == position;

  public boolean atReturn () {
    if (top == null) {
      return false;
    } else {
      Instruction pc = getPC();
      return pc instanceof ReturnInstruction;

   * reset any information that has to be re-computed in a backtrack
   * (i.e. hasn't been stored explicitly)
  void resetVolatiles () {
    // resetting lock sets goes here
    lockedObjectReferences = emptyLockRefs;

    // the ref of the object we are blocked on or waiting for
    lockRef = MJIEnv.NULL;

    pendingException = null;
   * this is used when restoring states
  void updateLockedObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    int n = lockedObjectReferences.length;    
    int[] a = new int[n+1];
    System.arraycopy(lockedObjectReferences, 0, a, 0, n);
    a[n] = ei.getObjectRef();
    lockedObjectReferences = a;
    // don't notify here, it's just a restore

  void addLockedObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    int n = lockedObjectReferences.length;    
    int[] a = new int[n+1];
    System.arraycopy(lockedObjectReferences, 0, a, 0, n);
    a[n] = ei.getObjectRef();
    lockedObjectReferences = a;
    vm.notifyObjectLocked(this, ei);

  void removeLockedObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    int objRef = ei.getObjectRef();
    int n = lockedObjectReferences.length;
    if (n == 1) {
      assert lockedObjectReferences[0] == objRef;
      lockedObjectReferences = emptyLockRefs;
    } else {
      int[] a = new int[n - 1];

      for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (lockedObjectReferences[i] != objRef) {
          a[j++] = lockedObjectReferences[i];
      lockedObjectReferences = a;
    vm.notifyObjectUnlocked(this, ei);

  public Object clone() {
    try {
      // threadData and top StackFrame are copy-on-write, so we should not have to clone them
      // lockedObjects are state-volatile and restored explicitly after a backtrack
      return super.clone();

    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnsx) {
      return null;

   * Returns the number of stack frames.
  public int countStackFrames () {
    return stackDepth;

   * get a stack snapshot that consists of an array of {mthId,pc} pairs.
   * strip stackframes that enter instance methods of the exception object
  public int[] getSnapshot (int xObjRef) {
    StackFrame frame = top;
    int n = stackDepth;
    if (xObjRef != MJIEnv.NULL){ // filter out exception method frames
      for (;frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
        if (frame.getThis() != xObjRef){

    int j=0;
    int[] snap = new int[n*2];

    for (; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      snap[j++] = frame.getMethodInfo().getGlobalId();
      snap[j++] = frame.getPC().getInstructionIndex();

    return snap;

   * turn a snapshot into an JPF array of StackTraceElements, which means
   * a lot of objects. Do this only on demand
  public int createStackTraceElements (int[] snapshot) {
    int n = snapshot.length/2;
    int nVisible=0;
    StackTraceElement[] list = new StackTraceElement[n];
    for (int i=0, j=0; i<n; i++){
      int methodId = snapshot[j++];
      int pcOffset = snapshot[j++];
      StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement( methodId, pcOffset);
      if (!ste.ignore){
        list[nVisible++] = ste;

    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    ElementInfo eiArray = heap.newArray("Ljava/lang/StackTraceElement;", nVisible, this);
    for (int i=0; i<nVisible; i++){
      int eref = list[i].createJPFStackTraceElement();
      eiArray.setReferenceElement( i, eref);

    return eiArray.getObjectRef();

  void print (PrintWriter pw, String s) {
    if (pw != null){
    } else {

  public void printStackTrace (int objRef) {
    printStackTrace(null, objRef);

  public void printPendingExceptionOn (PrintWriter pw) {
    if (pendingException != null) {
      printStackTrace( pw, pendingException.getExceptionReference());

   * the reason why this is kind of duplicated (there is also a StackFrame.getPositionInfo)
   * is that this might be working off a StackTraceElement[] that is created when the exception
   * is created. At the time printStackTrace() is called, the StackFrames in question
   * are most likely already be unwinded
  public void printStackTrace (PrintWriter pw, int objRef) {
    // 'env' usage is not ideal, since we don't know from what context we are called, and
    // hence the MJIEnv calling context might not be set (no Method or ClassInfo)
    // on the other hand, we don't want to re-implement all the MJIEnv accessor methods

    print(pw, env.getClassInfo(objRef).getName());
    int msgRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef,"detailMessage");
    if (msgRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
      print(pw, ": ");
      print(pw, env.getStringObject(msgRef));
    print(pw, "\n");

    // try the 'stackTrace' field first, it might have been set explicitly
    int aRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef, "stackTrace"); // StackTrace[]
    if (aRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
      int len = env.getArrayLength(aRef);
      for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        int steRef = env.getReferenceArrayElement(aRef, i);
        if (steRef != MJIEnv.NULL){  // might be ignored (e.g. direct call)
          StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement(steRef);
          ste.printOn( pw);

    } else { // fall back to use the snapshot stored in the exception object
      aRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef, "snapshot");
      int[] snapshot = env.getIntArrayObject(aRef);
      int len = snapshot.length/2;

      for (int i=0, j=0; i<len; i++){
        int methodId = snapshot[j++];
        int pcOffset = snapshot[j++];
        StackTraceElement ste = new StackTraceElement( methodId, pcOffset);
        ste.printOn( pw);

    int causeRef = env.getReferenceField(objRef, "cause");
    if ((causeRef != objRef) && (causeRef != MJIEnv.NULL)){
      print(pw, "Caused by: ");
      printStackTrace(pw, causeRef);

  class StackTraceElement {
    String clsName, mthName, fileName;
    int line;
    boolean ignore;

    StackTraceElement (int methodId, int pcOffset) {
      if (methodId == MethodInfo.DIRECT_CALL) {
        ignore = true;

      } else {
        MethodInfo mi = MethodInfo.getMethodInfo(methodId);
        if (mi != null) {
          clsName = mi.getClassName();
          mthName = mi.getName();

          fileName = mi.getStackTraceSource();          
          if (pcOffset < 0){
            // See ThreadStopTest.threadDeathWhileRunstart
            // <2do> remove when RUNSTART is gone
            pcOffset = 0;
          line = mi.getLineNumber(mi.getInstruction(pcOffset));

        } else { // this sounds like a bug
          clsName = "?";
          mthName = "?";
          fileName = "?";
          line = -1;

    StackTraceElement (int sRef){
      clsName = env.getStringObject(env.getReferenceField(sRef, "clsName"));
      mthName = env.getStringObject(env.getReferenceField(sRef, "mthName"));
      fileName = env.getStringObject(env.getReferenceField(sRef, "fileName"));
      line = env.getIntField(sRef, "line");

    int createJPFStackTraceElement() {
      if (ignore) {
        return MJIEnv.NULL;
      } else {
        Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
        ClassInfo ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getSystemResolvedClassInfo("java.lang.StackTraceElement");
        ElementInfo ei = heap.newObject(ci, ThreadInfo.this);

        ei.setReferenceField("clsName", heap.newString(clsName, ThreadInfo.this).getObjectRef());
        ei.setReferenceField("mthName", heap.newString(mthName, ThreadInfo.this).getObjectRef());

