changeset 0:be414765cc63

add files
author Nobuyasu Oshiro <>
date Wed, 06 Jun 2012 16:55:45 +0900
children 5141a563babe
files paper/Makefile paper/aliascnt.sty paper/aplas2012.tex paper/cbc.bib paper/llncs.cls paper/llncs.doc paper/llncs.ind paper/llncsdoc.sty paper/remreset.sty paper/sprmindx.sty paper/subjidx.ind
diffstat 12 files changed, 3171 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
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line diff
Binary file has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+%% This is file `aliascnt.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% aliascnt.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Project: aliascnt
+%% Version: 2009/09/08 v1.3
+%% Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 by
+%%    Heiko Oberdiek <heiko.oberdiek at>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. This version of this license is in
+%% and the latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Heiko Oberdiek.
+%% This work consists of the main source file aliascnt.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%%    aliascnt.sty, aliascnt.pdf, aliascnt.ins, aliascnt.drv.
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/paper/aplas2012.tex	Wed Jun 06 16:55:45 2012 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\titlerunning{title running}
+\toctitle{toc title}
+\subtitle{sub title}
+\author{author aaa\inst{1} author bbb\inst{2}}
+\section{section a}
+\subsection{subsection a}
+\subsubsection{subsubsection a}
+\paragraph{paragraph a}
+\nocite{kono:2002a, kono:2000a, kono:2008a, yogi:2008a, yogi:2008b, yan:2002a,gcc_internals}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/paper/cbc.bib	Wed Jun 06 16:55:45 2012 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+	author = "河野真治",
+	title = "継続を基本とした言語 CbC の gcc 上の実装",
+	journal = "日本ソフトウェア科学会第 19 回大会論文集",
+	month = "Sep",
+	year = 2002
+	author = "河野真治",
+	title = "継続を持つ C の回言語によるシステム記述",
+	journal = "日本ソフトウェア科学会第 17 回大会論文集",
+	month = "Sep",
+	year = 2000
+	author = "河野真治",
+	title = "Implementing Continuation based language in GCC",
+	journal = "Continuation Festa",
+	month = "April",
+	year = 2008
+	author = "与儀健人 and 河野真治",
+	title = "Continuation based CコンパイラのGCC-4.2による実装",
+	journal = "情報処理学会システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム研究会(OS)",
+	month = "April",
+	year = 2008
+	author = "与儀健人 and 河野真治",
+	title = "Continuation based CコンパイラのGCC-4.2による実装",
+	journal = "琉球大学 情報工学科 学位論文",
+	month = "Feb",
+	year = 2008
+	author = "楊 挺 and 河野真治",
+	title = "継続を基本とするCbCによる分散計算",
+	journal = "沖縄情報通信ワークショップ",
+	month = "Nov",
+	year = 2002
+author = "{GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals}",
+title ="{}",
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/paper/llncs.cls	Wed Jun 06 16:55:45 2012 +0900
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+ \leaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern \@dotsep mu.\mkern
+ \@dotsep mu$}\hfill
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+ \fi\section*{\listfigurename\@mkboth{{\listfigurename}}{{\listfigurename}}}
+ \@starttoc{lof}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
+ \fi\section*{\listtablename\@mkboth{{\listtablename}}{{\listtablename}}}
+ \@starttoc{lot}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi}
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+      \endlist}
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+        ?}\@warning
+       {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
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+      \@tempcnta\@tempcntc\@tempcntb\@tempcntc\fi\fi}}\@citeo}{#1}}
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+      \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne\the\@tempcnta\@citea\the\@tempcntb}\fi\fi}
+     {\section*{\refname}
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+            \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+            \renewcommand\theenumiv{}}%
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+      \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000%
+      \sfcode`\.=\@m}
+     {\def\@noitemerr
+       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+      \endlist}
+      \def\@cite#1{#1}%
+      \def\@lbibitem[#1]#2{\item[]\if@filesw
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+      \write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{#2}{#1}}}\fi\ignorespaces}
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+                \noindent\hangindent\wd0\box0}% index entry
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+                \noindent\hangindent\wd0\box0}% order index entry
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+                             \else\hskip0.2em\ignorespaces\fi}%
+                \normalfont\small
+                \begin{multicols}{2}[\@makeschapterhead{\indexname}]%
+                }
+                {\end{multicols}}
+  \kern-3\p@
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+  \kern2.6\p@}
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+    \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
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+                \@float{table}}
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+                \@dblfloat{table}}
+               {\end@dblfloat}
+  ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
+  the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
+    \@parboxrestore
+    \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
+  \endgroup}
+% LaTeX does not provide a command to enter the authors institute
+% addresses. The \institute command is defined here.
+\def\clearheadinfo{\gdef\@author{No Author Given}%
+                   \gdef\@title{No Title Given}%
+                   \gdef\@subtitle{}%
+                   \gdef\@institute{No Institute Given}%
+                   \gdef\@thanks{}%
+                   \global\titlerunning={}\global\authorrunning={}%
+                   \global\toctitle={}\global\tocauthor={}}
+ \begingroup
+ \parskip=\z@
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+ \def\and{\par\stepcounter{@inst}%
+ \noindent$^{\the@inst}$\enspace\ignorespaces}%
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\def\thanks##1{}\@institute}%
+ \ifnum\c@@inst=1\relax
+   \gdef\fnnstart{0}%
+ \else
+   \xdef\fnnstart{\c@@inst}%
+   \setcounter{@inst}{1}%
+   \noindent$^{\the@inst}$\enspace
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \@institute\par
+ \endgroup}
+   {\star\star\star}\or \dagger\or \ddagger\or
+   \mathchar "278\or \mathchar "27B\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger
+   \or \ddagger\ddagger \else\@ctrerr\fi}}
+\def\homedir{\~{ }}
+%%% to avoid hyperref warnings
+%%% to make title-entry parent of section-entries
+  \refstepcounter{chapter}%
+  \stepcounter{section}%
+  \setcounter{section}{0}%
+  \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
+  \setcounter{figure}{0}
+  \setcounter{table}{0}
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+  \begingroup
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+        \@maketitle
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+      \fi
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+      \newpage
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+      \@maketitle
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+       \addcontentsline{toc}{title}{\the\toctitle}\fi
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+       \fi
+       \global\setbox\titrun=\hbox{\small\rm\unboldmath\ignorespaces\@title}%
+       \ifdim\wd\titrun>\instindent
+          \typeout{Title too long for running head. Please supply}%
+          \typeout{a shorter form with \string\titlerunning\space prior to
+                   \string\maketitle}%
+          \global\setbox\titrun=\hbox{\small\rm
+          Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length}%
+       \fi
+       \xdef\@title{\copy\titrun}%
+    \fi
+    \if!\the\tocauthor!\relax
+      {\def\and{\noexpand\protect\noexpand\and}%
+      \protected@xdef\toc@uthor{\@author}}%
+    \else
+      \def\\{\noexpand\protect\noexpand\newline}%
+      \protected@xdef\scratch{\the\tocauthor}%
+      \protected@xdef\toc@uthor{\scratch}%
+    \fi
+    \addtocontents{toc}{\noexpand\protect\noexpand\authcount{\the\c@auco}}%
+    \addcontentsline{toc}{author}{\toc@uthor}%
+    \if@runhead
+       \if!\the\authorrunning!
+         \value{@inst}=\value{@auth}%
+         \setcounter{@auth}{1}%
+       \else
+         \edef\@author{\the\authorrunning}%
+       \fi
+       \global\setbox\authrun=\hbox{\small\unboldmath\@author\unskip}%
+       \ifdim\wd\authrun>\instindent
+          \typeout{Names of authors too long for running head. Please supply}%
+          \typeout{a shorter form with \string\authorrunning\space prior to
+                   \string\maketitle}%
+          \global\setbox\authrun=\hbox{\small\rm
+          Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length}%
+       \fi
+       \xdef\@author{\copy\authrun}%
+       \markboth{\@author}{\@title}%
+     \fi
+  \endgroup
+  \setcounter{footnote}{\fnnstart}%
+  \clearheadinfo}
+ \markboth{}{}%
+ \def\lastand{\ifnum\value{@inst}=2\relax
+                 \unskip{} \andname\
+              \else
+                 \unskip \lastandname\
+              \fi}%
+ \def\and{\stepcounter{@auth}\relax
+          \ifnum\value{@auth}=\value{@inst}%
+             \lastand
+          \else
+             \unskip,
+          \fi}%
+ \begin{center}%
+ \let\newline\\
+ {\Large \bfseries\boldmath
+  \pretolerance=10000
+  \@title \par}\vskip .8cm
+\if!\@subtitle!\else {\large \bfseries\boldmath
+  \vskip -.65cm
+  \pretolerance=10000
+  \@subtitle \par}\vskip .8cm\fi
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\setcounter{@auth}{1}\def\and{\stepcounter{@auth}}%
+ \def\thanks##1{}\@author}%
+ \global\value{@inst}=\value{@auth}%
+ \global\value{auco}=\value{@auth}%
+ \setcounter{@auth}{1}%
+{\lineskip .5em
+ {\small\institutename}
+ \end{center}%
+ }
+% definition of the "\spnewtheorem" command.
