view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 3:fdc263e5806b

added inverse matching in StringSetMatcher. Since this is not easy to do in regexes, it's at the next hight level in StringSetMatcher added a optional CG accessor interface (geChoice(i), getAllChoices(), getProcessedChoices() getUnprocessedChoices()) that can be used from listeners and peers to enumerate/analyse choice sets. Note that not all CGs have to support this as there is no requirement that CGs actually use pre-computed choice sets. The low level accessor is getChoice(i), ChoiceGeneratorBase provides generic (not very efficient) set accessor implementations. Note that ChoiceGeneratorBase.getChoice() has to be overridden in subclasses in order to support choice enumeration, the default impl is just there so that we don't break subclass compilation
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Tue, 03 Feb 2015 08:49:33 -0800
parents 61d41facf527
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * a FieldLockInfo implementation with the following strategy:
 *   - at each check, store the intersection of the current threads lock set
 *     with the previous field lock set
 *   - if the access was checked less than CHECK_THRESHOLD times, report the
 *     field as unprotected
 *   - if the field lock set doesn't become empty after CHECK_THRESHOLD, report
 *     the field as protected
 *   - as an optimization, raise the check level above the threshold if we
 *     have a good probability that a current lock is a protection lock for this
 *     field
 *   - continue to check even after reaching the threshold, so that we
 *     can at least report a violated assumption
 *  NOTE there is a subtle problem: if we ever falsely assume lock protection
 *  in a path that subsequently recycles the shared object (e.g. by leading
 *  into an end state), we loose the assumption. If this is followed by
 *  a backtrack and execution of a path that uses a conflicting assumption
 *  (different or no lock), we will NOT detect potential races unless
 *  vm.por.sync_detection.pindown is set (which has some runtime costs)

public class StatisticFieldLockInfoFactory implements FieldLockInfoFactory {

  static Logger log = JPF.getLogger("gov.nasa.jpf.vm.FieldLockInfo");
   * the number of checks after which we decide if a non-empty lock set
   * means this field is protected
  static int CHECK_THRESHOLD = 5;
   * do we want objects with final field lock assumptions to be pinned
   * down (not garbage collected), to make sure we don't loose these
   * assumptions and subsequently fail to detect an assumption violation
   * after backtracking (see above)
  static boolean PINDOWN = false;

   * do we look for strong locking candidates (i.e. assume protection
   * if there is a lock related to the object).
   * NOTE this can lead to undetected race conditions if the assumption
   * subsequently fails
  static boolean AGRESSIVE = false;
  public StatisticFieldLockInfoFactory (Config conf) {
    CHECK_THRESHOLD = conf.getInt("vm.por.sync_detection.threshold", CHECK_THRESHOLD);
    PINDOWN = conf.getBoolean("vm.por.sync_detection.pindown", PINDOWN);
    AGRESSIVE = conf.getBoolean("vm.por.sync_detection.agressive",AGRESSIVE);    
  public FieldLockInfo createFieldLockInfo (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
    int[] currentLockRefs = ti.getLockedObjectReferences();
    int nLocks = currentLockRefs.length;

    if (nLocks == 0) {
      return FieldLockInfo.empty; // not protected, never will
    } else {
      if (AGRESSIVE) {
        int lockCandidateRef = strongProtectionCandidate(ei,fi,currentLockRefs);
        if (lockCandidateRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
          // NOTE we raise the checklevel
          return new SingleLockFli( ti, lockCandidateRef, CHECK_THRESHOLD);
      if (nLocks == 1) { // most common case
        return new SingleLockFli( ti, currentLockRefs[0], 0);
      } else {
        return new MultiLockFli( ti, fi, currentLockRefs);

   * check if the current thread lockset contains a lock with a high probability
   * that it is a protection lock for this field. We need this to avoid
   * state explosion due to the number of fields to check. Note that we don't
   * necessarily have to answer/decide which one is the best match in case of
   * several candidates (if we don't use this to reduce to StatisticFieldLockInfo1)
   * For instance fields, this would be a lock with a distance <= 1.
   * For static fields, the corresponding class object is a good candidate.
  int strongProtectionCandidate (ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi, int[] currentLockRefs) {
    int n = currentLockRefs.length;
    Heap heap = VM.getVM().getHeap();

    if (fi.isStatic()) { // static field, check for class object locking
      ClassInfo ci = fi.getClassInfo();
      int cref = ci.getClassObjectRef();

      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (currentLockRefs[i] == cref) {
          ElementInfo e = heap.get(cref);
"sync-detection: " + ei + " assumed to be synced on class object: @" + e);
          return cref;

    } else { // instance field, use lock distance as a heuristic
      int objRef = ei.getObjectRef();
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        int eidx = currentLockRefs[i];

        // case 1: synchronization on field owner itself
        if (eidx == objRef) {
"sync-detection: " + ei + " assumed to be synced on itself");
          return objRef;