        String fname = fileName != null ? fileName : "Unknown Source";
        ei.setReferenceField("fileName", heap.newString(fname, ThreadInfo.this).getObjectRef());
        ei.setIntField("line", line);

        return ei.getObjectRef();

    void printOn (PrintWriter pw){
      if (!ignore){
        // the usual behavior is to print only the filename, strip the path
        if (fileName != null){
          int idx = fileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
          if (idx >=0) {
            fileName = fileName.substring(idx+1);

        print(pw, "\tat ");
        if (clsName != null){
          print(pw, clsName);
          print(pw, ".");
        } else { // some synthetic methods don't belong to classes
          print(pw, "[no class] ");
        print(pw, mthName);

        if (fileName != null){
          print(pw, "(");
          print(pw, fileName);
          if (line >= 0){
            print(pw, ":");
            print(pw, Integer.toString(line));
          print(pw, ")");
        } else {
          //print(pw, "<no source>");

        print(pw, "\n");

   * this is a helper class to store listener generated exception requests that are checked before and after
   * calling Instruction.execute(). This is a safe way to raise SUT exceptions from listener code without compromising
   * consistency of executes() that are not prepared to cut short by means of re-execution or host VM exceptions
  static class SUTExceptionRequest {
    String xClsName;
    String details;
    SUTExceptionRequest (String xClsName, String details){
      this.xClsName = xClsName;
      this.details = details;
    public String getExceptionClassName(){
      return xClsName;
    public String getDetails(){
      return details;
  public void requestSUTException (String exceptionClsName, String details){
    pendingSUTExceptionRequest = new SUTExceptionRequest( exceptionClsName, details);
    if (nextPc == null){ // this is pre-exec, skip the execute()
      attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC;
  protected void processPendingSUTExceptionRequest (){
    if (pendingSUTExceptionRequest != null){
      // <2do> we could do more specific checks for ClassNotFoundExceptions here
      nextPc = createAndThrowException( pendingSUTExceptionRequest.getExceptionClassName(), pendingSUTExceptionRequest.getDetails());
      pendingSUTExceptionRequest = null;
   * <2do> pcm - this is only valid for java.* and our own Throwables that don't
   * need ctor execution since we only initializeSharednessPolicy the Throwable fields. This method
   * is here to avoid round trips in case of exceptions
  int createException (ClassInfo ci, String details, int causeRef){
    int[] snap = getSnapshot(MJIEnv.NULL);
    return vm.getHeap().newSystemThrowable(ci, details, snap, causeRef, this, 0).getObjectRef();

   * Creates and throws an exception. This is what is used if the exception is
   * thrown by the VM (or a listener)
  public Instruction createAndThrowException (ClassInfo ci, String details) {
    //if (ci.initializeClass(this)) {
    //  return getPC();

    int objref = createException(ci,details, MJIEnv.NULL);
    return throwException(objref);

   * Creates an exception and throws it.
  public Instruction createAndThrowException (String cname) {
    return createAndThrowException(cname, null);

  public Instruction createAndThrowException (String cname, String details) {
    try {
      ClassInfo ci = null;
      try {
        ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentResolvedClassInfo(cname);
      } catch(ClassInfoException cie) {
        // the non-system class loader couldn't find the class, 
        if(cie.getExceptionClass().equals("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException") &&
                        !ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentClassLoader().isSystemClassLoader()) {
          ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getSystemResolvedClassInfo(cname);
        } else {
          throw cie;
      return createAndThrowException(ci, details);
    } catch (ClassInfoException cie){
      if(!cname.equals(cie.getExceptionClass())) {
        ClassInfo ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentResolvedClassInfo(cie.getExceptionClass());
        return createAndThrowException(ci, cie.getMessage());
      } else {
        throw cie;

   * can be used by instructions to break long transitions (preferably on 
   * backjumps so that state matching could terminate the search)
  public boolean maxTransitionLengthExceeded(){
    return executedInstructions >= maxTransitionLength;
   * enter instructions until there is none left or somebody breaks
   * the transition (e.g. by registering a CG)
   * this is the inner interpreter loop of JPF
  protected void executeTransition (SystemState ss) throws JPFException {
    Instruction pc;
    while ((pc = getPC()) != null){
      Instruction nextPc = null;

      currentThread = this;
      executedInstructions = 0;
      pendingException = null;

      if (isStopped()){
        pc = throwStopException();

      // this constitutes the main transition loop. It gobbles up
      // insns until someone registered a ChoiceGenerator, there are no insns left,
      // the transition was explicitly marked as ignored, or we have reached a
      // max insn count and preempt the thread upon the next available backjump
      while (pc != null) {
        nextPc = executeInstruction();

        if (ss.breakTransition()) {
          if (ss.extendTransition()){
            continue outer;
          } else {
            if (executedInstructions == 0){ // a CG from a re-executed insn
              if (isEmptyTransitionEnabled()){ // treat as a new state if empty transitions are enabled

        } else {        
          pc = nextPc;

  protected void resetTransientAttributes(){
   * Execute next instruction.
  public Instruction executeInstruction () {
    Instruction pc = getPC();
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    nextPc = null;
    // note that we don't reset pendingSUTExceptionRequest since it could be set outside executeInstruction()
    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
      log.fine( pc.getMethodInfo().getFullName() + " " + pc.getPosition() + " : " + pc);

    // this is the pre-execution notification, during which a listener can perform
    // on-the-fly instrumentation or even replace the instruction alltogether
    vm.notifyExecuteInstruction(this, pc);

    if ((pendingSUTExceptionRequest == null) && ((attributes & ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC) == 0)){
        try {
          nextPc = pc.execute(this);
        } catch (ClassInfoException cie) {
          nextPc = this.createAndThrowException(cie.getExceptionClass(), cie.getMessage());

    // we also count the skipped ones
    if ((attributes & ATTR_SKIP_INSN_LOG) == 0) {

    // here we have our post exec bytecode exec observation point
    vm.notifyInstructionExecuted(this, pc, nextPc);
    // since this is part of the inner execution loop, it is a convenient place to check for probes
    // clean up whatever might have been stored by enter

    if (pendingSUTExceptionRequest != null){
    // set+return the next insn to enter if we did not return from the last stack frame.
    // Note that 'nextPc' might have been set by a listener, and/or 'top' might have
    // been changed by executing an invoke, return or throw (handler), or by
    // pushing overlay calls on the stack
    if (top != null) {
      // <2do> this is where we would have to handle general insn repeat
      return nextPc;
    } else {
      return null;