+% Usage:
+%     \spnewtheorem{env_nam}{caption}[within]{cap_font}{body_font}
+% or  \spnewtheorem{env_nam}[numbered_like]{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
+% or  \spnewtheorem*{env_nam}{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
+% New is "cap_font" and "body_font". It stands for
+% fontdefinition of the caption and the text itself.
+% "\spnewtheorem*" gives a theorem without number.
+% A defined spnewthoerem environment is used as described
+% by Lamport.
+% definition of \spnewtheorem with number
+  \@ifnextchar[{\@spxnthm{#1}{#2}}{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}}}
+\def\@spxnthm#1#2[#3]#4#5{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+   {\@definecounter{#1}\@addtoreset{#1}{#3}%
+   \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
+     \csname the#3\endcsname \noexpand\@thmcountersep \@thmcounter{#1}}%
+   \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
+   \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%
+                              \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+\def\@spynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+   {\@definecounter{#1}%
+   \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
+   \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
+   \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
+                               \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+  \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@latexerr{No theorem environment `#2' defined}\@eha}%
+  {\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+  {\newaliascnt{#1}{#2}%
+  \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#3}%
+  \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%
+  \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}}
+\def\@spthm#1#2#3#4{\topsep 7\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
+\def\@spxthm#1#2#3#4{\@spbegintheorem{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}{#4}%
+                    \ignorespaces}
+       the#1\endcsname}{#5}{#3}{#4}\ignorespaces}
+                 \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1\ #2\@thmcounterend}]#4}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#4#1\ #2}]{#4(#3)\@thmcounterend\ }#5}
+% definition of \spnewtheorem* without number
+\def\@Ynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+   {\global\@namedef{#1}{\@Thm{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
+    \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
+    \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+\def\@Thm#1#2#3{\topsep 7\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
+       {#4}{#2}{#3}\ignorespaces}
+                           \item[\hskip\labelsep{#2#1\@thmcounterend}]}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1}]{#3(#2)\@thmcounterend\ }}
+   \def\@thmcountersep{.}
+   \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]{\bfseries}{\itshape}
+   \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
+   \if@envcntreset
+      \@addtoreset{theorem}{section}
+   \else
+      \@addtoreset{theorem}{chapter}
+   \fi
+%definition of divers theorem environments
+\if@envcntsame % alle Umgebungen wie Theorem.
+   \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spothm{#1}[theorem]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+\else % alle Umgebungen mit eigenem Zaehler
+   \if@envcntsect % mit section numeriert
+      \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spxnthm{#1}{#2}[section]{#3}{#4}}
+   \else % nicht mit section numeriert
+      \if@envcntreset
+         \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+                                   \@addtoreset{#1}{section}}
+      \else
+         \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+                                   \@addtoreset{#1}{chapter}}%
+      \fi
+   \fi
+    \def\@tempa{#1}%
+    \let\@tempd\@elt
+    \def\@elt##1{%
+        \def\@tempb{##1}%
+        \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\else
+            \@addtoreset{##1}{#2}%
+        \fi}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempc\csname cl@#2\endcsname
+    \expandafter\def\csname cl@#2\endcsname{}%
+    \@tempc
+    \let\@elt\@tempd}
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{##4##1\ ##2}]{##4##3\@thmcounterend\ }##5}
+                  \def\@Opargbegintheorem##1##2##3##4{##4\trivlist
+      \item[\hskip\labelsep{##3##1}]{##3##2\@thmcounterend\ }}
+      }
+      \list{}{\advance\topsep by0.35cm\relax\small
+      \leftmargin=1cm
+      \labelwidth=\z@
+      \listparindent=\z@
+      \itemindent\listparindent
+      \rightmargin\leftmargin}\item[\hskip\labelsep
+                                    \bfseries\abstractname]}
+    {\endlist}
+\newdimen\headlineindent             % dimension for space between
+\headlineindent=1.166cm              % number and text of headings.
+   \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty
+   \def\@evenhead{\normalfont\small\rlap{\thepage}\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                  \leftmark\hfil}
+   \def\@oddhead{\normalfont\small\hfil\rightmark\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                 \llap{\thepage}}
+   \def\chaptermark##1{}%
+   \def\sectionmark##1{}%
+   \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
+   \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty
+   \def\@evenhead{\normalfont\small\rlap{\thepage}\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                  \hfil}
+   \def\@oddhead{\normalfont\small\hfil\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+                 \llap{\thepage}}
+   \def\chaptermark##1{}%
+   \def\sectionmark##1{}%
+   \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
+%end of file llncs.cls
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/paper/llncs.doc	Wed Jun 06 16:55:45 2012 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1256 @@
+% This is LLNCS.DOC the documentation file of
+% the LaTeX2e class from Springer-Verlag
+% for Lecture Notes in Computer Science, version 2.4
+\markboth{\LaTeXe{} Class for Lecture Notes in Computer
+Science}{\LaTeXe{} Class for Lecture Notes in Computer Science}
+\LARGE\bfseries Instructions for Authors\\
+Coding with \LaTeX\\[2cm]
+\LaTeXe{} Class\\
+for Lecture Notes\\
+in Computer Science\\[6pt]
+{\Large Version 2.4}
+%{\Large\upshape\bfseries Springer}\\[8pt]
+%Berlin\enspace Heidelberg\enspace New\kern0.1em York\\[5pt]
+%Barcelona\enspace Budapest\enspace Hong\kern0.2em Kong\\[5pt]
+%London\enspace Milan\enspace Paris\enspace\\[5pt]
+%Santa\kern0.2em Clara\enspace Singapore\enspace Tokyo
+\section*{For further information please contact us:}
+$\bullet$&\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bfseries LNCS Editorial Office}\\[1mm]
+&\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{Computer Science Editorial}\\
+&\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{Tiergartenstrae 17}\\
+&\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{69121 Heidelberg}\\
+ & Tel:       & +49-6221-487-8706\\
+ & Fax:       & +49-6221-487-8588\\
+ & e-mail:    & \tt    & for editorial questions\\
+ &            & \tt & for \TeX{} problems\\[2mm]
+%{\tt}\hfil first try the \verb|help|
+$\bullet$&\multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bfseries We are also reachable through the world wide web:}\\[1mm]
+         &\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\texttt{}}&Springer Global Website\\
+         &\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\texttt{}}&LNCS home page\\
+         &\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\texttt{}}&data repository\\
+         &\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\texttt{}}&FTP server
+Authors wishing to code their contribution
+with \LaTeX{}, as well as those who have already coded with \LaTeX{},
+will be provided with a document class that will give the text the
+desired layout. Authors are requested to
+adhere strictly to these instructions; {\em the class
+file must not be changed}.
+The text output area is automatically set within an area of
+12.2\,cm horizontally  and 19.3\,cm vertically.
+If you are already familiar with \LaTeX{}, then the
+LLNCS class should not give you any major difficulties.
+It will change the layout to the required LLNCS style
+(it will for instance define the layout of \verb|\section|).
+We had to invent some extra commands,
+which are not provided by \LaTeX{} (e.g.\
+\verb|\institute|, see also Sect.\,\ref{contbegin})
+For the main body of the paper (the text) you
+should use the commands of the standard \LaTeX{} ``article'' class.
+Even if you are familiar with those commands, we urge you to read
+this entire documentation thoroughly. It contains many suggestions on
+how to use our commands properly; thus your paper
+will be formatted exactly to LLNCS standard.
+For the input of the references at the end of your contribution,
+please follow our instructions given in Sect.\,\ref{refer} References.
+The majority of these hints are not specific for LLNCS; they may improve
+your use of \LaTeX{} in general.
+Furthermore, the documentation provides suggestions about the proper
+editing and use
+of the input files (capitalization, abbreviation etc.) (see
+Sect.\,\ref{refedit} How to Edit Your Input File).
+\section{How to Proceed}
+The package consists of the following files:
+{\tt history.txt}& the version history of the package\\[2pt]
+{\tt llncs.cls}  & class file for \LaTeX{}\\[2pt]
+{\tt llncs.dem}  & an example showing how to code the text\\[2pt]
+{\tt llncs.doc}  & general instructions (source of this document),\\
+        & {\tt llncs.doc} means {\itshape l\/}atex {\itshape doc\/}umentation for\\
+        & {\itshape L\/}ecture {\itshape N}otes in {\itshape C\/}omputer {\itshape S\/}cience\\
+{\tt llncsdoc.pdf}& the documentation of the class (PDF version),\\
+{\tt llncs.doc}  & general instructions (source of this document),\\
+{\tt llncsdoc.sty}  & class modifications to help for the instructions\\
+{\tt llncs.ind} & an external (faked) author index file\\
+{\tt subjidx.ind} & subject index demo from the Springer book package\\
+{\tt llncs.dvi}    & the resultig DVI file (remember to use binary transfer!)\\[2pt]
+{\tt sprmindx.sty} & supplementary style file for MakeIndex\\
+                   & (usage: {\tt makeindex -s sprmindx.sty <yourfile.idx>})
+\subsection{How to Invoke the LLNCS Document Class}
+The LLNCS class is an extension of the standard \LaTeX{} ``article''
+document class. Therefore you may use all ``article'' commands for the
+body of your contribution to prepare your manuscript.
+LLNCS class is invoked by replacing ``article'' by ``llncs'' in the
+first line of your document:
+  <Your contribution>
+\subsection{Contributions Already Coded with \protect\LaTeX{} without
+the LLNCS document class}
+If your file is already coded with \LaTeX{} you can easily
+adapt it a posteriori to the LLNCS document class.
