view src/main/java/fj/data/ @ 4:19c719aba746 default tip

change getLoop return value
author tatsuki
date Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:09:22 +0900
parents 68e5def4e745
line wrap: on
line source


import fj.*;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import static fj.Function.compose;
import static fj.Function.flip;
import static fj.P.p;
import static;
import static;

 * An immutable, in-memory map, backed by a red-black tree.
public final class TreeMap<K, V> implements Iterable<P2<K, V>> {
    private final Set<P2<K, V>> tree;

    private TreeMap(final Set<P2<K, V>> tree) {
        this.tree = tree;

    private static <K, V> Ord<P2<K, V>> ord(final Ord<K> keyOrd) {
        return keyOrd.comap(P2.<K, V>__1());

     * Constructs an empty tree map.
     * @param keyOrd An order for the keys of the tree map.
     * @return an empty TreeMap with the given key order.
    public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> empty(final Ord<K> keyOrd) {
        return new TreeMap<K, V>(Set.empty(TreeMap.<K, V>ord(keyOrd)));

     * Returns a potential value that the given key maps to.
     * @param k The key to look up in the tree map.
     * @return A potential value for the given key.
    public Option<V> get(final K k) {
//    Option<V> op = Option.<V> none();
//    Option<P2<K, Option<V>>> attribute = tree.mapGet(P.p(k, op));
//    return attribute.bind(P2.<K, Option<V>> __2());
//    // P3<Set<P2<K, Option<V>>>, Option<P2<K, Option<V>>>, Set<P2<K,
//    // Option<V>>>> splitTree = tree.split(P.p(k, op));
//    // final Option<P2<K, Option<V>>> x = splitTree._2();
//    //
//    // System.out.println("aaaa");
//    // return x.bind(P2.<K, Option<V>>__2());
        return Option.<V>some(getLoop(k));

    public V getLoop(final K k) {
        Set<P2<K, V>> cur = tree;
//        Option<V> op = Option.<V>none();
        while (!cur.isEmpty()) {
//            Ord<P2<K, V>> ttt = cur.ord();

            P2<K, V> head = cur.head();
            K h = head._1();
            final int i = h.hashCode() - k.hashCode();
            //           Ord<P2<K, V>> ord = cur.ord();
            //           Ordering i =,null), cur.head());
            if (i > 0)
                cur = cur.l();
            else if (i < 0)
                cur = cur.r();
                return head._2();

        return null;
        //      return Option.<V>none();

     * Inserts the given key and value association into the tree map. If the given
     * key is already mapped to a value, the old value is replaced with the given
     * one.
     * @param k The key to insert.
     * @param v The value to insert.
     * @return A new tree map with the given value mapped to the given key.
    public TreeMap<K, V> set(final K k, final V v) {
        return new TreeMap<K, V>(tree.insert(P.p(k, v)));

     * Deletes the entry in the tree map that corresponds to the given key.
     * @param k The key to delete from this tree map.
     * @return A new tree map with the entry corresponding to the given key
     * removed.
    public TreeMap<K, V> delete(final K k) {
        Option<V> op = Option.<V>none();
        P2<K, V> p = P.p(k, null);
        return new TreeMap<K, V>(tree.delete(p));

     * Returns the number of entries in this tree map.
     * @return The number of entries in this tree map.
    public int size() {
        return tree.size();

     * Determines if this tree map has any entries.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this tree map has no entries,
     * <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return tree.isEmpty();

     * Returns all values in this tree map.
     * @return All values in this tree map.
//  public List<V> values() {
//    return iterableList(join(tree.toList().map(compose(IterableW.<V, Option<V>> wrap(), P2.<K, Option<V>> __2()))));
//  }

     * Returns all keys in this tree map.
     * @return All keys in this tree map.
    public List<K> keys() {
        return tree.toList().map(P2.<K, V>__1());

     * Determines if the given key value exists in this tree map.
     * @param k
     *          The key value to look for in this tree map.
     * @return <code>true</code> if this tree map contains the given key,
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
//  public boolean contains(final K k) {
//    return tree.member(P.p(k, Option.<V> none()));
//  }

     * Returns an iterator for this map's key-value pairs. This method exists to
     * permit the use in a <code>for</code>-each loop.
     * @return A iterator for this map's key-value pairs.
    public Iterator<P2<K, V>> iterator() {
        return tree.iterator();
//        join(
//        tree.toStream().map(P2.<K, Option<V>, IterableW<V>> map2_(IterableW.<V, Option<V>> wrap()))
//            .map(P2.tuple(compose(IterableW.<V, P2<K, V>> map(), P.<K, V> p2())))).iterator();