   * enter instruction hidden from any listeners, and do not
   * record it in the path
  public Instruction executeInstructionHidden () {
    Instruction pc = getPC();
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();
    KernelState ks = vm.getKernelState();

    nextPc = null; // reset in case pc.execute() blows (this could be behind an exception firewall)

    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      log.fine( pc.getMethodInfo().getFullName() + " " + pc.getPosition() + " : " + pc);

    try {
        nextPc = pc.execute(this);
      } catch (ClassInfoException cie) {
        nextPc = this.createAndThrowException(cie.getExceptionClass(), cie.getMessage());

    // we also count the hidden ones since isFirstStepInsn depends on it
    // since this is part of the inner execution loop, it is a convenient place  to check probe notifications
    // we did not return from the last frame stack
    if (top != null) { // <2do> should probably bomb otherwise

    return nextPc;

   * is this after calling Instruction.enter()
   * used by instructions and listeners
  public boolean isPostExec() {
    return (nextPc != null);

  public void reExecuteInstruction() {
    nextPc = getPC();

  public boolean willReExecuteInstruction() {
    return (getPC() == nextPc);
   * skip the next bytecode. To be used by listeners to on-the-fly replace
   * instructions
  public void skipInstruction (Instruction nextInsn) {
    attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC;
    //assert nextInsn != null;
    nextPc = nextInsn;

   * skip and continue with the following instruction. This is deprecated because
   * callers should explicitly provide the next instruction (depending on the
   * skipped insn)
  public void skipInstruction(){

  public boolean isInstructionSkipped() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC) != 0;

  public void skipInstructionLogging () {
    attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_LOG;

   * explicitly set the next insn to enter. To be used by listeners that
   * replace bytecode exec (during 'executeInstruction' notification
   * Note this is dangerous because you have to make sure the operand stack is
   * in a consistent state. This also will fail if someone already ordered
   * reexecution of the current instruction
  public boolean setNextPC (Instruction insn) {
    if (nextPc == null){
      // this is pre-execution, if we don't skip then the next insn.execute() is going
      // to override what we set here
      attributes |= ATTR_SKIP_INSN_EXEC;
      nextPc = insn;
      return true;
    } else {
      if (top != null && nextPc != top.getPC()){ // this needs to be re-executed
        nextPc = insn;   
        return true;
    return false;

   * Executes a method call. Be aware that it executes the whole method as one atomic
   * step. Arguments have to be already on the provided stack
   * This only works for non-native methods, and does not allow any choice points,
   * so you have to know very well what you are doing.
   * Instructions executed by this method are still fully observable and stored in
   * the path
  public void executeMethodAtomic (StackFrame frame) {

    int    depth = countStackFrames();
    Instruction pc = frame.getPC();
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    ss.incAtomic(); // to shut off avoidable context switches (MONITOR_ENTER and wait() can still block)

    while (depth <= countStackFrames()) {
      Instruction nextPC = executeInstruction();

      if (ss.getNextChoiceGenerator() != null) {
        // BANG - we can't have CG's here
        // should be rather an ordinary exception
        // createAndThrowException("java.lang.AssertionError", "choice point in sync executed method: " + frame);
        throw new JPFException("choice point in atomic method execution: " + frame);
      } else {
        pc = nextPC;


    nextPc = null;

    // the frame was already removed by the RETURN insn of the frame's method

   * enter method atomically, but also hide it from listeners and do NOT add
   * executed instructions to the path.
   * this can be even more confusing than executeMethodAtomic(), since
   * nothing prevents such a method from changing the program state, and we
   * wouldn't know for what reason by looking at the trace
   * this method should only be used if we have to enter test application code
   * like hashCode() or equals() from native code, e.g. to silently check property
   * violations
   * executeMethodHidden also acts as an exception firewall, since we don't want
   * any silently executed code fall back into the visible path (for
   * no observable reason)
  public void executeMethodHidden (StackFrame frame) {

    int depth = countStackFrames(); // this includes the DirectCallStackFrame
    Instruction pc = frame.getPC();

    vm.getSystemState().incAtomic(); // to shut off avoidable context switches (MONITOR_ENTER and wait() can still block)

    while (depth <= countStackFrames()) {
      Instruction nextPC = executeInstructionHidden();

      if (pendingException != null) {

      } else {
        if (nextPC == pc) {
          // BANG - we can't have CG's here
          // should be rather an ordinary exception
          // createAndThrowException("java.lang.AssertionError", "choice point in sync executed method: " + frame);
          throw new JPFException("choice point in hidden method execution: " + frame);
        } else {
          pc = nextPC;


    nextPc = null;

    // the frame was already removed by the RETURN insn of the frame's method

  public Heap getHeap () {
    return vm.getHeap();

  public ElementInfo getElementInfo (int objRef) {
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    return heap.get(objRef);
  public ElementInfo getModifiableElementInfo (int ref) {
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    return heap.getModifiable(ref);
  public ElementInfo getBlockedObject (MethodInfo mi, boolean isBeforeCall, boolean isModifiable) {
    int         objref;
    ElementInfo ei = null;

    if (mi.isSynchronized()) {
      if (mi.isStatic()) {
        objref = mi.getClassInfo().getClassObjectRef();
      } else {
        // NOTE 'inMethod' doesn't work for natives, because getThis() pulls 'this' from the stack frame, 
        // which we don't have (and don't need) for natives
        objref = isBeforeCall ? getCalleeThis(mi) : getThis();

      ei = (isModifiable) ? getModifiableElementInfo(objref) : getElementInfo(objref);

      assert (ei != null) : ("inconsistent stack, no object or class ref: " +
                               mi.getFullName() + " (" + objref +")");

    return ei;

  //--- convenience methods for call sites that don't have direct access to the VM
  public boolean setNextChoiceGenerator (ChoiceGenerator<?> cg){
    return vm.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg);
  public boolean hasNextChoiceGenerator(){
    return vm.hasNextChoiceGenerator();

  public void checkNextChoiceGeneratorSet (String msg){
    if (!vm.hasNextChoiceGenerator()){
      throw new JPFException(msg);
  //--- call processing
   * note - this assumes the stackframe of the method to enter is already initialized and on top (pushed)
  public void enter (){
    MethodInfo mi = top.getMethodInfo();

    if (!mi.isJPFExecutable()){
      throw new JPFException("method is not JPF executable: " + mi);

    if (mi.isSynchronized()){
      int oref = mi.isStatic() ?  mi.getClassInfo().getClassObjectRef() : top.getThis();
      ElementInfo ei = getModifiableElementInfo( oref);

    vm.notifyMethodEntered(this, mi);