+Please refrain from using any \LaTeX{} or \TeX{} commands
+that affect the layout or formatting of your document (i.e. commands
+like \verb|\textheight|, \verb|\vspace|, \verb|\headsep| etc.).
+There may nevertheless be exceptional occasions on which to
+use some of them.
+The LLNCS document class has been carefully designed to produce the
+right layout from your \LaTeX{} input. If there is anything specific you
+would like to do and for which the style file does not provide a
+command, {\em please contact us}. Same holds for any error and bug you
+discover (there is however no reward for this -- sorry).
+\section{General Rules for Coding Formulas}
+With mathematical formulas you may proceed as described
+in Sect.\,3.3 of the {\em \LaTeX{} User's Guide \& Reference
+Manual\/} by Leslie Lamport (2nd~ed. 1994), Addison-Wesley Publishing
+Company, Inc.
+Equations are automatically numbered sequentially throughout your
+contribution using arabic numerals in parentheses on the right-hand
+When you are working in math mode everything is typeset in italics.
+Sometimes you need to insert non-mathematical elements (e.g.\
+words or phrases). Such insertions should be coded in roman
+(with \verb|\mbox|) as illustrated in the following example:
+{\itshape Sample Input}
+  \left(\frac{a^{2} + b^{2}}{c^{3}} \right) = 1 \quad
+  \mbox{ if } c\neq 0 \mbox{ and if } a,b,c\in \bbbr \enspace .
+{\itshape Sample Output}
+  \left(\frac{a^{2} + b^{2}}{c^{3}} \right) = 1 \quad
+  \mbox{ if } c\neq 0 \mbox{ and if } a,b,c\in \bbbr \enspace .
+If you wish to start a new paragraph immediately after a displayed
+equation, insert a blank line so as to produce the required
+indentation. If there is no new paragraph either do not insert
+a blank line or code \verb|\noindent| immediately before
+continuing the text.
+Please punctuate a displayed equation in the same way as other
+ordinary text but with an \verb|\enspace| before end punctuation.
+Note that the sizes of the parentheses or other delimiter
+symbols used in equations should ideally match the height of the
+formulas being enclosed. This is automatically taken care of by
+the following \LaTeX{} commands:\\[2mm]
+\verb|\left(| or \verb|\left[| and
+\verb|\right)| or \verb|\right]|.
+\subsection{Italic and Roman Type in Math Mode}
+In math mode \LaTeX{} treats all letters as though they
+were mathematical or physical variables, hence they are typeset as
+characters of their own in
+italics. However, for certain components of formulas, like short texts,
+this would be incorrect and therefore coding in roman is required.
+Roman should also be used for
+subscripts and superscripts {\em in formulas\/} where these are
+merely labels and not in themselves variables,
+e.g. $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ \emph{not} $T_{eff}$,
+$T_{\mathrm K}$ \emph{not} $T_K$ (K = Kelvin),
+$m_{\mathrm e}$ \emph{not} $m_e$ (e = electron).
+However, do not code for roman
+if the sub/superscripts represent variables,
+e.g.\ $\sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i}$.
+Please ensure that {\em physical units\/} (e.g.\ pc, erg s$^{-1}$
+K, cm$^{-3}$, W m$^{-2}$ Hz$^{-1}$, m kg s$^{-2}$ A$^{-2}$) and
+{\em abbreviations\/} such as Ord, Var, GL, SL, sgn, const.\
+are always set in roman type. To ensure
+this use the \verb|\mathrm| command: \verb|\mathrm{Hz}|.
+On p.\ 44 of the {\em \LaTeX{} User's Guide \& Reference
+Manual\/} by Leslie Lamport you will find the names of
+common mathe\-matical functions, such as log, sin, exp, max and sup.
+These should be coded as \verb|\log|,
+\verb|\sin|, \verb|\exp|, \verb|\max|, \verb|\sup|
+and will appear in roman automatically.
+Chemical symbols and formulas should be coded for roman,
+e.g.\ Fe not $Fe$, H$_2$O not {\em H$_2$O}.
+Familiar foreign words and phrases, e.g.\ et al.,
+a priori, in situ, brems\-strah\-lung, eigenvalues should not be
+\section{How to Edit Your Input (Source) File}
+All words in headings should be capitalized except for conjunctions,
+prepositions (e.g.\ on, of, by, and, or, but, from, with, without,
+under) and definite and indefinite articles (the, a, an) unless they
+appear at the beginning. Formula letters must be typeset as in the text.
+\subsection{Capitalization and Non-capitalization}
+The following should always be capitalized:
+Headings (see preceding Sect.\,\ref{headings})
+Abbreviations and expressions
+in the text such as  Fig(s)., Table(s), Sect(s)., Chap(s).,
+Theorem, Corollary, Definition etc. when used with numbers, e.g.\
+Fig.\,3, Table\,1, Theorem 2.
+Please follow the special rules in Sect.\,\ref{abbrev} for referring to
+The following should {\em not\/} be capitalized:
+The words figure(s), table(s), equation(s), theorem(s) in the text when
+used without an accompanying number.
+Figure legends and table captions except for names and abbreviations.
+\subsection{Abbreviation of Words}\label{abbrev}
+The following {\em should} be abbreviated when they appear in running
+text {\em unless\/} they come at the beginning of a sentence: Chap.,
+Sect., Fig.; e.g.\ The results are depicted in Fig.\,5. Figure 9 reveals
+that \dots .\\
+{\em Please note\/}: Equations should usually be referred to solely by
+their number in parentheses: e.g.\ (14). However, when the reference
+comes at the beginning of a sentence, the unabbreviated word
+``Equation'' should be used: e.g.\ Equation (14) is very important.
+However, (15) makes it clear that \dots .
+If abbreviations of names or concepts are used
+throughout the text, they should be defined at first occurrence,
+e.g.\ Plurisubharmonic (PSH) Functions, Strong Optimization (SOPT)
+\section{How to Code the Beginning of Your Contribution}
+The title of a single contribution (it is mandatory) should be coded as
+\title{<Your contribution title>}
+All words in titles should be capitalized except for conjunctions,
+prepositions (e.g.\ on, of, by, and, or, but, from, with, without,
+under) and definite and indefinite articles (the, a, an) unless they
+appear at the beginning. Formula letters must be typeset as in the text.
+Titles have no end punctuation.
+If a long \verb|\title| must be divided please use the code \verb|\\|
+(for new line).
+If you are to produce running heads for a specific volume the standard
+(of no such running heads) is overwritten with the \verb|[runningheads]|
+option in the \verb|\documentclass| line. For long titles that do not
+fit in the single line of the running head a warning is generated.
+You can specify an abbreviated title for the running head on odd pages
+with the command
+\titlerunning{<Your abbreviated contribution title>}
+There is also a possibility to change the text of the title that goes
+into the table of contents (that's for volume editors only -- there is
+no table of contents for a single contribution). For this use the
+\toctitle{<Your changed title for the table of contents>}
+An optional subtitle may follow then:
+\subtitle{<subtitle of your contribution>}
+Now the name(s) of the author(s) must be given:
+\author{<author(s) name(s)>}
+Numbers referring to different addresses or affiliations are
+to be attached to each author with the \verb|\inst{<no>}| command.
+If there is more than one author, the order is up to you;
+the \verb|\and| command provides for the separation.
+If you have done this correctly, this entry now reads, for example:
+\author{Ivar Ekeland\inst{1} \and Roger Temam\inst{2}}
+The first name\footnote{Other initials are optional
+and may be inserted if this is the usual
+way of writing your name, e.g.\ Alfred J.~Holmes, E.~Henry Green.}
+is followed by the surname.
+As for the title there exist two additional commands (again for volume
+editors only) for a different author list. One for the running head
+(on odd pages) -- if there is any:
+\authorrunning{<abbreviated author list>}
+And one for the table of contents where the
+affiliation of each author is simply added in braces.
+\tocauthor{<enhanced author list for the table of contents>}
+Next the address(es) of institute(s), company etc. is (are) required.
+If there is more than one address, the entries are numbered
+automatically with \verb|\and|, in the order in which you type them.
+Please make sure that the numbers match those placed next to
+to the authors' names to reflect the affiliation.
+\institute{<name of an institute>
+\and <name of the next institute>
+\and <name of the next institute>}
+In addition, you can use
+\email{<email address>}
+to provide your email address within \verb|\institute|. If you need to
+typeset the tilde character -- e.g. for your web page in your unix
+system's home directory -- the \verb|\homedir| command will happily do
+this. Please note that, if your email address is given in your paper, 
+it will also be included in the meta data of the online version.
+If footnote like things are needed anywhere in the contribution heading
+please code
+(immediately after the word where the footnote indicator should be
+\verb|\thanks| may only appear in \verb|\title|, \verb|\author|
+and \verb|\institute| to footnote anything. If there are two or more
+footnotes or affiliation marks to a specific item separate them with
+\verb|\fnmsep| (i.e. {\itshape f}oot\emph note \emph mark
+The command
+then formats the complete heading of your article. If you leave
+it out the work done so far will produce \emph{no} text.
+Then the abstract should follow. Simply code
+<Text of the summary of your article>
+or refer to the demonstration file {\tt llncs.dem} for an example or
+to the {\em Sample Input\/} on p.~\pageref{samppage}.