     * A mutable map projection of this tree map.
     * @return A new mutable map isomorphic to this tree map.
    public Map<K, V> toMutableMap() {
        final Map<K, V> m = new java.util.TreeMap<K, V>();
        for (final P2<K, V> e : this) {
            m.put(e._1(), e._2());
        return m;

     * An immutable projection of the given mutable map.
     * @param ord An order for the map's keys.
     * @param m   A mutable map to project to an immutable one.
     * @return A new immutable tree map isomorphic to the given mutable map.
    public static <K, V> TreeMap<K, V> fromMutableMap(final Ord<K> ord, final Map<K, V> m) {
        TreeMap<K, V> t = empty(ord);
        for (final Map.Entry<K, V> e : m.entrySet()) {
            t = t.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
        return t;

     * Returns a first-class version of the get method for this TreeMap.
     * @return a functional representation of this TreeMap.
    public F<K, Option<V>> get() {
        return new F<K, Option<V>>() {
            public Option<V> f(final K k) {
                return get(k);

     * Modifies the value for the given key, if present, by applying the given
     * function to it.
     * @param k The key for the value to modify.
     * @param f A function with which to modify the value.
     * @return A new tree map with the value for the given key transformed by the
     * given function, paired with True if the map was modified, otherwise
     * False.
    public P2<Boolean, TreeMap<K, V>> update(final K k, final F<V, V> f) {
        return null;
//    final P2<Boolean, Set<P2<K, Option<V>>>> up = tree.update(p(k, Option.<V> none()),
//        P2.<K, Option<V>, Option<V>> map2_(Option.<V, V> map().f(f)));
//    return P.p(up._1(), new TreeMap<K, V>(up._2()));

     * Modifies the value for the given key, if present, by applying the given
     * function to it, or inserts the given value if the key is not present.
     * @param k
     *          The key for the value to modify.
     * @param f
     *          A function with which to modify the value.
     * @param v
     *          A value to associate with the given key if the key is not already
     *          present.
     * @return A new tree map with the value for the given key transformed by the
     *         given function.
//  public TreeMap<K, V> update(final K k, final F<V, V> f, final V v) {
//    final P2<Boolean, TreeMap<K, V>> up = update(k, f);
//    return up._1() ? up._2() : set(k, v);
//  }

     * Splits this TreeMap at the given key. Returns a triple of:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A set containing all the values of this map associated with keys less
     * than the given key.</li>
     * <li>An option of a value mapped to the given key, if it exists in this map,
     * otherwise None.
     * <li>A set containing all the values of this map associated with keys
     * greater than the given key.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param k
     *          A key at which to split this map.
     * @return Two sets and an optional value, where all elements in the first set
     *         are mapped to keys less than the given key in this map, all the
     *         elements in the second set are mapped to keys greater than the
     *         given key, and the optional value is the value associated with the
     *         given key if present, otherwise None.
//  public P3<Set<V>, Option<V>, Set<V>> split(final K k) {
//    final F<Set<P2<K, Option<V>>>, Set<V>> getSome = F1Functions.mapSet(
//        F1Functions.o(Option.<V> fromSome(), P2.<K, Option<V>> __2()),
//        tree.ord().comap(F1Functions.o(P.<K, Option<V>> p2().f(k), Option.<V> some_())));
//    return tree.split(p(k, Option.<V> none())).map1(getSome).map3(getSome)
//        .map2(F1Functions.o(Option.<V> join(), F1Functions.mapOption(P2.<K, Option<V>> __2())));
//  }

     * Maps the given function across the values of this TreeMap.
     * @param f
     *          A function to apply to the values of this TreeMap.
     * @return A new TreeMap with the values transformed by the given function.
//  @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
//  public <W> TreeMap<K, W> map(final F<V, W> f) {
//    final F<P2<K, Option<V>>, P2<K, Option<W>>> g = P2.map2_(F1Functions.mapOption(f));
//    final F<K, P2<K, Option<V>>> coord = flip(P.<K, Option<V>> p2()).f(Option.<V> none());
//    final Ord<K> o = tree.ord().comap(coord);
//    return new TreeMap<K, W>(<K, Option<W>> ord(o), g));
//  }