   * note - this assumes the stackframe is still on top (not yet popped)
   * return true if any threads became unblocked due to a return from a sync method
  public boolean leave(){
    boolean didUnblock = false;
    MethodInfo mi = top.getMethodInfo();
    // <2do> - that's not really enough, we might have suspicious bytecode that fails
    // to release locks acquired by monitor_enter (e.g. by not having a handler that
    // monitor_exits & re-throws). That's probably shifted into the bytecode verifier
    // in the future (i.e. outside JPF), but maybe we should add an explicit test here
    // and report an error if the code does asymmetric locking (according to the specs,
    // VMs are allowed to silently fix this, so it might run on some and fail on others)
    if (mi.isSynchronized()) {
      int oref = mi.isStatic() ?  mi.getClassInfo().getClassObjectRef() : top.getThis();
      ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo( oref);
      if (ei.isLocked()){
        ei = ei.getModifiableInstance();
        didUnblock = ei.unlock(this);

    vm.notifyMethodExited(this, mi);
    return didUnblock;

   * this should only be called from the top half of the last DIRECTCALLRETURN of
   * a thread.
   * @return true - if the thread is done, false - if instruction has to be re-executed
  public boolean exit(){
    int objref = getThreadObjectRef();
    ElementInfo ei = getModifiableElementInfo(objref); // we are going to modify it no matter what
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();
    Scheduler scheduler = getScheduler();

    // if this is the last non-daemon and there are only daemons left (which
    // would be killed by our termination) we have to give them a chance to
    // run BEFORE we terminate, to catch errors in those daemons we might have
    // triggered in our last transition. Even if a daemon has a proper CG
    // on the trigger that would expose the error subsequently, it would not be
    // scheduled anymore but hard terminated. This is even true if the trigger
    // is the last operation in the daemon since a host VM might preempt
    // on every instruction, not just CG insns (see
    if (vm.getThreadList().hasOnlyMatchingOtherThan(this, vm.getDaemonRunnablePredicate())) {
      if (scheduler.setsRescheduleCG(this, "daemonTermination")) {
        return false;
    // beware - this notifies all waiters for this thread (e.g. in a join())
    // hence it has to be able to acquire the lock
    if (!ei.canLock(this)) {
      // if we can't acquire the lock, it means there needs to be another live thread,
      // but it might not be runnable (deadlock) and we don't want to mask that error
      // block first, so that we don't get this thread in the list of CGs
      if (!scheduler.setsBlockedThreadCG(this, ei)){
        throw new JPFException("blocking thread termination without transition break");            
      return false; // come back once we can obtain the lock to notify our waiters
    // we have to be able to acquire the group lock since we are going to remove
    // the thread from the group
    int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
    ElementInfo eiGrp = getModifiableElementInfo(grpRef);
    if (eiGrp != null){
      if (!eiGrp.canLock(this)){
        if (!scheduler.setsBlockedThreadCG(this, eiGrp)){
          throw new JPFException("blocking thread termination on group without transition break");            
        return false; // come back once we can obtain the lock to update the group

    // Ok, we can get the lock, time to die
    // this simulates the ThreadGroup.remove(), which would cause a lot
    // of states if done in bytecode. Since we don't have a ThreadGroup peer
    // we keep all this code in ThreadInfo.
    // This might cause the ThreadGroup to notify waiters, which has to
    // happen before the notification on the thread object
    cleanupThreadGroup(grpRef, objref);
    // notify waiters on thread termination
    if (!holdsLock(ei)) {
      // we only need to increase the lockcount if we don't own the lock yet,
      // as is the case for synchronized run() in anonymous threads (otherwise
      // we have a lockcount > 1 and hence do not unlock upon return)

    ei.notifiesAll(); // watch out, this might change the runnable count


    // we don't unregister this thread yet, this happens when the corresponding
    // thread object is collected
    vm.activateGC();  // stack is gone, so reachability might change

    // give the thread tracking policy a chance to remove this thread from
    // object/class thread sets

    if (vm.getThreadList().hasAnyMatchingOtherThan(this, getRunnableNonDaemonPredicate())) {
      if (!scheduler.setsTerminationCG(this)){
        throw new JPFException("thread termination without transition break");

    popFrame(); // we need to do this *after* setting the CG (so that we still have a CG insn)

    return true;

  Predicate<ThreadInfo> getRunnableNonDaemonPredicate() {
    return new Predicate<ThreadInfo>() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo ti) {
        return (ti.isRunnable() && !ti.isDaemon());
   * this is called upon ThreadInfo.exit() and corresponds to the private Thread.exit()
  void cleanupThreadObject (ElementInfo ei) {
    // ideally, this should be done by calling Thread.exit(), but this
    // does a ThreadGroup.remove(), which does a lot of sync stuff on the shared
    // ThreadGroup object, which might create lots of states. So we just nullify
    // the Thread fields and remove it from the ThreadGroup from here
    int grpRef = ei.getReferenceField("group");
    cleanupThreadGroup(grpRef, ei.getObjectRef());

    ei.setReferenceField("group", MJIEnv.NULL);    
    ei.setReferenceField("threadLocals", MJIEnv.NULL);
    ei.setReferenceField("uncaughtExceptionHandler", MJIEnv.NULL);

   * this is called upon ThreadInfo.exit() and corresponds to ThreadGroup.remove(t), which is called from Thread.exit()
   * ideally this should be in the ThreadGroup peer, but we don't want to reference concrete peers from core (which is the
   * lowest layer).
   * Since we already depend on ThreadGroup fields during VM initialization we just keep all Thread/ThreadGroup
   * related methods here
  void cleanupThreadGroup (int grpRef, int threadRef) {
    if (grpRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
      ElementInfo eiGrp = getModifiableElementInfo(grpRef);
      int threadsRef = eiGrp.getReferenceField("threads");
      if (threadsRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        ElementInfo eiThreads = getModifiableElementInfo(threadsRef);
        if (eiThreads.isArray()) {
          int nthreads = eiGrp.getIntField("nthreads");

          for (int i=0; i<nthreads; i++) {
            int tref = eiThreads.getReferenceElement(i);

            if (tref == threadRef) { // compact the threads array
              int n1 = nthreads-1;
              for (int j=i; j<n1; j++) {
                eiThreads.setReferenceElement(j, eiThreads.getReferenceElement(j+1));
              eiThreads.setReferenceElement(n1, MJIEnv.NULL);

              eiGrp.setIntField("nthreads", n1);
              if (n1 == 0) {

              // <2do> we should probably also check if we have to set it destroyed

   * this is called by the VM upon initialization of the main thread. At this point, we have a tiMain and a java.lang.Thread
   * object, but there is no ThreadGroup yet
   * This method is here to keep all Thread/ThreadGroup field dependencies in one place. The downside of not keeping this in
   * VM is that we can't override in order to have specialized ThreadInfos, but there is no factory for them anyways
  protected void createMainThreadObject (SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCl){
    //--- now create & initializeSharednessPolicy all the related JPF objects
    Heap heap = getHeap();