+\subsubsection{Remark to Running Heads and the Table of Contents}
+If you are the author of a single contribution you normally have no
+running heads and no table of contents. Both are done only by the editor
+of the volume or at the printers.
+\section{Special Commands for the Volume Editor}
+The volume editor can produce a complete camera ready output including
+running heads, a table of contents, preliminary text (frontmatter), and
+index or glossary. For activating the running heads there is the class
+option \verb|[runningheads]|.
+The table of contents of the volume is printed wherever
+\verb|\tableofcontents| is placed. A simple compilation of all
+contributions (fields \verb|\title| and \verb|\author|) is done. If you
+wish to change this automatically produced list use the commands
+\titlerunning  \toctitle
+\authorrunning \tocauthor
+to enhance the information in the specific contributions. See the
+demonstration file \verb|llncs.dem| for examples.
+An additional structure can be added to the table of contents with the
+\verb|\addtocmark{<text>}| command. It has an optional numerical
+argument, a digit from 1 through 3. 3 (the default) makes an unnumbered
+chapter like entry in the table of contents. If you code
+\verb|\addtocmark[2]{text}| the corresponding page number is listed
+also, \verb|\addtocmark[1]{text}| even introduces a chapter number
+beyond it.
+\section{How to Code Your Text}
+The contribution title and all headings should be capitalized
+except for conjunctions, prepositions (e.g.\ on, of, by, and, or, but,
+from, with, without, under) and definite and indefinite articles (the,
+a, an) unless they appear at the beginning. Formula letters must be
+typeset as in the text.
+Headings will be automatically numbered by the following codes.\\[2mm]
+{\itshape Sample Input}
+\section{This is a First-Order Title}
+\subsection{This is a Second-Order Title}
+\subsubsection{This is a Third-Order Title.}
+\paragraph{This is a Fourth-Order Title.}
+\verb|\section| and \verb|\subsection| have no end punctuation.\\
+\verb|\subsubsection| and \verb|\paragraph|
+need to be punctuated at the end.
+In addition to the above-mentioned headings your text may be structured
+by subsections indicated by run-in headings (theorem-like environments).
+All the theorem-like environments are numbered automatically
+throughout the sections of your document -- each with its own counter.
+If you want the theorem-like environments to use the same counter
+just specify the documentclass option \verb|envcountsame|:
+If your first call for a theorem-like environment then is e.g.
+\verb|\begin{lemma}|, it will be numbered 1; if corollary follows,
+this will be numbered 2; if you then call lemma again, this will be
+numbered 3.
+But in case you want to reset such counters to 1 in each section,
+please specify the documentclass option \verb|envcountreset|:
+Even a numbering on section level (including the section counter) is
+possible with the documentclass option \verb|envcountsect|.
+\section{Predefined Theorem like Environments}\label{builtintheo}
+The following variety of run-in headings are at your disposal:
+{\bfseries Bold} run-in headings with italicized text
+as built-in environments:
+\begin{corollary} <text> \end{corollary}
+\begin{lemma} <text> \end{lemma}
+\begin{proposition} <text> \end{proposition}
+\begin{theorem} <text> \end{theorem}
+The following generally appears as {\itshape italic} run-in heading:
+\begin{proof} <text>    \qed    \end{proof}
+It is unnumbered and may contain an eye catching square (call for that
+with \verb|\qed|) before the environment ends.
+Further {\itshape italic} or {\bfseries bold} run-in headings with roman
+environment body may also occur:
+\begin{definition} <text> \end{definition}
+\begin{example} <text> \end{example}
+\begin{exercise} <text> \end{exercise}
+\begin{note} <text> \end{note}
+\begin{problem} <text> \end{problem}
+\begin{question} <text> \end{question}
+\begin{remark} <text> \end{remark}
+\begin{solution} <text> \end{solution}
+\section{Defining your Own Theorem like Environments}
+We have enhanced the standard \verb|\newtheorem| command and slightly
+changed its syntax to get two new commands \verb|\spnewtheorem| and
+\verb|\spnewtheorem*| that now can be used to define additional
+environments. They require two additional arguments namely the type
+style in which the keyword of the environment appears and second the
+style for the text of your new environment.
+\verb|\spnewtheorem| can be used in two ways.
+\subsection{Method 1 {\itshape (preferred)}}
+You may want to create an environment that shares its counter
+with another environment, say {\em main theorem\/} to be numbered like
+the predefined {\em theorem\/}. In this case, use the syntax
+Here the environment with which the new environment should share its
+counter is specified with the optional argument \verb|[<num_like>]|.
+\paragraph{Sample Input}
+\spnewtheorem{mainth}[theorem]{Main Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
+\begin{theorem} The early bird gets the worm. \end{theorem}
+\begin{mainth} The early worm gets eaten. \end{mainth}
+{\em Sample Output}
+{\bfseries Theorem 3.}\enspace {\em The early bird gets the worm.}
+{\bfseries Main Theorem 4.} The early worm gets eaten.
+The sharing of the default counter (\verb|[theorem]|) is desired. If you
+omit the optional second argument of \verb|\spnewtheorem| a separate
+counter for your new environment is used throughout your document.
+\subsection[Method 2]{Method 2 {\itshape (assumes {\tt[envcountsect]}
+documentstyle option)}}
+This defines a new environment \verb|<env_nam>| which prints the caption
+\verb|<caption>| in the font \verb|<cap_font>| and the text itself in
+the font \verb|<body_font>|. The environment is numbered beginning anew
+with every new sectioning element you specify with the optional
+parameter \verb|<within>|.
+\paragraph{Example} \leavevmode
+\noindent defines a new environment called \verb|joke| which prints the
+caption {\bfseries Joke} in boldface and the text in roman. The jokes are
+numbered starting from 1 at the beginning of every subsection with the
+number of the subsection preceding the number of the joke e.g. 7.2.1 for
+the first joke in subsection 7.2.
+\subsection{Unnumbered Environments}
+If you wish to have an unnumbered environment, please
+use the syntax
+\section{Program Codes}
+In case you want to show pieces of program code, just use the
+\verb|verbatim| environment or the \verb|verbatim| package of \LaTeX.
+(There also exist various pretty printers for some programming
+\subsection*{Sample Input {\rmfamily(of a simple
+\title{Hamiltonian Mechanics}
+\author{Ivar Ekeland\inst{1} \and Roger Temam\inst{2}}
+\institute{Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544, USA
+Universit\'{e} de Paris-Sud,
+Laboratoire d'Analyse Num\'{e}rique, B\^{a}timent 425,\\
+F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France}
+This paragraph shall summarize the contents of the paper
+in short terms.
+\section{Fixed-Period Problems: The Sublinear Case}
+With this chapter, the preliminaries are over, and we begin the
+search for periodic solutions \dots
+\subsection{Autonomous Systems}
+In this section we will consider the case when the Hamiltonian
+$H(x)$ \dots
+\subsubsection*{The General Case: Nontriviality.}
+We assume that $H$ is
+$\left(A_{\infty}, B_{\infty}\right)$-subqua\-dra\-tic
+at infinity, for some constant \dots
+\paragraph{Notes and Comments.}
+The first results on subharmonics were \dots
+Assume $H'(0)=0$ and $ H(0)=0$. Set \dots
+\begin{proof}[of proposition]
+Condition (8) means that, for every $\delta'>\delta$, there is
+some $\varepsilon>0$ such that \dots \qed
+\begin{example}[\rmfamily (External forcing)]
+Consider the system \dots
+Assume $H$ is $C^{2}$ and
+$\left(a_{\infty}, b_{\infty}\right)$-subquadratic
+at infinity. Let \dots
+Assume that $H$ is $C^{2}$ on $\bbbr^{2n}\backslash \{0\}$
+and that $H''(x)$ is \dots
+Let $X$ be a Banach Space and $\Phi:X\to\bbbr$ \dots
+We shall say that a $C^{1}$ function $\Phi:X\to\bbbr$
+satisfies \dots
+{\itshape Sample Output\/} (follows on the next page together with
+examples of the above run-in headings)
+\title{Hamiltonian Mechanics}
+\author{Ivar Ekeland\inst{1} \and Roger Temam\inst{2}}
+\institute{Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544, USA
+Universit\'{e} de Paris-Sud,
+Laboratoire d'Analyse Num\'{e}rique, B\^{a}timent 425,\\
+F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France}
+This paragraph shall summarize the contents of the paper
+in short terms.