        ElementInfo e = heap.get(eidx);
        // case 2: synchronization on sibling field that is a private lock object
        if (ei.hasRefField(eidx)) {
"sync-detection: "+ ei + " assumed to be synced on sibling: " + e);
          return eidx;
        // case 3: synchronization on owner of object holding field (sync wrapper)
        if (e.hasRefField(objRef)) {
"sync-detection: " + ei + " assumed to be synced on object wrapper: " + e);
          return eidx;

    return -1;

  //--- root for our concrete FieldLockInfo classes
  static abstract class StatisticFieldLockInfo extends FieldLockInfo {
    int checkLevel;

	public boolean isProtected () {
      return (checkLevel >= CHECK_THRESHOLD);

	public boolean needsPindown (ElementInfo ei) {
      return PINDOWN && (checkLevel >= CHECK_THRESHOLD);

    protected void checkFailedLockAssumption(ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
      if (checkLevel >= CHECK_THRESHOLD) {
  //--- Fli for a single lock
  static class SingleLockFli extends StatisticFieldLockInfo {
    int lockRef;
    SingleLockFli (ThreadInfo ti, int lockRef, int nChecks) {
      tiLastCheck = ti;

      this.lockRef = lockRef;
      checkLevel = nChecks;

	protected int[] getCandidateLockSet() {
      int[] set = { lockRef };
      return set;

	public FieldLockInfo checkProtection (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
      int[] currentLockRefs = ti.getLockedObjectReferences();
      int nLocks = currentLockRefs.length;
      for (int i=0; i<nLocks; i++) {
        if (currentLockRefs[i] == lockRef) {
          return this;
      checkFailedLockAssumption(ti, ei, fi);
      return empty;

     * only called at the end of the gc on all live objects. The recycled ones
     * are either already nulled in the heap, or are not marked as live
	public FieldLockInfo cleanUp (Heap heap) {
      ElementInfo ei = heap.get(lockRef);
      if (!heap.isAlive(ei)) {
        return FieldLockInfo.empty;
      } else {
        return this;

	public String toString() {
      return ("SingleLockFli {checkLevel="+checkLevel+",lock="+lockRef + '}');
  //--- StatisticFieldLockInfo for lock sets
  static class MultiLockFli extends StatisticFieldLockInfo {

    int[] lockRefSet;
    // this is only used once during prototype generation
    public MultiLockFli (ThreadInfo ti, FieldInfo fi, int[] currentLockRefs) {
      lockRefSet = currentLockRefs;
	protected int[] getCandidateLockSet() {
      return lockRefSet;

	public FieldLockInfo checkProtection (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
      int[] currentLockRefs = ti.getLockedObjectReferences();      
      int nLocks = currentLockRefs.length;

      if (nLocks == 0) { // no current locks, so intersection is empty
        checkFailedLockAssumption(ti, ei, fi);
        return empty;

      } else { // we had a lock set, and there currently is at least one lock held
        int l =0;
        int[] newLset = new int[lockRefSet.length];

        for (int i=0; i<nLocks; i++) { // get the set intersection
          int leidx = currentLockRefs[i];

          for (int j=0; j<lockRefSet.length; j++) {
            if (lockRefSet[j] == leidx) {
              newLset[l++] = leidx;
              break; // sets don't contain duplicates

        if (l == 0) { // intersection empty
          checkFailedLockAssumption(ti, ei, fi);
          return empty;
        } else if (l == 1) { // only one candidate left 
          return new SingleLockFli( ti, newLset[0], checkLevel);
        } else if (l < newLset.length) { // candidate set did shrink
          lockRefSet = new int[l];
          System.arraycopy(newLset, 0, lockRefSet, 0, l);
        } else {
          // no change

      tiLastCheck = ti;
      return this;

     * only called at the end of the gc on all live objects. The recycled ones
     * are either already nulled in the heap, or are not marked as live
	public FieldLockInfo cleanUp (Heap heap) {
      int[] newSet = null;
      int l = 0;

      if (lockRefSet != null) {
        for (int i=0; i<lockRefSet.length; i++) {
          ElementInfo ei = heap.get(lockRefSet[i]);

          if (!heap.isAlive(ei)) { // we got a stale one, so we have to change us
            if (newSet == null) { // first one, copy everything up to it
              newSet = new int[lockRefSet.length-1];
              if (i > 0) {
                System.arraycopy(lockRefSet, 0, newSet, 0, i);
                l = i;

          } else {
            if (newSet != null) { // we already had a dangling ref, now copy the live ones
              newSet[l++] = lockRefSet[i];

      if (l == 1) {
          assert (newSet != null);
          return new SingleLockFli(tiLastCheck, newSet[0], checkLevel);
      } else {
        if (newSet != null) {
          if (l == newSet.length) { // we just had one stale ref
            lockRefSet = newSet;
          } else { // several stales - make a new copy
            if (l == 0) {
              return empty;
            } else {
              lockRefSet = new int[l];
              System.arraycopy(newSet, 0, lockRefSet, 0, l);
        return this;

	public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.append("MultiLockFli {");
      if (lockRefSet != null) {
        for (int i=0; i<lockRefSet.length; i++) {
          if (i>0) {

      return sb.toString();