    ClassInfo ciThread = sysCl.threadClassInfo;
    ElementInfo eiThread = heap.newObject( ciThread, this);
    objRef = eiThread.getObjectRef();
    ElementInfo eiName = heap.newString(MAIN_NAME, this);
    int nameRef = eiName.getObjectRef();
    eiThread.setReferenceField("name", nameRef);
    ElementInfo eiGroup = createMainThreadGroup(sysCl);
    eiThread.setReferenceField("group", eiGroup.getObjectRef());
    eiThread.setIntField("priority", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);

    ClassInfo ciPermit = sysCl.getResolvedClassInfo("java.lang.Thread$Permit");
    ElementInfo eiPermit = heap.newObject( ciPermit, this);
    eiPermit.setBooleanField("blockPark", true);
    eiThread.setReferenceField("permit", eiPermit.getObjectRef());

    addId( objRef, id);

    //--- set the thread running

   * this creates and inits the main ThreadGroup object, which we have to do explicitly since
   * we can't execute bytecode yet
  protected ElementInfo createMainThreadGroup (SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCl) {
    Heap heap = getHeap();
    ClassInfo ciGroup = sysCl.getResolvedClassInfo("java.lang.ThreadGroup");
    ElementInfo eiThreadGrp = heap.newObject( ciGroup, this);

    ElementInfo eiGrpName = heap.newString("main", this);
    eiThreadGrp.setReferenceField("name", eiGrpName.getObjectRef());

    eiThreadGrp.setIntField("maxPriority", java.lang.Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);

    // 'threads' and 'nthreads' will be set later from createMainThreadObject

    return eiThreadGrp;

   * this is used for all thread objects, not just main 
  protected void addToThreadGroup (ElementInfo eiGroup){
    FieldInfo finThreads = eiGroup.getFieldInfo("nthreads");
    int nThreads = eiGroup.getIntField(finThreads);
    if (eiGroup.getBooleanField("destroyed")){
    } else {
      FieldInfo fiThreads = eiGroup.getFieldInfo("threads");
      int threadsRef = eiGroup.getReferenceField(fiThreads);
      if (threadsRef == MJIEnv.NULL){
        threadsRef = env.newObjectArray("Ljava/lang/Thread;", 1);
        env.setReferenceArrayElement(threadsRef, 0, objRef);
        eiGroup.setReferenceField(fiThreads, threadsRef);
      } else {
        int newThreadsRef = env.newObjectArray("Ljava/lang/Thread;", nThreads+1);
        ElementInfo eiNewThreads = env.getElementInfo(newThreadsRef);        
        ElementInfo eiThreads = env.getElementInfo(threadsRef);
        for (int i=0; i<nThreads; i++){
          int tr = eiThreads.getReferenceElement(i);
          eiNewThreads.setReferenceElement(i, tr);
        eiNewThreads.setReferenceElement(nThreads, objRef);
        eiGroup.setReferenceField(fiThreads, newThreadsRef);
      eiGroup.setIntField(finThreads, nThreads+1);
      /** <2do> we don't model this yet
      FieldInfo finUnstartedThreads = eiGroup.getFieldInfo("nUnstartedThreads");
      int nUnstarted = eiGroup.getIntField(finUnstartedThreads);
      eiGroup.setIntField(finUnstartedThreads, nUnstarted-1);
  public void hash (HashData hd) {

    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){

  public void interrupt () {
    ElementInfo eiThread = getModifiableElementInfo(getThreadObjectRef());

    State status = getState();

    switch (status) {
    case RUNNING:
    case BLOCKED:
    case UNBLOCKED:
    case NOTIFIED:
    case TIMEDOUT:
      // just set interrupt flag
      eiThread.setBooleanField("interrupted", true);

    case WAITING:
      eiThread.setBooleanField("interrupted", true);

      // since this is potentially called w/o owning the wait lock, we
      // have to check if the waiter goes directly to UNBLOCKED
      ElementInfo eiLock = getElementInfo(lockRef);
      if (eiLock.canLock(this)) {
        // we cannot yet remove this thread from the Monitor lock contender list
        // since it still has to re-acquire the lock before becoming runnable again
        // NOTE: this can lead to attempts to reenter the same thread to the 
        // lock contender list if the interrupt handler of the interrupted thread
        // tries to wait/block/park again

    case NEW:
    case TERMINATED:
      // ignore


   * mark all objects during gc phase1 which are reachable from this threads
   * root set (Thread object, Runnable, stack)
   * @aspects: gc
  void markRoots (Heap heap) {
    // 1. mark the Thread object itself
    heap.markThreadRoot(objRef, id);

    // 2. and its runnable
    if (targetRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {

    // 3. if we have a pending exception that wasn't handled, make sure the exception object is not collected before we match states
    if (pendingException != null){
      heap.markThreadRoot(pendingException.getExceptionReference(), id);
    // 4. now all references on the stack
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      frame.markThreadRoots(heap, id);

   * replace the top frame - this is a dangerous method that should only
   * be used from Restoreres and to restore operators and locals in post-execution notifications
   * to their pre-execution contents
  public void setTopFrame (StackFrame frame) {
    top = frame;

    // since we have swapped the top frame, the stackDepth might have changed
    int n = 0;
    for (StackFrame f = frame; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
    stackDepth = n;

   * Adds a new stack frame for a new called method.
  public void pushFrame (StackFrame frame) {


    top = frame;

    // a new frame cannot have been stored yet, so we don't need to clone on the next mod
    // note this depends on not pushing a frame in the top half of a CG method

    returnedDirectCall = null;

   * Removes a stack frame
  public void popFrame() {
    StackFrame frame = top;

    //--- do our housekeeping
    if (frame.hasAnyRef()) {

    // there always is one since we start all threads through directcalls
    top = frame.getPrevious();

  public StackFrame popAndGetModifiableTopFrame() {

    if (top.isFrozen()) {
      top = top.clone();
    return top;
  public StackFrame popAndGetTopFrame(){
    return top;
   * removing DirectCallStackFrames is a bit different (only happens from
  public StackFrame popDirectCallFrame() {
    //assert top instanceof DirectCallStackFrame;

    returnedDirectCall = (DirectCallStackFrame) top;

    if (top.hasFrameAttr( UncaughtHandlerAttr.class)){
      return popUncaughtHandlerFrame();
    top = top.getPrevious();
    return top;

  public boolean hasReturnedFromDirectCall () {
    // this is reset each time we push a new frame
    return (returnedDirectCall != null);

  public boolean hasReturnedFromDirectCall(String directCallId){
    return (returnedDirectCall != null &&

  public DirectCallStackFrame getReturnedDirectCall () {
    return returnedDirectCall;

  public String getStateDescription () {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("thread ");
    return sb.toString();

  public ClassInfo getThreadObjectClassInfo() {
    return getThreadObject().getClassInfo();
   * Prints the content of the stack
  public void printStackContent () {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){