+\section{Fixed-Period Problems: The Sublinear Case}
+With this chapter, the preliminaries are over, and we begin the search
+for periodic solutions \dots
+\subsection{Autonomous Systems}
+In this section we will consider the case when the Hamiltonian
+$H(x)$ \dots
+\subsubsection{The General Case: Nontriviality.}
+We assume that $H$ is
+$\left(A_{\infty}, B_{\infty}\right)$-subqua\-dra\-tic at
+infinity, for some constant \dots
+\paragraph{Notes and Comments.}
+The first results on subharmonics were \dots
+Assume $H'(0)=0$ and $ H(0)=0$. Set \dots
+\begin{proof}[of proposition]
+Condition (8) means that, for every $\delta'>\delta$, there is
+some $\varepsilon>0$ such that \dots \qed
+\begin{example}[{{\rmfamily External forcing}}]
+Consider the system \dots
+Assume $H$ is $C^{2}$ and
+$\left(a_{\infty}, b_{\infty}\right)$-subquadratic
+at infinity. Let \dots
+Assume that $H$ is $C^{2}$ on $\bbbr^{2n}\backslash \{0\}$
+and that $H''(x)$ is \dots
+Let $X$ be a Banach Space and $\Phi:X\to\bbbr$ \dots
+We shall say that a $C^{1}$ function $\Phi:X\to\bbbr$ satisfies \dots
+\section{Fine Tuning of the Text}
+The following should be used to improve the readability of the text:
+\verb|\,|   & a thin space, e.g.\ between numbers or between units
+              and num\-bers; a line division will not be made
+              following this space\\
+\verb|--|   & en dash; two strokes, without a space at either end\\
+\verb*| -- |& en dash; two strokes, with  a space at either end\\
+\verb|-|    & hyphen; one stroke, no space at either end\\
+\verb|$-$|  & minus, in the text {\em only} \\[8mm]
+{\em Input} & \verb|21\,$^{\circ}$C etc.,|\\
+            &  \verb|Dr h.\,c.\,Rockefellar-Smith \dots|\\
+            & \verb|20,000\,km and  Prof.\,Dr Mallory \dots|\\
+            & \verb|1950--1985 \dots|\\
+            & \verb|this -- written on a computer -- is now printed|\\
+            & \verb|$-30$\,K \dots|\\[3mm]
+{\em Output}& 21\,$^{\circ}$C etc., Dr h.\,c.\,Rockefellar-Smith \dots\\
+            & 20,000\,km and  Prof.\,Dr Mallory \dots\\
+            & 1950--1985 \dots\\
+            & this -- written on a computer -- is now printed\\
+            & $-30$\,K \dots
+\section {Special Typefaces}
+Normal type (roman text) need not be coded. {\itshape Italic}
+(\verb|{\em <text>}| better still \verb|\emph{<text>}|) or, if
+necessary, {\bfseries boldface} should be used for emphasis.\\[6pt]
+\verb|{\itshape Text}|   & {\itshape Italicized Text}\\[2pt]
+\verb|{\em Text}|   & {\em Emphasized Text --
+   if you would like to emphasize a {\em definition} within an
+   italicized text (e.g.\ of a {\em theorem)} you should code the
+   expression to be emphasized by} \verb|\em|.\\[2pt]
+\verb|{\bfseries Text}|& {\bfseries Important Text}\\[2pt]
+\verb|\vec{Symbol}| & Vectors may only appear in math mode. The default
+   \LaTeX{} vector symbol has been adapted\footnotemark\
+ to LLNCS conventions.\\[2pt]
+ & \verb|$\vec{A \times B\cdot C}| yields $\vec{A\times B\cdot C}$\\
+ & \verb|$\vec{A}^{T} \otimes \vec{B} \otimes|\\
+ & \verb|\vec{\hat{D}}$|yields $\vec{A}^{T} \otimes \vec{B} \otimes
+\footnotetext{If you absolutely must revive the original \LaTeX{}
+design of the vector symbol (as an arrow accent), please specify the
+option \texttt{[orivec]} in the \texttt{documentclass} line.}
+\section {Footnotes}
+Footnotes within the text should be coded:
+{\itshape Sample Input}
+Text with a footnote\verb|\footnote{The |{\tt footnote is automatically
+numbered.}\verb|}| and text continues \dots
+{\itshape Sample Output}
+Text with a footnote\footnote{The footnote is automatically numbered.}
+and text continues \dots
+\section {Lists}
+Please code lists as described below:\\[2mm]
+{\itshape Sample  Input}
+  \item First item
+  \item Second item
+  \begin{enumerate}
+    \item First nested item
+    \item Second nested item
+  \end{enumerate}
+  \item Third item
+{\itshape Sample Output}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+\item First item
+\item Second item
+  \begin{enumerate}
+    \item First nested item
+    \item Second nested item
+  \end{enumerate}
+\item Third item
+\section {Figures}
+Figure environments should be inserted after (not in)
+the  paragraph in which the figure is first mentioned.
+They will be numbered automatically.
+Preferably the images should be enclosed as PostScript files -- best as
+EPS data using the epsfig package.
+If you cannot include them into your output this way and use other
+techniques for a separate production,
+the figures (line drawings and those containing halftone inserts
+as well as halftone figures) {\em should not be pasted into your
+laserprinter output}. They should be enclosed separately in camera-ready
+form (original artwork, glossy prints, photographs and/or slides). The
+lettering should be suitable for reproduction, and after a
+probably necessary reduction the height of capital letters should be at
+least 1.8\,mm and not more than 2.5\,mm.
+Check that lines and other details are uniformly black and
+that the lettering on figures is clearly legible.
+To leave the desired amount of space for the height of
+your figures, please use the coding described below.
+As can be seen in the output, we will automatically
+provide 1\,cm space above and below the figure,
+so that you should only leave the space equivalent to the size of the
+figure itself. Please note that ``\verb|x|'' in the following
+coding stands for the actual height of the figure:
+\vspace{x cm}
+\caption[ ]{...text of caption...}          (Do type [ ])
+{\itshape Sample Input}
+\caption{This is the caption of the figure displaying a white
+eagle and a white horse on a snow field}
+{\itshape Sample Output}
+\caption{This is the caption of the figure displaying a white eagle and
+a white horse on a snow field}
+Table captions should be treated
+in the same way as figure legends, except that
+the table captions appear {\itshape above} the tables. The tables
+will be numbered automatically.
+\subsection{Tables Coded with \protect\LaTeX{}}
+Please use the following coding:\\[2mm]
+{\itshape Sample Input}
+\caption{Critical $N$ values}
+${\mathrm M}_\odot$ & $\beta_{0}$ & $T_{\mathrm c6}$ & $\gamma$
+  & $N_{\mathrm{crit}}^{\mathrm L}$
+  & $N_{\mathrm{crit}}^{\mathrm{Te}}$\\
+ 30 & 0.82 & 38.4 & 35.7 & 154 & 320 \\
+ 60 & 0.67 & 42.1 & 34.7 & 138 & 340 \\
+120 & 0.52 & 45.1 & 34.0 & 124 & 370 \\
+\medskip\noindent{\itshape Sample Output}
+\caption{Critical $N$ values}
+${\mathrm M}_\odot$ & $\beta_{0}$ & $T_{\mathrm c6}$ & $\gamma$
+  & $N_{\mathrm{crit}}^{\mathrm L}$
+  & $N_{\mathrm{crit}}^{\mathrm{Te}}$\\
+ 30 & 0.82 & 38.4 & 35.7 & 154 & 320 \\
+ 60 & 0.67 & 42.1 & 34.7 & 138 & 340 \\
+120 & 0.52 & 45.1 & 34.0 & 124 & 370 \\
+Before continuing your text you need an empty line. \dots
+For further information you will find a complete description of
+the tabular environment
+on p.~62~ff. and p.~204 of the {\em \LaTeX{} User's Guide \& Reference
+Manual\/} by Leslie Lamport.
+\subsection{Tables Not Coded with \protect\LaTeX{}}
+If you do not wish to code your table using \LaTeX{}
+but prefer to have it reproduced separately,
+proceed as for figures and use the following coding:\\[2mm]
+{\itshape Sample Input}
+\caption{text of your caption}
+\vspace{x cm}     % the actual height needed for your table
+\subsection{Signs and Characters}
+\subsubsection*{Special Signs.}
+You may need to use special signs.  The available ones are listed in the
+{\em \LaTeX{} User's Guide \& Reference Manual\/} by Leslie Lamport,
+We have created further symbols for math mode (enclosed in \$):
+\verb|\grole| & $\grole$ & \verb|\getsto| & $\getsto$\\
+\verb|\lid|   & $\lid$   & \verb|\gid|    & $\gid$
+\subsubsection*{Gothic (Fraktur).}
+If gothic letters are {\itshape necessary}, please use those of the
+relevant \AmSTeX{} alphabet which are available using the amstex
+package of the American Mathematical Society.
+In \LaTeX{} only the following gothic letters are available:
+\verb|$\Re$| yields $\Re$ and \verb|$\Im$| yields $\Im$. These should
+{\itshape not\/} be used when you need gothic letters for your contribution.
+Use \AmSTeX{} gothic as explained above. For the real and the imaginary
+parts of a complex number within math mode you should use instead:
+\verb|$\mathrm{Re}$| (which yields Re) or \verb|$\mathrm{Im}$| (which
+yields Im).
+For script capitals use the coding
+\begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{1em}which yields\hspace{1em}}c}
+\verb|$\mathcal{AB}$| & $\mathcal{AB}$
+(see p.~42 of  the \LaTeX{} book).
+\subsubsection*{Special Roman.}
+If you need other symbols than those below, you could use
+the blackboard bold characters of \AmSTeX{},  but there might arise
+capacity problems
+in loading additional \AmSTeX{} fonts. Therefore  we created
+the blackboard bold characters listed below.
+Some of them are not esthetically
+satisfactory. This need not deter you from using them:
+in the final printed form they will be
+replaced by the well-designed MT (monotype) characters of
+the phototypesetting machine.