   * Prints current stacktrace information
  public void printStackTrace () {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){

  protected boolean haltOnThrow (String exceptionClassName){
    if ((haltOnThrow != null) && (haltOnThrow.matchesAny(exceptionClassName))){
      return true;

    return false;

  protected Instruction throwStopException (){
    // <2do> maybe we should do a little sanity check first
    ElementInfo ei = getModifiableThreadObject();

    int xRef = ei.getReferenceField("stopException");
    ei.setReferenceField("stopException", MJIEnv.NULL);
    attributes &= ~ATTR_SET_STOPPED;  // otherwise we would throw again if thread gets still executed

    Instruction insn = getPC();
    if (insn instanceof EXECUTENATIVE){
      // we only get here if there was a CG in a native method and we might
      // have to reacquire a lock to go on

      // <2do> it would be better if we could avoid to enter the native method
      // since it might have side effects like overwriting the exception or
      // doing roundtrips in its bottom half, but we don't know which lock that
      // is (lockRef might be already reset)

      return insn;

    return throwException(xRef);
   * this is basically a side-effect free version of throwException to determine if a given
   * exception will be handled.
  public HandlerContext getHandlerContextFor (ClassInfo ciException){
    ExceptionHandler matchingHandler = null; // the matching handler we found (if any)
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      // that means we have to turn the exception into an InvocationTargetException
      if (frame.isReflection()) {
        ciException = ClassInfo.getInitializedSystemClassInfo("java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", this);

      matchingHandler = frame.getHandlerFor( ciException);
      if (matchingHandler != null){
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, frame, matchingHandler);
    if (!ignoreUncaughtHandlers && !isUncaughtHandlerOnStack()) {
      int uchRef;
      if ((uchRef = getInstanceUncaughtHandler()) != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, HandlerContext.UncaughtHandlerType.INSTANCE, uchRef);

      int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
      if ((uchRef = getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler(grpRef)) != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, HandlerContext.UncaughtHandlerType.GROUP, uchRef);

      if ((uchRef = getGlobalUncaughtHandler()) != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        return new HandlerContext( this, ciException, HandlerContext.UncaughtHandlerType.GLOBAL, uchRef);
    return null;
   * unwind stack frames until we find a matching handler for the exception object
  public Instruction throwException (int exceptionObjRef) {
    Heap heap = vm.getHeap();
    ElementInfo eiException = heap.get(exceptionObjRef);
    ClassInfo ciException = eiException.getClassInfo();
    String exceptionName = ciException.getName();
    StackFrame handlerFrame = null; // the stackframe that has a matching handler (if any)
    ExceptionHandler matchingHandler = null; // the matching handler we found (if any)

    // first, give the VM a chance to intercept (we do this before changing anything)
    Instruction insn = vm.handleException(this, exceptionObjRef);
    if (insn != null){
      return insn;

    // we don't have to store the stacktrace explicitly anymore, since that is now
    // done in the Throwable ctor (more specifically the native fillInStackTrace)
    pendingException = new ExceptionInfo(this, eiException);

    vm.notifyExceptionThrown(this, eiException);

    if (haltOnThrow(exceptionName)) {
      // shortcut - we don't try to find a handler for this one but bail immediately
      throw new UncaughtException(this, exceptionObjRef);

    // check if we find a matching handler, and if we do store it. Leave the
    // stack untouched so that listeners can still inspect it
    for (StackFrame frame = top; (frame != null) && (handlerFrame == null); frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      // that means we have to turn the exception into an InvocationTargetException
      if (frame.isReflection()) {
        // make sure it's in the startup class set since we are not able to re-execute here
        ciException = ClassInfo.getInitializedSystemClassInfo("java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", this);
        exceptionObjRef  = createException(ciException, exceptionName, exceptionObjRef);
        exceptionName = ciException.getName();
        eiException = heap.get(exceptionObjRef);
        pendingException = new ExceptionInfo(this, eiException);

      matchingHandler = frame.getHandlerFor( ciException);
      if (matchingHandler != null){
        handlerFrame = frame;

      if ((handlerFrame == null) && frame.isFirewall()) {
        // this method should not let exceptionHandlers pass into lower level stack frames
        // (e.g. for <clinit>, or hidden direct calls)
        // <2do> if this is a <clinit>, we should probably turn into an
        // ExceptionInInitializerError first
        throw new UncaughtException(this, exceptionObjRef);

    if (handlerFrame == null) {
      // we still have to check if there is a Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler in effect,
      // and if we already enter within one, in which case we don't reenter it
      if (!ignoreUncaughtHandlers && !isUncaughtHandlerOnStack()) {
        // we use a direct call instead of exception handlers within the run()/main()
        // direct call methods because we want to preserve the whole stack in case
        // we treat returned (report-only) handlers as NoUncaughtExceptionProperty
        // violations (passUncaughtHandler=false)
        insn = callUncaughtHandler(pendingException);
        if (insn != null) {
          // we only do this if there is a UncaughtHandler other than the standard
          // ThreadGroup, hence we have to check for the return value. If there is
          // only ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(), we put the system out of its misery
          return insn;

      // there was no overridden uncaughtHandler, or we already executed it
      if ("java.lang.ThreadDeath".equals(exceptionName)) { // gracefully shut down
        pendingException = null;
        return top.getPC().getNext(); // the final DIRECTCALLRETURN

      } else { // we have a NoUncaughtPropertyViolation
        throw new UncaughtException(this, exceptionObjRef);

    } else { // we found a matching handler

      // according to the VM spec, before transferring control to the handler we have
      // to reset the operand stack to contain only the exception reference
      // (4.9.2 - "4. merge the state of the operand stack..")
      handlerFrame = getModifiableTopFrame();

      // jump to the exception handler and set pc so that listeners can see it
      int handlerOffset = matchingHandler.getHandler();
      insn = handlerFrame.getMethodInfo().getInstructionAt(handlerOffset);

      // notify before we reset the pendingException

      pendingException = null; // handled, no need to keep it

      return insn;

   * is there any UncaughHandler in effect for this thread?
   * NOTE - this doesn't check if we are already executing one (i.e. it would still handle an exception)
   * or if uncaughtHandlers are enabled within JPF
  public boolean hasUncaughtHandler (){
    if (getInstanceUncaughtHandler() != MJIEnv.NULL){
      return true;
    int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
    if (getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler(grpRef) != MJIEnv.NULL){
      return true;
    if (getGlobalUncaughtHandler() != MJIEnv.NULL){
      return true;
    return false;
   * this explicitly models the standard ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(), but we want
   * to save us a roundtrip if that's the only handler we got. If we would use
   * a handler block in the run()/main() direct call stubs that just delegate to
   * the standard ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(), we would have trouble mapping
   * this to NoUncaughtExceptionProperty violations (which is just a normal
   * printStackTrace() in there).
  protected Instruction callUncaughtHandler (ExceptionInfo xi){
    Instruction insn = null;
    // 1. check if this thread has its own uncaughtExceptionHandler set. If not,
    // hand it over to ThreadGroup.uncaughtException()
    int  hRef = getInstanceUncaughtHandler();
    if (hRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      insn = callUncaughtHandler(xi, hRef, "[threadUncaughtHandler]");
    } else {
      // 2. check if any of the ThreadGroup chain has an overridden uncaughtException
      int grpRef = getThreadGroupRef();
      hRef = getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler(grpRef);
      if (hRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
        insn = callUncaughtHandler(xi, hRef, "[threadGroupUncaughtHandler]");
      } else {
        // 3. as a last measure, check if there is a global handler 
        hRef = getGlobalUncaughtHandler();
        if (hRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
          insn = callUncaughtHandler(xi, hRef, "[globalUncaughtHandler]");
    return insn;
  protected boolean isUncaughtHandlerOnStack(){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      if (frame.hasFrameAttr(UncaughtHandlerAttr.class)){
        return true;
    return false;
  protected int getInstanceUncaughtHandler (){
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(objRef);
    int handlerRef = ei.getReferenceField("uncaughtExceptionHandler");
    return handlerRef;
  protected int getThreadGroupRef() {
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(objRef);
    int groupRef = ei.getReferenceField("group");
    return groupRef;
  protected int getThreadGroupUncaughtHandler (int grpRef){

    // get the first overridden uncaughtException() implementation in the group chain
    while (grpRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo eiGrp = getElementInfo(grpRef);
      ClassInfo ciGrp = eiGrp.getClassInfo();
      MethodInfo miHandler = ciGrp.getMethod("uncaughtException(Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V", true);
      ClassInfo ciHandler = miHandler.getClassInfo();
      if (!ciHandler.getName().equals("java.lang.ThreadGroup")) {
        return eiGrp.getObjectRef();

      grpRef = eiGrp.getReferenceField("parent");
    // no overridden uncaughtHandler found
    return MJIEnv.NULL;
  protected int getGlobalUncaughtHandler(){
    ElementInfo ei = getElementInfo(objRef);
    ClassInfo ci = ei.getClassInfo();
    FieldInfo fi = ci.getStaticField("defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler");
    // the field is in our java.lang.Thread, but the concrete thread object class might differ
    ClassInfo fci = fi.getClassInfo();
    return fci.getStaticElementInfo().getReferenceField(fi);
   * using an attribute to mark DirectCallStackFrames executing uncaughtHandlers is not
   * ideal, but the case is so exotic that we don't want another concrete StackFrame subclass that
   * would have to be created through the ClassInfo factory. Apart from retrieving the 
   * ExceptionInfo this is just a normal DirectCallStackFrame.
   * We could directly use ExceptionInfo, but it seems more advisable to have a dedicated,
   * private type. This could also store execution state
  class UncaughtHandlerAttr implements SystemAttribute {
    ExceptionInfo xInfo;
    UncaughtHandlerAttr (ExceptionInfo xInfo){
      this.xInfo = xInfo;
    ExceptionInfo getExceptionInfo(){
      return xInfo;
  protected Instruction callUncaughtHandler (ExceptionInfo xi, int handlerRef, String id){
    ElementInfo eiHandler = getElementInfo(handlerRef);
    ClassInfo ciHandler = eiHandler.getClassInfo();
    MethodInfo miHandler = ciHandler.getMethod("uncaughtException(Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V", true);

    // we have to clear this here in case there is a CG while executing the uncaughtHandler
    pendingException = null;
    DirectCallStackFrame frame = miHandler.createDirectCallStackFrame(this, 0);
    int argOffset = frame.setReferenceArgument( 0, handlerRef, null);
    argOffset = frame.setReferenceArgument( argOffset, objRef, null);
    frame.setReferenceArgument( argOffset, xi.getExceptionReference(), null);
    UncaughtHandlerAttr uchContext = new UncaughtHandlerAttr( xi);
    frame.setFrameAttr( uchContext);
    return frame.getPC();
  protected StackFrame popUncaughtHandlerFrame(){    
    // we return from an overridden uncaughtException() direct call, but
    // its debatable if this counts as 'handled'. For handlers that just do
    // reporting this is probably false and we want JPF to report the defect.
    // If this is a fail-safe handler that tries to clean up so that other threads can
    // take over, we want to be able to go on and properly shut down the 
    // thread without property violation
    if (passUncaughtHandler) {
      // gracefully shutdown this thread
      unwindToFirstFrame(); // this will take care of notifying
      assert top.getPC() instanceof ReturnInstruction : "topframe PC not a ReturnInstruction: " + top.getPC();
      return top;

    } else {
      // treat this still as an NoUncaughtExceptionProperty violation
      UncaughtHandlerAttr ctx = returnedDirectCall.getFrameAttr(UncaughtHandlerAttr.class);
      pendingException = ctx.getExceptionInfo();
      throw new UncaughtException(this, pendingException.getExceptionReference());

  protected void unwindTo (StackFrame newTopFrame){
    for (StackFrame frame = top; (frame != null) && (frame != newTopFrame); frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      leave(); // that takes care of releasing locks
      vm.notifyExceptionBailout(this); // notify before we pop the frame

  protected StackFrame unwindToFirstFrame(){
    StackFrame frame;

    for (frame = top; frame.getPrevious() != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()) {
      leave(); // that takes care of releasing locks
      vm.notifyExceptionBailout(this); // notify before we pop the frame

    return frame;

  public ExceptionInfo getPendingException () {
    return pendingException;

   * watch out - just clearing it might cause an infinite loop
   * if we don't drop frames and/or advance the pc
  public void clearPendingException () {
    pendingException = null;

   * Returns a clone of the thread data. To be called every time we change some ThreadData field
   * (which unfortunately includes lock counts, hence this should be changed)
  protected ThreadData threadDataClone () {
    if ((attributes & ATTR_DATA_CHANGED) != 0) {
      // already cloned, so we don't have to clone
    } else {
      // reset, so that next storage request would recompute tdIndex

      threadData = threadData.clone();

    return threadData;

  public void restoreThreadData(ThreadData td) {
    threadData = td;