+\begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{ yields }
+c@{\hspace{1.em}}ll@{ yields }c}
+\verb|\bbbc| & (complex numbers)   & $\bbbc$
+  & \verb|\bbbf| & (blackboard bold F) & $\bbbf$\\
+\verb|\bbbh| & (blackboard bold H) & $\bbbh$
+  & \verb|\bbbk| & (blackboard bold K) & $\bbbk$\\
+\verb|\bbbm| & (blackboard bold M) & $\bbbm$
+  & \verb|\bbbn| & (natural numbers N) & $\bbbn$\\
+\verb|\bbbp| & (blackboard bold P) & $\bbbp$
+  & \verb|\bbbq| & (rational numbers)  & $\bbbq$\\
+\verb|\bbbr| & (real numbers)      & $\bbbr$
+  & \verb|\bbbs| & (blackboard bold S) & $\bbbs$\\
+\verb|\bbbt| & (blackboard bold T) & $\bbbt$
+  & \verb|\bbbz| & (whole numbers)     & $\bbbz$\\
+\verb|\bbbone| & (symbol one)      & $\bbbone$
+\bbbc^{\bbbc^{\bbbc}} \otimes
+\bbbf_{\bbbf_{\bbbf}} \otimes
+\bbbh_{\bbbh_{\bbbh}} \otimes
+\bbbk_{\bbbk_{\bbbk}} \otimes
+\bbbm^{\bbbm^{\bbbm}} \otimes
+\bbbn_{\bbbn_{\bbbn}} \otimes
+\bbbq_{\bbbq_{\bbbq}} \otimes
+\bbbr^{\bbbr^{\bbbr}} \otimes
+\bbbs^{\bbbs_{\bbbs}} \otimes
+\bbbt^{\bbbt^{\bbbt}} \otimes
+\bbbz \otimes
+There are three reference systems available; only one, of course,
+should be used for your contribution. With each system (by
+number only, by letter-number or by author-year) a reference list
+containing all citations in the
+text, should be included at the end of your contribution placing the
+\LaTeX{} environment \verb|thebibliography| there.
+For an overall information on that environment
+see the {\em \LaTeX{} User's Guide \& Reference
+Manual\/} by Leslie Lamport, p.~71.
+There is a special {\sc Bib}\TeX{} style for LLNCS that works along
+with the class: \verb|splncs.bst|
+-- call for it with a line \verb|\bibliographystyle{splncs}|.
+If you plan to use another {\sc Bib}\TeX{} style you are customed to,
+please specify the option \verb|[oribibl]| in the
+\verb|documentclass| line, like:
+This will retain the original \LaTeX{} code for the bibliographic
+environment and the \verb|\cite| mechanism that many {\sc Bib}\TeX{}
+applications rely on.
+\subsection{References by Letter-Number or by Number Only}
+References are cited in the text -- using the \verb|\cite|
+command of \LaTeX{} -- by number or by letter-number in square
+brackets, e.g.\ [1] or [E1, S2], [P1], according to your use of the
+\verb|\bibitem| command in the \verb|thebibliography| environment. The
+coding is as follows: if you choose your own label for the sources by
+giving an optional argument to the \verb|\bibitem| command the citations
+in the text are marked with the label you supplied. Otherwise a simple
+numbering is done, which is preferred.
+The results in this section are a refined version
+of \cite{clar:eke}; the minimality result of Proposition~14
+was the first of its kind.
+The above input produces the citation: ``\dots\ refined version of
+[CE1]; the min\-i\-mality\dots''. Then the \verb|\bibitem| entry of
+the \verb|thebibliography| environment should read:
+Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
+Nonlinear oscillations and boundary-value problems for
+Hamiltonian systems.
+Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982) 315--333
+The complete bibliography looks like this:
+Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
+Nonlinear oscillations and
+boundary-value problems for Hamiltonian systems.
+Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982) 315--333
+Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
+Solutions p\'{e}riodiques, du
+p\'{e}riode donn\'{e}e, des \'{e}quations hamiltoniennes.
+Note CRAS Paris {\bfseries 287} (1978) 1013--1015
+Michalek, R., Tarantello, G.:
+Subharmonic solutions with prescribed minimal
+period for nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems.
+J. Diff. Eq. {\bfseries 72} (1988) 28--55
+Tarantello, G.:
+Subharmonic solutions for Hamiltonian
+systems via a $\bbbz_{p}$ pseudoindex theory.
+Annali di Matematica Pura (to appear)
+Rabinowitz, P.:
+On subharmonic solutions of a Hamiltonian system.
+Comm. Pure Appl. Math. {\bfseries 33} (1980) 609--633
+\subsubsection*{Number-Only System.}
+For this preferred system do not use the optional argument
+in the \verb|\bibitem| command: then, only numbers will
+appear for the citations in the text (enclosed in square brackets)
+as well as for the marks in your
+bibliography (here the number is only end-punctuated without
+square brackets).
+Subsequent citation numbers in the text are collapsed to ranges.
+Non-numeric and undefined labels are handled correctly but no sorting is
+E.g., \verb|\cite{n1,n3,n2,n3,n4,n5,foo,n1,n2,n3,?,n4,n5}| -- where
+\verb|n|$x$ is the key of the $x^{\mathrm{th}}$ \verb|\bibitem|
+command in sequence, \verb|foo| is the key of a \verb|\bibitem| with an
+optional argument, and \verb|?| is an undefined reference -- gives
+1,3,2-5,foo,1-3,?,4,5 as the citation reference.
+\bibitem {clar:eke}
+Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
+Nonlinear oscillations and boundary-value problems for
+Hamiltonian systems.
+Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982) 315--333
+\subsection{Author-Year System}
+References are cited in the text by name and year in parentheses
+and should look as follows:
+(Smith 1970, 1980), (Ekeland et al. 1985, Theorem 2), (Jones and Jaffe
+1986; Farrow 1988, Chap.\,2). If the name is part of the sentence
+only the year may appear in parentheses,
+e.g.\ Ekeland et al. (1985, Sect.\,2.1)
+The reference list should contain all citations occurring in the text,
+ordered alphabetically by surname (with initials following). If there
+are several works by the same author(s) the references should be listed
+in the appropriate order indicated below:
+One author: list works chronologically;
+Author and same co-author(s): list works chronologically;
+Author and different co-authors: list works alphabetically
+according to co-authors.
+If there are several works by the same author(s) and in the same year,
+but which are cited separately, they should be distinguished by the use
+of ``a'', ``b'' etc., e.g.\ (Smith 1982a), (Ekeland et al. 1982b).
+\subsubsection*{How to Code Author-Year System.}
+If you want to use this system you have to specify the option
+\verb|[citeauthoryear]| in the \verb|documentclass|, like:
+Write your citations in the text explicitly except for the year, leaving
+that up to \LaTeX{} with the \verb|\cite| command. Then give only the
+appropriate year as the optional argument (i.e. the label in square
+brackets) with the \verb|\bibitem| command(s).\\[2mm]
+{\itshape Sample Input}
+The results in this section are a refined version
+of Clarke and Ekeland (\cite{clar:eke}); the minimality result of
+Proposition~14 was the first of its kind.
+The above input produces the citation: ``\dots\ refined version of
+Clarke and Ekeland (1982); the minimality\dots''. Then the
+\verb|\bibitem| entry of \verb|clar:eke| in the \verb|thebibliography|
+environment should read:
+\begin{thebibliography}{}  % (do not forget {})
+Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.:
+Nonlinear oscillations and boundary-value problems for
+Hamiltonian systems.
+Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bfseries 78} (1982) 315--333
+{\itshape Sample Output}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/paper/llncs.ind	Wed Jun 06 16:55:45 2012 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+% This is LLNCS.IND the handmade demonstration
+% file for an author index from Springer-Verlag
+% for Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
+% version 2.2 for LaTeX2e
+\item Abt~I.               \idxquad{7}
+\item Ahmed~T.             \idxquad{3}
+\item Andreev~V.           \idxquad{24}
+\item Andrieu~B.           \idxquad{27}
+\item Arpagaus~M.          \idxquad{34}
+\item Babaev~A.            \idxquad{25}
+\item B\"arwolff~A.        \idxquad{33}
+\item B\'an~J.             \idxquad{17}
+\item Baranov~P.           \idxquad{24}
+\item Barrelet~E.          \idxquad{28}
+\item Bartel~W.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Bassler~U.           \idxquad{28}
+\item Beck~H.P.            \idxquad{35}
+\item Behrend~H.-J.        \idxquad{11}
+\item Berger~Ch.           \idxquad{1}
+\item Bergstein~H.         \idxquad{1}
+\item Bernardi~G.          \idxquad{28}
+\item Bernet~R.            \idxquad{34}
+\item Besan\c con~M.       \idxquad{9}
+\item Biddulph~P.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Binder~E.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Bischoff~A.          \idxquad{33}
+\item Blobel~V.            \idxquad{13}
+\item Borras~K.            \idxquad{8}
+\item Bosetti~P.C.         \idxquad{2}
+\item Boudry~V.            \idxquad{27}
+\item Brasse~F.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Braun~U.             \idxquad{2}
+\item Braunschweig~A.      \idxquad{1}
+\item Brisson~V.           \idxquad{26}
+\item B\"ungener~L.        \idxquad{13}
+\item B\"urger~J.          \idxquad{11}
+\item B\"usser~F.W.        \idxquad{13}
+\item Buniatian~A.         \idxquad{11,37}
+\item Buschhorn~G.         \idxquad{25}
+\item Campbell~A.J.        \idxquad{1}
+\item Carli~T.             \idxquad{25}
+\item Charles~F.           \idxquad{28}
+\item Clarke~D.            \idxquad{5}
+\item Clegg~A.B.           \idxquad{18}
+\item Colombo~M.           \idxquad{8}
+\item Courau~A.            \idxquad{26}
+\item Coutures~Ch.         \idxquad{9}
+\item Cozzika~G.           \idxquad{9}
+\item Criegee~L.           \idxquad{11}
+\item Cvach~J.             \idxquad{27}
+\item Dagoret~S.           \idxquad{28}
+\item Dainton~J.B.         \idxquad{19}
+\item Dann~A.W.E.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Dau~W.D.             \idxquad{16}
+\item Deffur~E.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Delcourt~B.          \idxquad{26}
+\item Buono~Del~A.         \idxquad{28}
+\item Devel~M.             \idxquad{26}
+\item De Roeck~A.          \idxquad{11}
+\item Dingus~P.            \idxquad{27}
+\item Dollfus~C.           \idxquad{35}
+\item Dreis~H.B.           \idxquad{2}
+\item Drescher~A.          \idxquad{8}
+\item D\"ullmann~D.        \idxquad{13}
+\item D\"unger~O.          \idxquad{13}
+\item Duhm~H.              \idxquad{12}
+\item Ebbinghaus~R.        \idxquad{8}
+\item Eberle~M.            \idxquad{12}
+\item Ebert~J.             \idxquad{32}
+\item Ebert~T.R.           \idxquad{19}
+\item Efremenko~V.         \idxquad{23}
+\item Egli~S.              \idxquad{35}
+\item Eichenberger~S.      \idxquad{35}
+\item Eichler~R.           \idxquad{34}
+\item Eisenhandler~E.      \idxquad{20}
+\item Ellis~N.N.           \idxquad{3}
+\item Ellison~R.J.         \idxquad{22}
+\item Elsen~E.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Evrard~E.            \idxquad{4}
+\item Favart~L.            \idxquad{4}
+\item Feeken~D.            \idxquad{13}
+\item Felst~R.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Feltesse~A.          \idxquad{9}
+\item Fensome~I.F.         \idxquad{3}
+\item Ferrarotto~F.        \idxquad{31}
+\item Flamm~K.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Flauger~W.           \idxquad{11}
+\item Flieser~M.           \idxquad{25}
+\item Fl\"ugge~G.          \idxquad{2}
+\item Fomenko~A.           \idxquad{24}
+\item Fominykh~B.          \idxquad{23}
+\item Form\'anek~J.        \idxquad{30}
+\item Foster~J.M.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Franke~G.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Fretwurst~E.         \idxquad{12}
+\item Gabathuler~E.        \idxquad{19}
+\item Gamerdinger~K.       \idxquad{25}
+\item Garvey~J.            \idxquad{3}
+\item Gayler~J.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Gellrich~A.          \idxquad{13}
+\item Gennis~M.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Genzel~H.            \idxquad{1}
+\item Godfrey~L.           \idxquad{7}
+\item Goerlach~U.          \idxquad{11}
+\item Goerlich~L.          \idxquad{6}
+\item Gogitidze~N.         \idxquad{24}
+\item Goodall~A.M.         \idxquad{19}
+\item Gorelov~I.           \idxquad{23}
+\item Goritchev~P.         \idxquad{23}
+\item Grab~C.              \idxquad{34}
+\item Gr\"assler~R.        \idxquad{2}
+\item Greenshaw~T.         \idxquad{19}
+\item Greif~H.             \idxquad{25}
+\item Grindhammer~G.       \idxquad{25}
+\item Haack~J.             \idxquad{33}
+\item Haidt~D.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Hamon~O.             \idxquad{28}
+\item Handschuh~D.         \idxquad{11}
+\item Hanlon~E.M.          \idxquad{18}
+\item Hapke~M.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Harjes~J.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Haydar~R.            \idxquad{26}
+\item Haynes~W.J.          \idxquad{5}
+\item Hedberg~V.           \idxquad{21}
+\item Heinzelmann~G.       \idxquad{13}
+\item Henderson~R.C.W.     \idxquad{18}
+\item Henschel~H.          \idxquad{33}
+\item Herynek~I.           \idxquad{29}
+\item Hildesheim~W.        \idxquad{11}
+\item Hill~P.              \idxquad{11}
+\item Hilton~C.D.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Hoeger~K.C.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Huet~Ph.             \idxquad{4}
+\item Hufnagel~H.          \idxquad{14}
+\item Huot~N.              \idxquad{28}
+\item Itterbeck~H.         \idxquad{1}
+\item Jabiol~M.-A.         \idxquad{9}
+\item Jacholkowska~A.      \idxquad{26}
+\item Jacobsson~C.         \idxquad{21}
+\item Jansen~T.            \idxquad{11}
+\item J\"onsson~L.         \idxquad{21}
+\item Johannsen~A.         \idxquad{13}
+\item Johnson~D.P.         \idxquad{4}
+\item Jung~H.              \idxquad{2}
+\item Kalmus~P.I.P.        \idxquad{20}
+\item Kasarian~S.          \idxquad{11}
+\item Kaschowitz~R.        \idxquad{2}
+\item Kathage~U.           \idxquad{16}
+\item Kaufmann~H.          \idxquad{33}
+\item Kenyon~I.R.          \idxquad{3}
+\item Kermiche~S.          \idxquad{26}
+\item Kiesling~C.          \idxquad{25}
+\item Klein~M.             \idxquad{33}
+\item Kleinwort~C.         \idxquad{13}
+\item Knies~G.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Ko~W.                \idxquad{7}
+\item K\"ohler~T.          \idxquad{1}
+\item Kolanoski~H.         \idxquad{8}
+\item Kole~F.              \idxquad{7}
+\item Kolya~S.D.           \idxquad{22}
+\item Korbel~V.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Korn~M.              \idxquad{8}
+\item Kostka~P.            \idxquad{33}
+\item Kotelnikov~S.K.      \idxquad{24}
+\item Krehbiel~H.          \idxquad{11}
+\item Kr\"ucker~D.         \idxquad{2}
+\item Kr\"uger~U.          \idxquad{11}
+\item Kubenka~J.P.         \idxquad{25}
+\item Kuhlen~M.            \idxquad{25}
+\item Kur\v{c}a~T.         \idxquad{17}
+\item Kurzh\"ofer~J.       \idxquad{8}
+\item Kuznik~B.            \idxquad{32}
+\item Lamarche~F.          \idxquad{27}
+\item Lander~R.            \idxquad{7}
+\item Landon~M.P.J.        \idxquad{20}
+\item Lange~W.             \idxquad{33}
+\item Lanius~P.            \idxquad{25}
+\item Laporte~J.F.         \idxquad{9}
+\item Lebedev~A.           \idxquad{24}
+\item Leuschner~A.         \idxquad{11}
+\item Levonian~S.          \idxquad{11,24}
+\item Lewin~D.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Ley~Ch.              \idxquad{2}
+\item Lindner~A.           \idxquad{8}
+\item Lindstr\"om~G.       \idxquad{12}
+\item Linsel~F.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Lipinski~J.          \idxquad{13}
+\item Loch~P.              \idxquad{11}
+\item Lohmander~H.         \idxquad{21}
+\item Lopez~G.C.           \idxquad{20}
+\item Magnussen~N.         \idxquad{32}
+\item Mani~S.              \idxquad{7}
+\item Marage~P.            \idxquad{4}
+\item Marshall~R.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Martens~J.           \idxquad{32}
+\item Martin~A.@           \idxquad{19}
+\item Martyn~H.-U.         \idxquad{1}
+\item Martyniak~J.         \idxquad{6}
+\item Masson~S.            \idxquad{2}
+\item Mavroidis~A.         \idxquad{20}
+\item McMahon~S.J.         \idxquad{19}
+\item Mehta~A.             \idxquad{22}
+\item Meier~K.             \idxquad{15}
+\item Mercer~D.            \idxquad{22}
+\item Merz~T.              \idxquad{11}
+\item Meyer~C.A.           \idxquad{35}
+\item Meyer~H.             \idxquad{32}