   * this is a generic request to reschedule that is not based on instruction type
   * Note that we check for a mandatory CG, i.e. the policy has to return a CG to make sure
   * there is a transition break. We still go through the policy object for selection
   * of scheduling choices though
  public boolean reschedule (String reason){
    return getScheduler().setsRescheduleCG(this, reason);
   * this is a version that unconditionally breaks the current transition
   * without really adding choices. It only goes on with the same thread
   * (to avoid state explosion). Since we require a break, and there is no
   * choice (current thread is supposed to continue), there is no point 
   * going through the SyncPolicy
   * if the current transition is already marked as ignored, this method does nothing
  public boolean breakTransition(String reason) {
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    // no need to set a CG if this transition is already marked as ignored
    // (which will also break executeTransition)
    BreakGenerator cg = new BreakGenerator(reason, this, false);
    return ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg); // this breaks the transition
   * this breaks the current transition with a CG that forces an end state (i.e.
   * has no choices)
   * this only takes effect if the current transition is not already marked
   * as ignored
  public boolean breakTransition(boolean isTerminator) {
    SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();

    if (!ss.isIgnored()){
      BreakGenerator cg = new BreakGenerator( "breakTransition", this, isTerminator);
      return ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg); // this breaks the transition
    return false;

  public boolean hasOtherRunnables () {
    return vm.getThreadList().hasAnyMatchingOtherThan(this, vm.getRunnablePredicate());
  protected void markUnchanged() {
    attributes &= ~ATTR_ANY_CHANGED;

  protected void markTfChanged(StackFrame frame) {
    attributes |= ATTR_STACK_CHANGED;

  protected void markTdChanged() {
    attributes |= ATTR_DATA_CHANGED;

  public StackFrame getCallerStackFrame() {
    if (top != null){
      return top.getPrevious();
    } else {
      return null;

  public int mixinExecutionStateHash(int h) {
    for (StackFrame frame = top; frame != null; frame = frame.prev) {
      if (!frame.isNative()) {
        h = frame.mixinExecutionStateHash(h);
    return h;
  public boolean hasDataChanged() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_DATA_CHANGED) != 0;

  public boolean hasStackChanged() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_STACK_CHANGED) != 0;

  public boolean hasChanged() {
    return (attributes & ATTR_ANY_CHANGED) != 0;

   * Returns a clone of the top stack frame.
  public StackFrame getModifiableTopFrame () {
    if (top.isFrozen()) {
      top = top.clone();
    return top;

   * Returns the top stack frame.
  public StackFrame getTopFrame () {
    return top;

   * this replaces all frames up from 'frame' to 'top' with modifiable ones.
   * NOTE - you can't use this AFTER getModifiableTopFrame() since it changes top. Because
   * it is inherently unsafe, it should be used with care and you have to make sure nothing
   * else has stored top references, or respective references are updated after this call.
   * NOTE also that we assume there is no frozen frame on top of an unfrozen one
   * <2do> that should probably be reported as an error since it is a stack consistency violation
  public StackFrame getModifiableFrame (StackFrame frame){
    StackFrame newTop = null;
    StackFrame last = null;
    boolean done = false;
    for (StackFrame f = top; f != null; f = f.getPrevious()){
      done = (f == frame);
      if (f.isFrozen()){
        f = f.clone();
        if (newTop == null){
          newTop = f;
        } else {
        last = f;
      if (done){ // done
        if (newTop != null){
          top = newTop;
        return f;
    return null; // it wasn't on the callstack
   * note that we don't provide a modifiable version of this. All modifications
   * should only happen in the executing (top) frame
  public StackFrame getStackFrameExecuting (Instruction insn, int offset){
    int n = offset;
    StackFrame frame = top;

    for (; (n > 0) && frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){

    for(; frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      if (frame.getPC() == insn){
        return frame;

    return null;

  public String toString() {
    return "ThreadInfo [name=" + getName() +
            ",id=" + id +
            ",state=" + getStateName() +
            // ",obj=" + Integer.toHexString(getThreadObjectRef()) +

  void setDaemon (boolean isDaemon) {
    threadDataClone().isDaemon = isDaemon;

  public boolean isDaemon () {
    return threadData.isDaemon;

  public MJIEnv getMJIEnv () {
    return env;
  void setName (String newName) {
    threadDataClone().name = newName;

    // see 'setPriority()', only that it's more serious here, because the
    // java.lang.Thread name is stored as a char[]

  public void setPriority (int newPrio) {
    if (threadData.priority != newPrio) {
      threadDataClone().priority = newPrio;

      // note that we don't update the java.lang.Thread object, but
      // use our threadData value (which works because the object
      // values are just used directly from the Thread ctors (from where we pull
      // it out in our ThreadInfo ctor), and henceforth only via our intercepted
      // native getters

  public int getPriority () {
    return threadData.priority;

   * Comparison for sorting based on index.
  public int compareTo (ThreadInfo that) {
    return -;
   * only for debugging purposes
  public void checkConsistency(boolean isStore){
    checkAssertion(threadData != null, "no thread data");
    // if the thread is runnable, it can't be blocked
    if (isRunnable()){
      checkAssertion(lockRef == MJIEnv.NULL, "runnable thread with non-null lockRef: " + lockRef) ;
    // every thread that has been started and is not terminated has to have a stackframe with a next pc
    if (!isTerminated() && !isNew()){
      checkAssertion( stackDepth > 0, "empty stack " + getState());
      checkAssertion( top != null, "no top frame");
      checkAssertion( top.getPC() != null, "no top PC");
    // if we are timedout, the top pc has to be either on a native Object.wait() or Unsafe.park()
    if (isTimedOut()){
      Instruction insn = top.getPC();
      checkAssertion( insn instanceof EXECUTENATIVE, "thread timedout outside of native method");
      // this is a bit dangerous in case we introduce new timeout points
      MethodInfo mi = ((EXECUTENATIVE)insn).getExecutedMethod();
      String mname = mi.getUniqueName();
      checkAssertion( mname.equals("wait(J") || mname.equals("park(ZJ"), "timedout thread outside timeout method: " + mi.getFullName());
    List<ElementInfo> lockedObjects = getLockedObjects();
    if (lockRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      // object we are blocked on has to exist
      ElementInfo ei = this.getElementInfo(lockRef);
      checkAssertion( ei != null, "thread locked on non-existing object: " + lockRef);
      // we have to be in the lockedThreads list of that objects monitor
      checkAssertion( ei.isLocking(this), "thread blocked on non-locking object: " + ei);
      // can't be blocked on a lock we own (but could be in waiting before giving it up)
      if (!isWaiting() && lockedObjectReferences.length > 0){
        for (ElementInfo lei : lockedObjects){
            checkAssertion( lei.getObjectRef() != lockRef, "non-waiting thread blocked on owned lock: " + lei);
      // the state has to be BLOCKED, NOTIFIED, WAITING or TIMEOUT_WAITING
      checkAssertion( isWaiting() || isBlockedOrNotified(), "locked thread not waiting, blocked or notified");
    } else { // no lockRef set
      checkAssertion( !isWaiting() && !isBlockedOrNotified(), "non-locked thread is waiting, blocked or notified");
    // if we have locked objects, we have to be the locking thread of each of them
    if (lockedObjects != null && !lockedObjects.isEmpty()){
      for (ElementInfo ei : lockedObjects){
        ThreadInfo lti = ei.getLockingThread();
        if (lti != null){
          checkAssertion(lti == this, "not the locking thread for locked object: " + ei + " owned by " + lti);
        } else {
          // can happen for a nested monitor lockout

  protected void checkAssertion(boolean cond, String failMsg){
    if (!cond){
      System.out.println("!!!!!! failed thread consistency: "  + this + ": " + failMsg);
      assert false;
  public boolean isSystemThread() {
    return false;