+\item Meyer~J.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Mikocki~S.           \idxquad{6,26}
+\item Milone~V.            \idxquad{31}
+\item Moreau~F.            \idxquad{27}
+\item Moreels~J.           \idxquad{4}
+\item Morris~J.V.          \idxquad{5}
+\item M\"uller~K.          \idxquad{35}
+\item Murray~S.A.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Nagovizin~V.         \idxquad{23}
+\item Naroska~B.           \idxquad{13}
+\item Naumann~Th.          \idxquad{33}
+\item Newton~D.            \idxquad{18}
+\item Neyret~D.            \idxquad{28}
+\item Nguyen~A.            \idxquad{28}
+\item Niebergall~F.        \idxquad{13}
+\item Nisius~R.            \idxquad{1}
+\item Nowak~G.             \idxquad{6}
+\item Nyberg~M.            \idxquad{21}
+\item Oberlack~H.          \idxquad{25}
+\item Obrock~U.            \idxquad{8}
+\item Olsson~J.E.          \idxquad{11}
+\item Ould-Saada~F.        \idxquad{13}
+\item Pascaud~C.           \idxquad{26}
+\item Patel~G.D.           \idxquad{19}
+\item Peppel~E.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Phillips~H.T.        \idxquad{3}
+\item Phillips~J.P.        \idxquad{22}
+\item Pichler~Ch.          \idxquad{12}
+\item Pilgram~W.           \idxquad{2}
+\item Pitzl~D.             \idxquad{34}
+\item Prell~S.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Prosi~R.             \idxquad{11}
+\item R\"adel~G.           \idxquad{11}
+\item Raupach~F.           \idxquad{1}
+\item Rauschnabel~K.       \idxquad{8}
+\item Reinshagen~S.        \idxquad{11}
+\item Ribarics~P.          \idxquad{25}
+\item Riech~V.             \idxquad{12}
+\item Riedlberger~J.       \idxquad{34}
+\item Rietz~M.             \idxquad{2}
+\item Robertson~S.M.       \idxquad{3}
+\item Robmann~P.           \idxquad{35}
+\item Roosen~R.            \idxquad{4}
+\item Royon~C.             \idxquad{9}
+\item Rudowicz~M.          \idxquad{25}
+\item Rusakov~S.           \idxquad{24}
+\item Rybicki~K.           \idxquad{6}
+\item Sahlmann~N.          \idxquad{2}
+\item Sanchez~E.           \idxquad{25}
+\item Savitsky~M.          \idxquad{11}
+\item Schacht~P.           \idxquad{25}
+\item Schleper~P.          \idxquad{14}
+\item von Schlippe~W.      \idxquad{20}
+\item Schmidt~D.           \idxquad{32}
+\item Schmitz~W.           \idxquad{2}
+\item Sch\"oning~A.        \idxquad{11}
+\item Schr\"oder~V.        \idxquad{11}
+\item Schulz~M.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Schwab~B.            \idxquad{14}
+\item Schwind~A.           \idxquad{33}
+\item Seehausen~U.         \idxquad{13}
+\item Sell~R.              \idxquad{11}
+\item Semenov~A.           \idxquad{23}
+\item Shekelyan~V.         \idxquad{23}
+\item Shooshtari~H.        \idxquad{25}
+\item Shtarkov~L.N.        \idxquad{24}
+\item Siegmon~G.           \idxquad{16}
+\item Siewert~U.           \idxquad{16}
+\item Skillicorn~I.O.      \idxquad{10}
+\item Smirnov~P.           \idxquad{24}
+\item Smith~J.R.           \idxquad{7}
+\item Smolik~L.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Spitzer~H.           \idxquad{13}
+\item Staroba~P.           \idxquad{29}
+\item Steenbock~M.         \idxquad{13}
+\item Steffen~P.           \idxquad{11}
+\item Stella~B.            \idxquad{31}
+\item Stephens~K.          \idxquad{22}
+\item St\"osslein~U.       \idxquad{33}
+\item Strachota~J.         \idxquad{11}
+\item Straumann~U.         \idxquad{35}
+\item Struczinski~W.       \idxquad{2}
+\item Taylor~R.E.          \idxquad{36,26}
+\item Tchernyshov~V.       \idxquad{23}
+\item Thiebaux~C.          \idxquad{27}
+\item Thompson~G.          \idxquad{20}
+\item Tru\"ol~P.           \idxquad{35}
+\item Turnau~J.            \idxquad{6}
+\item Urban~L.             \idxquad{25}
+\item Usik~A.              \idxquad{24}
+\item Valkarova~A.         \idxquad{30}
+\item Vall\'ee~C.          \idxquad{28}
+\item Van Esch~P.          \idxquad{4}
+\item Vartapetian~A.       \idxquad{11}
+\item Vazdik~Y.            \idxquad{24}
+\item Verrecchia~P.        \idxquad{9}
+\item Vick~R.              \idxquad{13}
+\item Vogel~E.             \idxquad{1}
+\item Wacker~K.            \idxquad{8}
+\item Walther~A.           \idxquad{8}
+\item Weber~G.             \idxquad{13}
+\item Wegner~A.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Wellisch~H.P.        \idxquad{25}
+\item West~L.R.            \idxquad{3}
+\item Willard~S.           \idxquad{7}
+\item Winde~M.             \idxquad{33}
+\item Winter~G.-G.         \idxquad{11}
+\item Wolff~Th.            \idxquad{34}
+\item Wright~A.E.          \idxquad{22}
+\item Wulff~N.             \idxquad{11}
+\item Yiou~T.P.            \idxquad{28}
+\item \v{Z}\'a\v{c}ek~J.   \idxquad{30}
+\item Zeitnitz~C.          \idxquad{12}
+\item Ziaeepour~H.         \idxquad{26}
+\item Zimmer~M.            \idxquad{11}
+\item Zimmermann~W.        \idxquad{11}
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+++ b/paper/llncsdoc.sty	Wed Jun 06 16:55:45 2012 +0900
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+% This is LLNCSDOC.STY the modification of the
+% LLNCS class file for the documentation of
+% the class itself.
+  A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{M}\kern-.125emS}}
+    \small\list{}{\settowidth\labelwidth{}\leftmargin\parindent
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+    \write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{##2}{##1}}}\fi\ignorespaces}%
+\bibitem[1982]{clar:eke3} Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.: Nonlinear
+oscillations and boundary-value problems for Hamiltonian systems.
+Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bf 78} (1982) 315--333
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+% remreset package
+% Copyright 1997 David carlisle
+% This file may be distributed under the terms of the LPPL.
+% See 00readme.txt for details.
+% 1997/09/28  David Carlisle
+% LaTeX includes a command \@addtoreset that is used to declare that
+% a counter should be reset every time a second counter is incremented.
+% For example the book class has a line
+% \@addtoreset{footnote}{chapter}
+% So that the footnote counter is reset each chapter.
+% If you wish to bas a new class on book, but without this counter
+% being reset, then standard LaTeX gives no simple mechanism to do
+% this.
+% This package defines |\@removefromreset| which just undoes the effect
+% of \@addtorest. So for example a class file may be defined by
+% \LoadClass{book}
+% \@removefromreset{footnote}{chapter}
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+  \expandafter\xdef\csname cl@#2\endcsname{%
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+%                                                           clmomu01.ind
+% CLMoMu01 1.0: LaTeX style files for books
+% Sample index file for User's guide
+% (c) Springer-Verlag HD
+\item Absorption\idxquad 327
+\item Absorption of radiation \idxquad 289--292,\, 299,\,300
+\item Actinides \idxquad 244
+\item Aharonov-Bohm effect\idxquad 142--146
+\item Angular momentum\idxquad 101--112
+\subitem algebraic treatment\idxquad 391--396
+\item Angular momentum addition\idxquad 185--193
+\item Angular momentum commutation relations\idxquad 101
+\item Angular momentum quantization\idxquad 9--10,\,104--106
+\item Angular momentum states\idxquad 107,\,321,\,391--396
+\item Antiquark\idxquad 83
+\item $\alpha$-rays\idxquad 101--103
+\item Atomic theory\idxquad 8--10,\,219--249,\,327
+\item Average value\newline ({\it see also\/} Expectation value)
+\item Baker-Hausdorff formula\idxquad 23
+\item Balmer formula\idxquad 8
+\item Balmer series\idxquad 125
+\item Baryon\idxquad 220,\,224
+\item Basis\idxquad 98
+\item Basis system\idxquad 164,\,376
+\item Bell inequality\idxquad 379--381,\,382
+\item Bessel functions\idxquad 201,\,313,\,337
+\subitem spherical\idxquad 304--306,\, 309,\, 313--314,\,322
+\item Bound state\idxquad 73--74,\,78--79,\,116--118,\,202,\, 267,\,
+\item Boundary conditions\idxquad 59,\, 70
+\item Bra\idxquad 159
+\item Breit-Wigner formula\idxquad 80,\,84,\,332
+\item Brillouin-Wigner perturbation theory\idxquad 203
+\item Cathode rays\idxquad 8
+\item Causality\idxquad 357--359
+\item Center-of-mass frame\idxquad 232,\,274,\,338
+\item Central potential\idxquad 113--135,\,303--314
+\item Centrifugal potential\idxquad 115--116,\,323
+\item Characteristic function\idxquad 33
+\item Clebsch-Gordan coefficients\idxquad 191--193
+\item Cold emission\idxquad 88
+\item Combination principle, Ritz's\idxquad 124
+\item Commutation relations\idxquad 27,\,44,\,353,\,391
+\item Commutator\idxquad 21--22,\,27,\,44,\,344
+\item Compatibility of measurements\idxquad 99
+\item Complete orthonormal set\idxquad 31,\,40,\,160,\,360
+\item Complete orthonormal system, {\it see}\newline
+Complete orthonormal set
+\item Complete set of observables, {\it see\/} Complete
+set of operators
+\item Eigenfunction\idxquad 34,\,46,\,344--346
+\subitem radial\idxquad 321
+\subsubitem calculation\idxquad 322--324
+\item EPR argument\idxquad 377--378
+\item Exchange term\idxquad 228,\,231,\,237,\,241,\,268,\,272
+\item $f$-sum rule\idxquad 302
+\item Fermi energy\idxquad 223
+\item H$^+_2$ molecule\idxquad 26
+\item Half-life\idxquad 65
+\item Holzwarth energies\idxquad 68